“As expected, using the language of gods and demons and the words of gods and demons to describe the Tao Te Ching is the correct cultivation method, no wonder almost no one in the previous life could learn the Tao Te Ching, and no one could get the benefits of cultivation from it.”

At this moment, Furukawa suddenly realized.

If it is to use mortal words to describe the Tao Te Ching, in fact, this is just an ordinary article, even if the words in it are beautiful, containing small words and meanings, extremely profound.

But if it is recorded and described in the words of gods and demons, then this is a true supreme cultivation method, every word is in line with the Avenue of Heaven and Earth, chaotic and reasonable.

What is contained in it is Lao Tzu’s understanding of the laws of the universe and the Avenue of Heaven and Earth, and almost this scripture has gained insight into the laws of the universe and stands on an absolute height.

Therefore, when Furukawa was running the Tao Te Ching just now, he said it word by word, and every word of gods and demons resonated with the laws of the universe in the chaos.

“I’m afraid it’s not just the Tao Te Ching, but also the Nanhua Immortal Sutra, and even the 108,000 books of Buddhism, the Christian Genesis Book, I’m afraid that their original content is recorded in the words of gods and demons, not in the words of mortals, so in the flood era this is the real cultivation method, representing the supreme avenue.”

Furukawa felt that he had probably guessed the truth of the matter, and it was no wonder that the immortals did not mind releasing these cultivation methods, because these contents were impossible for mortals to cultivate in the first place.

This is the cultivation method of the immortals.

And if you want to cultivate, you must comprehend the words and language of gods and demons, and if you can’t comprehend it, then I’m afraid you can’t even enter the threshold.

In fact, in the later life, some saints paid attention to the qualifications of their disciples, which was also something that could not be helped.

After all, if the qualifications are dull, you can’t even recognize the words, try to ask how it is possible to cultivate in this way, illiterate people cannot cultivate, and the door to immortality has been closed from the beginning.

“The bronze ancient door just now should be the gate of all wonders.”

Furukawa perceives the chaotic visions born around him, and he pays attention to the situation around him at all times.

That ancient bronze gate stands in the void, which seems to symbolize the ancient, chaotic and immortal existence, which is condensed by the infinite chaotic air flow, containing many mysteries of the laws of the universe.

So it must be the gate of all wonders that Lao Tzu said.

In fact, this is not a real gate, but a law gate condensed by the infinite law power and origin energy in chaos, which contains endless mysteries, and seems to be able to connect the huge energy in the depths of chaos and communicate the origin of the universe.

If you want to cause a vision of the Gate of All Wonders and cause the law to shake, if it is not for the supreme cultivation method, it is simply impossible to do so, this is already an insight into the essence of the origin of the universe.

Once, twice, three times….

At this moment, Furukawa was completely immersed in the process of cultivation, and deep in his heart, he was constantly silently reciting the contents of the Tao Te Ching, and the sound of gods and demons also emanated from his body.

And every syllable seems to be the sound of the avenue, which resonates with the laws of the deep universe.

Every time he ran the Tao Te Ching, it seemed to make his strength stronger.

With his body as the center, an infinite vision was produced in a radius of ten billion kilometers, and a huge bronze ancient door stood above his head, symbolizing the eternal and immortal existence.

There seemed to be golden lotus flowers surging around him, which was a vision of the earth’s golden lotus.

At the same time, in the depths of the void, there seems to be a burst of gong sounds, this is not a gong and drum, but a gong of laws, only by causing the vibration of the law will such a sound of the avenue be born.

Even the chaotic air flow with a radius of tens of billions of kilometers formed a huge vortex, and the chaotic storm produced was simply a hundred times larger than the chaotic vision of the last Chaos Bead.

Furukawa’s primordial ancient snake body also floated in the chaos like this, and his body seemed to be wrapped in layers of chaotic energy, and his appearance looked like an eggshell.

This kind of chaotic energy has 129,600 layers, layered on top of each other, and is extremely thick.


From the depths of the bronze ancient gate, as if they didn’t want money, a large number of chaos runes poured out, these are the most original law runes in the depths of chaos, containing the mysteries of the law.

These chaos runes also disappeared into the body of the original ancient snake of Furukawa.

At the same time, the Chaos Supreme Treasure, the Chaos Bead, hidden in the depths of the Furukawa Sea of Consciousness, also felt that these Chaos Runes were of great benefit to itself.

After all, it is only a magic weapon that has just been born, it can be regarded as an infancy, and it does not have the power and power to suppress the heavens in the heyday of the later life.

Therefore, it also needs to constantly cultivate and understand the laws of the universe, so that it can complement itself and perfect its body.

Countless chaos runes were also like stars, and they submerged into the chaos beads, which also made the laws inside the chaos beads further improved, and the aura was increasing and increasing at the speed of geometric progression.


Furukawa was floating in the chaos, and at this moment he was already immersed in the process of cultivation and improving the comprehension of mana and laws, and his mind was completely immersed in the cosmic avenue.

It can be said that now Furukawa has forgotten time, forgotten space, and reached the realm of all four emptiness.

The void in all directions is also constantly shaking the sound of gods and demons of the Tao Te Ching, buzzing.

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