If other people knew about these things, they would definitely scold Zhen Yuanzi, this guy is too meticulous.

It is clear that he is already an invincible God Emperor, and he can absolutely easily sweep the world with his own strength alone, but he is still so afraid of death and so meticulous.

It is enough to cultivate a heaven and earth spirit tree such as a divine fruit tree, but I am afraid that I am not safe enough, and I will directly build the entire world into the Earth Immortal Realm, which is solid.

Zhen Yuanzi’s own strength, coupled with the power of the Earth Immortal Realm, I am afraid that dozens of god emperors will besiege him, and this is already a super fortress.

Obviously, Zhen Yuanzi had already thought of a deeper level, even if he encountered dozens or hundreds of god emperors besieged, he could not kill him, and he could not destroy his plan.

Even this world is hidden in the depths of the void by Zhen Yuanzi, and in the depths of the dimension, even if the God Emperor wants to find the traces of this world, it is extremely difficult.

It is difficult to find, even if it is found, it is difficult to attack, and there is also the ancestor of the Earth Immortal Town Yuanzi sitting in the town, which is simply solid to the finger.

However, Zhen Yuanzi is such a cautious person, even if he is promoted to the realm of God Emperor Perfection, he is still cautious, never careless, and careful of all dangers.


At this time, thirty years passed in a flash, and the magical fruit tree instantly condensed hundreds of millions of magical fruits, and each magical fruit bloomed with a faint golden light, which seemed to contain incredible magical power.

“Go, find the right master for you.”

Zhen Yuanzi waved his hand.


In an instant, hundreds of millions of magical fruits were wrapped by a spatial force, and they flew out at once, disappeared into the chaotic void, and flew in all directions of the universe.

Zhen Yuanzi doesn’t care who will get these magical fruits, anyway, if they can get it, there is a fate.


Immediately, he sat cross-kneeled on the ground, using the mana in his body to comprehend the Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

He doesn’t need to fight, just wait for time to pass slowly, and when these divine fruits resound in the supreme universe and gather all the momentum, that’s when he is promoted to the lord of the universe.


At this time, one by one, the magical fruits appeared silently in any corner of this universe, or in a planet, or in a small thousand worlds, or in the abyss world.

Or in the valleys, farmlands, seas, mountains, deserts.

In short, these magical fruits do not have any regularity and can appear in any place, and the power of each magical fruit is different.

“Huh? What is this? ”

On a certain planet, in a certain village, a child was herding cattle, and suddenly a fruit fell from the sky and happened to hit his head.

He picked it up and saw that it was a strange fruit, even though he had seen many fruits in the countryside, he had never seen this type of fruit.

“What kind of fruit is this, can I eat it?” I eat and see, my God, how it is as bad as si. ”

The child was so curious that he picked up the fruit and ate it, and immediately he felt an unpleasant smell and an indescribable taste.

He wanted to throw up immediately, but it was too late.

Because when he took the first bite, the entire mysterious fruit melted, turned into a strange liquid, and instantly merged into his limbs.

“Fire, fire, fire, my whole body is on fire!”

In an instant, the child shouted, because he suddenly found flames all over his body, and his nose, mouth, ears, and eyes were all spewing out a large amount of flames.

It seemed that at this moment he had turned into a burning man.

As a small child, where did he encounter such a thing, he immediately shouted.

But soon he found that although his whole body was on fire, he did not feel burned at all, as if his body had long been accustomed to flames.

“I, I can manipulate flames?!”

The boy was pleasantly surprised, and he immediately knew that he had encountered an incredible adventure.


A certain shop Xiao Er who was bullied in the rivers and lakes took a fruit one day, and when he was bullied again, he couldn’t stand it anymore and broke out in vain.

His entire body seemed to turn into a poisonous person, and all kinds of poisonous gases and venoms erupted from his body, and everywhere he went, it simply turned into a highly toxic place.

All the lives that came close to him were poisoned, people and animals were extinguished, and he also became a famous poisonous Venerable, which made countless lives fearful.


Some people were chased and killed, cornered, came to the edge of the cliff and planned to jump off the cliff, but they inadvertently took a thunder fruit, and the whole person instantly mastered the thunder,

Those who chased and killed him were immediately subjected to thunder and electrocuted to death by the power of furious thunder.

He has also become the supreme who masters thunder, and his body is filled with crackling lightning all year round.


In fact, similar things are happening constantly in this supreme universe.

The appearance of one by one magical fruits instantly changed the lives of countless mortals, normally speaking, these mortals are extremely ordinary in their lives, and there is no chance to emerge.

However, after taking these magical fruits, he immediately mastered the powerful magical power and obtained a powerful combat power that far surpassed that of other cultivators.

You know, it would take those cultivators decades, centuries, or even tens of thousands of years to master such a powerful power.

But these mortals, just after taking a fruit, can instantly grasp this power.

Such a thing also made the entire universe, countless mortals crazy, whether it was ordinary people or dignitaries, they all wanted to find such magical fruits to take.

Because such a magical fruit can be taken by anyone, regardless of whether it is expensive or cheap.

It is also because the mortal who has mastered the power of the divine power is too crazy, because a mortal suddenly has a strong power, if the heart is not enough, he will kill everywhere, do evil everywhere, and turn into a demon.

Therefore, such a magical fruit is also feared by countless lives, thinking that this is a devil fruit, but a terrible fruit that the devil has passed down to the world.

Slowly, the entire Supreme Universe also spread a legend that in the deepest part of the universe, a tree of devil fruits grew, and every thirty years, a batch of devil fruits would be bred.

And these demon fruits will also spread to all parts of the universe, and if anyone takes these demon fruits, they will be able to master incredible demonic power and have the power to the extreme.

Because of this, the appearance of the divine fruit immediately caused earth-shaking changes to all the lives and all the forces in the entire Supreme Universe.

Countless mortals are demanding to encounter a demon fruit and master powerful demonic powers.

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