Not long after, the death of the Great Wu Qua Father quickly spread throughout the Wu tribe, and such news made countless Great Wu grief-stricken, as if he had lost a great figure.

Because Father Qua is a highly respected figure for the Wu Clan, there are simply countless great witches who have received his favor, and they are simply like their fathers.

Now he was killed in order to save the Wu tribe, and such grief is simply indescribable.

Countless Wu Clan Great Witches were extremely angry and furious.

“Revenge, must take revenge.”

A big witch stood up and shouted angrily: “Father Qua went to negotiate with Jinwu for our Wu tribe, but he was killed by Jinwu and burned into a dry corpse. ”

He couldn’t wait to immediately slaughter the demon clan, kill the ten golden crows, and avenge his father.

“Everyone should calm down.”

Another Great Witch spoke, “We have not witnessed Father Qua being killed by Jinwu, and there is no absolute evidence that Father Quao’s death is related to Jinwu. ”

He glanced at the surrounding witches, hoping that everyone would calm down.

However, these words completely detonated the anger of all the great witches.


“Father Quao’s body has been burned into a dry corpse, this is the unique flame power of Jinwu, if it is not Jinwugan, who else has this ability.”

“That’s right, other things can be disguised, but this is Jinwu’s unique ability, how can it be disguised?! It must have been the Golden Crows, and it was they who killed Father Kwa. ”

“Before the demon clan was above the top, there was a lot of bullying for our Wu clan, and they looked down on our Wu clan, it must be those Jinwu princes who looked down on Father Quao, so they shot to kill Father Quao.”

“That’s right, similar things don’t just happen to Father Quao, other great witches have also experienced similar things, those monsters are too arrogant, and they think they are invincible in the world when they occupy the sky.”

“Don’t make excuses for the demon clan, you are our witch clan, not a demon god.”

A Venerable Great Witch was furious, they thought that the evidence was conclusive, although no one saw that it was Jin Crow who killed the Great Wu Qua Father, but there was a unique flame power of the Golden Crow in the body of the Qua Father.

If Father Qua was not killed by Jinwu, then who else had the ability to kill Father Kua.

“The problem is, that is the son of the Heavenly Emperor, and if he takes revenge, it will definitely cause a war between the witch clan and the demon clan.”

A great witch said hesitantly.

“Then start a war.”

At this moment, a great witch stood up, and his body exuded a murderous aura and he was furious.

His name is Hou Yi, and he is also a famous witch, and his combat power is stronger than that of his father, and he is a world-famous marksman.

To be honest, he had received too much favor from his father, and he was simply the godson of his father.

Now that Father Qua is dead, I can’t imagine how sad Houyi really is, this is simply the revenge of killing his father, and it cannot be tolerated.

“Those Jinwu princes have no one in their sights, wantonly hurting the ordinary clansmen of our Wu clan, and now they have even killed the Great Wu Qua father, which is no longer tolerable.”

The Great Witch Queen Yi shouted angrily: “Although the demon clan is powerful, are we the Wu clan afraid of death?” Today he dares to kill the Great Wu Quao’s father, tomorrow they dare to kill the Zuwu, and the day after tomorrow they dare to destroy our Wu Clan.

Our Wu clan is Pangu authentic, with the sky above our heads, our feet on the earth, when we are afraid of things, since the demon clan wants to war, then we will give them war. ”

There was a terrifying murderous aura in him, and he was full of anger.

“That’s right, Father Quao’s death can’t just be counted like that.”

“Even if it is the son of the Heavenly Emperor, even if the Heavenly Emperor kills our Wu Clan Great Witch, he has to give us an explanation.”

“They are just trying to start a war, and we can’t tolerate it anymore.”

“What about the race that occupies the sky? When we Wu Clan are afraid of them, even if we can overturn them. ”

One by one, the great witches expressed their attitude, they all decided to take revenge, kill those golden crows, and avenge their father.

And some of the big witches who want everyone to calm down do not dare to speak, now it is a crowd of emotions, who dares to oppose, who is a traitor who betrays the witch clan, is a traitor.

At this time, they do not need the so-called calmers at all, anger has already burned their sanity.

“Now the question is this, those golden crows are high in the sky, we can’t get close at all, how can we kill them?” A great witch raised his own doubts.

“It’s okay.”

Great Witch Houyi’s eyes showed a cold glow: “Although those golden crows fly high in the sky, they are not impossible to kill, my tribe has witch clan secret techniques, if you do your best, then you can create special bows and arrows, which can shoot creatures nine days away, even golden crows can’t resist.” ”


From the second day, the Wu tribe to which Hou Yi belonged began to make all efforts to build bows and arrows, almost pouring out, collecting materials for forging bows and arrows everywhere.

It took nine days and nine nights for them to finally create eighteen Nine Heavens Xuan Arrows, each of which contained terrifying void power and murderous qi.

“Houyi, are you really going to shoot Jinwu?”

A Wu Clan blacksmith said in a deep voice: “Although these bows and arrows are very powerful and can shoot creatures nine days away, even if they can reach those golden crows, they may not be able to kill each other.”

And even if you can really kill to death, you have to bear the consequences of killing these golden crows, and when the time comes, the Demon Race Heavenly Emperor will be angry, and even Zu Wu will not be able to keep you. ”

He looked at the Great Witch Houyi seriously, and felt that this was the act of nine deaths.

“It doesn’t hurt.”

The Great Witch Houyi said in a deep voice: “If Father Quao is dead, those golden crows will also have to die, even if it costs my life, when are we Wu Clan afraid of death.”

And if the golden crow does not die, the disaster of our Wu clan will not end, ten days in the sky, the heat is unstoppable, I don’t know how many clansmen will die under such high temperatures. ”

His voice was cut and there was no hesitation.

It’s just that all the people of the Wu clan don’t know that there is a trace of evil energy lingering on Hou Yi’s body, and it seems that some force has invaded his body and blinded his mind.

“Okay, then that’s up to you. But you have to remember that we poured out the wealth of the entire tribe, just to make these bows and arrows, if you can’t shoot, there will be no second chance. ”

The Wu Clan blacksmith sighed, took out the eighteen Nine Heavens Xuan Arrows, and solemnly handed them to Hou Yi.

He also knew that this time the war between the witch clan and the demon clan could not be avoided, and there was only a way to advance, and there was no way to retreat.

“Don’t worry, my archery skills are unparalleled in the world, and no creature can escape my bow and arrow one hundred percent.”

Hou Yi clenched his longbow, his eyes showing absolute confidence.

After saying this, he strode out of the place.

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