In an instant, the nine quasi-saint-level demon gods forced the palace and publicly jumped out to contradict Furukawa, which was a terrifying suffocating pressure, and any powerful demon god would sweat like rain, let alone ordinary demon gods.

The chaotic void with a radius of trillions of kilometers was filled with the coercion of these terrifying demon gods.

When the nearby demon gods saw this scene, their pupils contracted, they actually knew that the dark demon wolf and other demon gods wanted to go crazy, but they had never accumulated all their strength.

Within these ten eras, these demon gods secretly colluded and had already reached an offensive and defensive alliance, so their rage today was not accidental, but deliberate and purposeful.

However, most of the demon gods are cold-eyed, because they also want to know what kind of strength and ability this demon god who wants to preach chaos, the primordial ancient snake.

If you don’t have the ability, and you dare to do such a thing as preaching chaos, it is to seek your own death, and it is naturally difficult to escape death.

But if they are really great gods and have the strength to coerce all gods and demons, then it is worth it for them to finally arrive in this place of Chaos City.

In any case, what happened today is also a great opportunity to weigh this primordial ancient snake.


In an instant, after hearing these words, Gu Chuan, who had always wanted to float above Chaos City, finally opened his eyes, but this opening made countless demon gods feel shocked.

What the?!

Many demon gods looked at Furukawa’s eyes in disbelief, what kind of eyes were they, as if they were nothing, as if they were chaos, and as if they were all-encompassing, containing everything.

They felt that their demon god bodies were being seen, and all their secrets were exposed, and there was no way to hide anything.

Even the Quasi-Saint level Demon Gods felt as if they had no secret life in front of this primordial ancient snake.

This is the supreme god looking at the ant, his own incomparably small, not worth mentioning at all.

For a time, the hair of the nine quasi-saint-level demon gods such as the Dark Demon Wolf stood up, and their whole bodies were chilled, and they already had a burst of coolness and regret in their hearts.

Just by looking at them, it actually makes them have such a feeling, as if they have no power to fight back, so can they continue to do it?!

But now they can’t help but retreat, the bows and arrows have been shot, where is there a reason to turn back.

And they are also full of confidence in their strength, even if they can’t kill this primordial ancient snake, but with their strength, it is not a big problem to escape from this place.

Therefore, this is the reason why they still dare to break out when they know the horror of the strength of this primordial ancient snake.

Anyway, they will not die, since this is the case, it is better to try the jin two of this primitive ancient snake, if this primitive ancient snake has a false name, then they can be sent out, and take the opportunity to swallow this primitive ancient snake.

“The opening sermon is after the ninety epochs, and if you are impatient, you can naturally leave, and I will not stop it.” Furukawa finally spoke for the first time after ten epochs.

At this moment, he had thoroughly comprehended the law of sound, and every word contained the rhythm of the avenue, which caused the law of chaotic void in all directions to resonate and buzz.

Such a voice was directly transmitted to the depths of the sea of consciousness of every demon god, and no demon god could block half a point.

“Leave? I waited here for ten epochs, and you said to leave and go, when we are what we are. The Dark Demon Wolf sneered and stared at Furukawa, very impatient.

“Why don’t you use some magical powers, let us see your skills, otherwise how can I be convinced.” The Flame Demon Tiger said with a smile, it wanted Furukawa to show some skills, just like watching people play monkeys.

“If you believe, you stay, if you don’t believe, you leave, I don’t force it, this is the cause.”

Furukawa said lightly.

He had no intention of keeping these demon gods at all, and since he had set the altar to preach after a hundred epochs, he would have to start preaching after a hundred epochs.

This is integrity.

“It doesn’t make sense with this guy, since this guy refuses to show some skills, then let’s let him taste something powerful and see, there are countless powerful demon gods in the chaos, who dares to claim the first, this guy actually dares to speak out, to preach chaos, dead words don’t know how to write.”

The Thunder Monitor Lizard was murderous, and its eyes contained terrifying killing intent, and it had not concealed its intentions at all.

“Let’s do it together and slaughter him.”

The dark demon wolf shouted angrily.


In an instant, the Dark Demon Wolf and other nine quasi-saint-level demon gods immediately made a move, erupting from them with terrifying demon god power, instantly permeating the chaotic void in all directions.

The power of the law of darkness, the law of flame, the law of thunder and other laws formed a series of law lights, directly towards Furukawa, trying to completely penetrate the original ancient snake body of Furukawa.

“Hands on.”

When the other demon gods saw this scene, their eyes widened, and they could completely feel the horror of the attacks of the dark demon wolf and other demon gods, almost reaching the limit of the law.

Such a light of law blasts out, it is simply indestructible, ordinary gods and demons touch, I am afraid that they will be crushed in an instant, and the corpses and bones will be completely gone.

They thoroughly displayed the power of quasi-saint demon gods, above other ordinary demon gods.

Many demon gods were shocked, they didn’t know how the primordial ancient snakes could resist the attacks of these demon gods, if they changed places, they would definitely die, and it was absolutely impossible to resist.

“Dare to make a move in my Chaos City, it seems that you are tired of living, since this is the case, then you will all return to Chaos.” Furukawa looked at these Chaos Demon Gods lightly.

He uses the huge amount of mana in his body.

Bloodline Power – Chaos Realm!


In an instant, with the body of the primordial ancient snake of Furukawa as the center, within a radius of tens of light years, it was shrouded in a huge chaotic realm in an instant.

At this moment, the earth, wind, water, and fire in the entire chaotic void, and even time and space, were static, and all the power of laws could not operate at this moment.

What the?!

Many demon gods were terrified and shivered, they felt that their bodies at this moment could not move at all, as if even the surrounding chaotic time and space were completely imprisoned.

They can only move their eyes, and they can’t move any other part, not even the power of the demon god in their bodies, and an endless panic spreads throughout their bodies.

It was not only ordinary demon gods, but the nine quasi-saint-level demon gods such as the dark demon wolf were even more shocked, and they felt unparalleled pressure.

When this chaotic realm descended, they found themselves unable to move, and even the energy of the Law Light they blasted out was imprisoned, and they could hardly move for half a minute.

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