“If that’s the case, then we choose to join the Interpretation, isn’t it a problem?”

A human immortal said excitedly: “Once we join the Interpretation Sect, we can not only get the protection of such a big force as the Interpretation Sect, but also the guidance of the saints, which is simply a step to heaven.” ”

The other immortals couldn’t help but nodded, imagining one after another, after joining the teaching, even if they couldn’t become saints, become quasi-saints, or even Da Luo Golden Immortals, at least they could be immortal and admired by thousands of people.

“Stop dreaming.”

The Earth Immortal sneered: “Do you think that the Interpretation Sect is so easy to enter?” Their requirements for screening disciples were extremely strict, and it was not enough to be gifted alone, but even needed to have deep heels and ancient bloodlines. If the conditions are slightly worse, they will be defeated and will not be able to enter the teachings at all. ”

He poured a bucket of cold water on the numerous immortals.

“Deeper, ancient bloodline? Isn’t this the children of those powerful people? Where do we, disciples from civilian backgrounds, have the opportunity to enter the teachings? Hearing this, a group of immortals were stunned.

They all rose from the micro-end, and they came from the human world, where there is any background, where there is any bloodline.

“Otherwise, you think it’s so good to expound the teachings, but there aren’t many disciples.”

The Earth Immortal said in a deep voice: “This is because they strive for perfection, only recruit elites, and those who can join the teaching, if they are not the sons of a great power, or the descendants of a certain race, or the descendants of an ancient demon god, or some relatives of an ancient power, etc., all of them are powerful.”

Of course, in addition to these bloody descendants, if there are elite disciples of the Interpretation Sect who write a letter of introduction as a guarantee, they may also have a certain opportunity to join.

Moreover, the tuition fees for teaching are extremely expensive, requiring thousands of chaos coins every year, and where can ordinary people afford such tuition fees, only those powerful people can afford it. ”

Thousands of Chaos Coins?!

Hearing this, many immortals gasped, to be honest, the wealth on their bodies may not add up to a hundred chaos coins, but the annual tuition fee costs thousands of chaos coins.

Can’t read, really can’t read.

They immediately felt that the teachings were really unattainable, and they were full of nobles.

“Of course, because they only recruit these powerful children, they have led to the wealth and resources of the teachings. In this way, the cultivation of each disciple who joins the teachings is also extremely sufficient. ”

Na Dixian sighed with emotion: “And once you join the Interpretation Sect, since all of them are the children of powerful people, the connections made in it alone are an immeasurable wealth. ”

The other immortals couldn’t help but nod, connections were indeed an unimaginable wealth, but it was a pity that these poor ghosts didn’t want to join the teaching.

“Isn’t there any other sect that can join besides the Interpretation?”

A human immortal couldn’t help but ask, they didn’t dare to think about such an aristocratic sect as Interpretation, but the Celestial Realm was so big, it should not be just this sect.

“Yes, is there a lower threshold that is suitable for us immortals with no background?”

An immortal asked.

“Yes, naturally there is.”

The black-clothed Earth Immortal nodded: “I am afraid that the only one who can be compared with the Interpretation Sect is the Truncated Sect, to be honest, the Interpretation Sect and the Truncated Sect are actually from the same sect, and the leaders of the two sects are two brothers.”

And the sect leader is Lingbao Tianzun, and at the same time, he is also known as the Tongtian Sect Leader, and his strength is also extraordinary, no less than that of Yuan Shi Tianzun.

However, the teaching concept of truncated teaching is different from interpretation, it is known as teaching without class, intercepting the first line of life of heaven and earth, implying that there will always be a line of life between heaven and earth, that is the one that escapes in the avenue, so those who join the truncated teaching will not care about the identity background, as long as they have strength and qualifications, they can join the truncated teaching. ”

“Good, this sect is good.”

The eyes of many immortals suddenly lit up, and they felt that the Sect Intercept was very suitable for them to join.

“But just now you said that the Truncated Sect can be compared with the Interpretation Teaching, is there any basis?”

An immortal asked curiously.

“Of course there is a basis.”

The black-clothed Earth Immortal said: “The four chief disciples of the Tongtian Sect Lord, the Duo Bao Daoist, the Golden Spirit Virgin, the Wudang Virgin, and the Turtle Spirit Virgin, as well as the elite disciples Zhao Gongming, Yunxiao Fairy, Qiongxiao Fairy, Bixiao Fairy, Wuyunxian, Golden Hoop Immortal, etc.

They are also famous names, they have already appeared in the Chaos Genius Battle, and they have also been able to enter the Chaos City to cultivate, and their qualifications and strength are no less than the twelve quasi-saints of the Interpretation.

In fact, these true disciples of the Intercept Sect have also been promoted to the realm of quasi-saints one by one, and it is said that they are not very far from the realm of saints, and their reputation has long been resounding in the heavens and realms. ”

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment and continued: “And since Lingbao Tianzun is not too strict in accepting apprentices, all those who are qualified, no matter what race or what kind of life, have all entered the main door of the Tongtian Sect.

In this way, the number of disciples of the Intercept Sect is extremely large, almost all over the heavens and realms, and basically the figures of the disciples of the Intercept Sect can be seen everywhere in the heavens and realms.

Basically, the number of disciples of the Sect is more than dozens of times that of the Sect, which can be regarded as a sect with a relatively low threshold, and it has also attracted countless civilian geniuses from the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms to join. ”

In fact, due to the growth of the Intercept Sect, the luck is strong.

Therefore, Lingbao Tianzun’s strength naturally also advanced by leaps and bounds, and like Yuan Shi Tianzun, he was promoted to the realm of the god king, mastered the eighty-one avenue rules, and was unmatched.

“In that case, then what are you waiting for, hurry up and join the Intercept Sect.”

Many immortals are extremely excited, and there is no need to think about the teachings of the powerful children, but this common disciple is everywhere, and they may still have hope.

“Stop thinking about it, you’re still dreaming here.”

Hearing this, the black-clothed Earth Immortal glanced obliquely: “Although I said just now that the threshold of the intercept sect is very low, but I don’t mean that it is really very low, don’t look at the fact that the intercept sect does not attach great importance to the origin of the disciples, but it still attaches great importance to the qualifications of cultivation.”

The number of geniuses who want to join the Intercept Sect every year is counted in hundreds of millions, but there are still very few people who can enter the Intercept Sect every year, which means that the Intercept Sect will only recruit those geniuses among the civilians, and they are also peerless geniuses, the kind that is not one among the billions. ”

What the?!

Hearing this, the faces of many immortals immediately turned completely green, and to be honest, they also considered themselves geniuses, able to cultivate from the extremely weak realm to the immortal realm.

But in the celestial realm, how many lives are cultivated as immortals, it is simply standard, and some perverts are even human immortals at birth, which cannot be compared from the starting point.

They still want to compete with such peerless geniuses, isn’t this a dream?!

“Hehe, on the surface, there is no threshold, but the real threshold is inside, you will know after the test, this is a real army crossing the single-wood bridge.”

The black-clothed Earth Immortal sighed, seemingly recalling something unbearable to look back on.

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