“By the way, it is indeed a troublesome matter for the dead to leave hell, and you have to send all these dead back to hell.”

At this time, Furukawa also sensed that in the heavens and realms, because the gates of hell were breached, countless evil spirits escaped from hell and wreaked havoc in the heavens and realms.

And this also caused countless killings in the heavens and realms, countless deaths and injuries, which was also a huge disaster.

Such a calamity alone by relying on the words of the gods alone may not be able to end in a short time.

“Forget it, send all the evil spirits back.”

Furukawa thought about it and took out a secret treasure of hell from his body, the scepter of death, which is the strongest secret treasure born from hell and the highest symbol of the law of death, the highest authority that only the lord of hell, the lord of death, can hold.

This scepter contains the power of the supreme law of death.


In an instant, Furukawa held the death scepter and gently tapped the void.

Suddenly, with Furukawa’s body as the center, bursts of void ripples were born, which were fluctuations in the law of death, constantly spreading out, and in a short while, it affected the heavens and realms.


At this time, the bodies of all the demons who were raging in the heavens and realms stopped instantly, and they seemed to be deprived of their ability to think, turning into puppets.

This is the power of the death scepter, which can completely control these dead people, instantly deprive them of their will, and make them completely obey the power of the death scepter.

“What’s going on? How could these evil spirits suddenly stop? ”

One by one, the creatures who were fighting to the death against the evil spirits, they originally thought that they would die and would be devoured by the endless evil spirits.

However, they were surprised to find that these evil spirits could not move one by one, and they never attacked themselves again, which made the creatures uncertain for a while.

“I don’t know, it may be that some great god made a move and controlled these evil spirits.”

“If that’s the case, that’s great.”

“These evil spirits are really terrible, they are not afraid of death, and they master the power of death, and there are all kinds of techniques, they are difficult to fight, and they are indeed outright evil ghosts.”

“No way, they are immortal and immortal dead, in hell, after hundreds of millions of years of conquest, each of them is a number of combat masters, honing their combat skills to the extreme, we can’t beat them at all.”

All living beings talked about it, they fought with the evil spirits, and found that these evil spirits were extremely terrifying, each of them was a battle-hardened warrior, and they all had invincible strength of the same rank.

How could ordinary cultivators be the opponents of these evil spirits, and as soon as they fought, they were simply instantly defeated.

As a result, I don’t know how many cultivators were slaughtered by the demons.

“Go back.”

At this time, Furukawa spoke, and he gave orders to these dead through the death scepter.


Suddenly, bursts of death fluctuations also appeared in the depths of the void, as if it was a death decree, transmitted to the depths of the consciousness sea of countless deceased, and activated a certain program in their bodies.

“Yes, Lord of Death.”

When countless dead heard these words, they did not have any hesitation, and instantly gave up the fight and walked back towards the gate of hell, like puppets.

The commands of the death scepter are absolute, and they cannot be disobeyed at all.


And such a strange condition was immediately discovered by the gods.

“What’s going on? The demons who escaped from hell seem to have returned. A god immediately discovered that the demons that had been raging everywhere in the heavens and realms seemed to be under control at this moment.

One by one, these evil spirits seemed to be deprived of their wisdom, like puppets, and automatically walked towards the gate of hell, as if they took the initiative to return to the hell world.

And because these evil spirits stopped, the sentient beings also got a respite, and they also found that they did not need to deal with these evil spirits anymore, and they were spared this war.

“Lord City Lord, it was Lord City Lord who made a move.”

A god spoke.

“So that’s the case, if it’s the City Lord who makes a move, then it makes complete sense.”

“It is worthy of being the Lord of the City, it is really too powerful, and he solved the catastrophe that affected the heavens and realms as soon as he made a move.”

Many gods couldn’t help but nod.

Hell itself is a special world opened up by the Chaos City Lord, specially created to accommodate the dead, so it is natural that the City Lord has the means to deal with these dead.

However, seeing that Furukawa solved this catastrophe so easily, many gods were also extremely emotional, and their reverence for Furukawa was even higher.


I saw that many evil spirits were lining up, and one by one they walked towards the gate of hell.

And at this moment, the four chaos demon gods trapped by the evil gods, they also got out of trouble at this moment, and immediately returned to hell to maintain the order of these evil spirits going back to hell.

Everything is in order.

The endless breath of hell and death that had originally shrouded the heavens and realms also quickly dissipated at this moment, returning to the deepest part of hell and returning to the original place.

But after such a catastrophe, all the heavens and realms were hit hard, and there were countless deaths and injuries.

Especially in the Flood Barren World, due to the Lich hegemony, coupled with the attack of evil spirits, the appearance of desolate beasts has led to the smoke everywhere in the Flood Barren World and rivers of blood.

“Flood Barren World!”

At this moment, Furukawa set his eyes on the Flood Barren World, his gaze penetrated countless barriers, and saw what happened during this time in the Flood Barren World.

It can be said that this catastrophe has caused both the Wu clan and the demon clan to be hit hard, and I don’t know how many clansmen have been killed and injured.

At the beginning, they killed each other, and then they were attacked and killed by demons, and the most terrifying thing was that the desolate beasts ran out of the secret world, forming an endless tide of beasts.

As a result, the two major races of the Lich retreated again and again, the cities that were originally built were destroyed countless times, the clansmen were also killed and injured countless times, and the territory of Nuoda fell apart, and there was no longer the foundation and momentum of the hegemonic race.

Even the Demon Clan’s Dijun, Taiyi, Kunpeng, and Twelve Ancestral Witches and other quasi-saint-level masters were completely hit hard by this calamity at this moment.

It is estimated that he will not be able to recover his injuries in a short period of time, and it can be said that this has ruined the possibility of the Lich Clan becoming the protagonists of heaven and earth.

They have also withdrawn from the historical stage like the five races of the Flood Barrens, and at this moment, the entire Flood Barren World has been ravaged by the Desolate Beasts and has become a paradise for the Desolate Beasts.

“When the time comes, you can start building the Six Realms World.”

Furukawa’s eyes showed a trace of essence, and he was extremely happy to see that the Flood Barren World was not only lifeless everywhere, but also extremely happy, because the time had come for the Flood Barren World to evolve into the Six Realms.

Once the Six Realms World is formed, it will be difficult to attack the Six Realms even in the end times, and after the gates of hell are broken, it will rarely happen that evil spirits wreak havoc on the world.

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