XX Supreme Universe.

A remote planet, at this moment this planet has long been transformed into a huge laboratory, full of all kinds of precision biological equipment, full of science and technology, futuristic.

Countless researchers, clones, and robots are busy all over the planet, and all kinds of biological samples are displayed all over the laboratory.

At this moment, in the deepest part of this planet, that is, the most core of the laboratory, the owner of this planet, that is, Nuwa, is here.

“Lord Nuwa.”

An experimenter looked at Nuwa: “We have been in this supreme universe for a long time, but we have never participated in the battle of the six gods, and there are not many merits in our bodies, is Lord Nuwa planning to give up this six god battles?” ”

She belongs to an experimenter in Nuwa’s camp, the six sentient beings, and followed Nuwa into this supreme universe, but so far Nuwa does not seem to have participated in the six paths of fighting gods, but has built a huge laboratory in this place with great interest and started various biological experiments.

This couldn’t help but make her a little anxious.

Because once the progress lags behind, I am afraid that they will not be able to compare with other god emperors in the beast world.

Don’t look at Nuwa’s status in the animal world at this moment, but in the face of such a huge opportunity, it is nothing at all, if it is taken away by other god emperors, then Nuwa’s status will definitely plummet in the animal world.

“Of course I won’t give up.”

Nuwa smiled slightly: “This is a long-distance running race, not the faster you run at the beginning, the better, the most important thing is to accumulate thick and thin, so as to win the biggest victory.” ”

“Accumulate thick and thin? Could it be that Lord Nuwa has been preparing for the Six Realms of God Battle? ”

The experimenter was curious.

“Of course, in order to seize this supreme universe, I took out the highest biotechnology crystallization in recent years and created an unprecedented mythical creature.”

Nuwa clenched her pink fist, extremely excited, and she pointed to the one hundred and eight creatures in front of her.

What the?!

The experimenters around them all looked over, and saw the creatures that appeared in front of them, the appearance was white, smooth as jade, like exquisite ceramics, looking like clay figures, round and rolling, very cute.

However, they sensed that this clay-like creature was permeated with incredible divine power, and it was completely integrated.

“What kind of life is this?”

Many experimenters are extremely curious, they have never seen such a strange life before, obviously this is Nuwa’s top secret, except for a few people, no one knows what kind of life Nuwa has created.

“This is the strongest race I created in order to compete for the six divine positions, I call it the whole race!”

Nuwa smiled slightly.

“The whole clan?!”

Many experimenters were even more curious, looking at Nuwa with their eyes open, thinking clearly about the details of this race.

“One is all, and all is one.”

Nuwa said lightly: “Before the beginning of chaos, the chaotic universe did not have any life, and it was the chaotic origin that gave birth to countless lives, which made countless lives in the entire universe born.

That is to say, the chaotic universe has an original god, that is, the creation god, and it is this great, indescribable, and avenue law that converges to create the oneness of all things, and the countless things in the world are produced from this one. That’s why I call this race the whole race, and they are the creation race. ”

“Creation Race? Is it really that powerful? ”

Many experimenters were stunned, they looked at this creature with a whole body like ceramics, obviously looking weak, actually having the same ability as the God of Creation, creating countless lives.

Can this kind of thing really be done?!

To be honest, they were skeptical of this, and found it strange and unbelievable.

“Of course you can do it, that’s the nature of the whole family.”

Nuwa smiled slightly: “It is condensed from chaotic loam, and then fused with billions of trillions of life materials, and then fused with the perfect law of the avenue of life, fundamentally speaking, they are chaotic treasures that can create countless lives.”

The most important thing is that they are not flesh and blood lives, but clay cell life, you may also know the nine days of loam, the strength of chaotic loam, as long as there is enough life energy, can expand the soil endlessly, and the whole race has perfectly inherited the characteristics of chaotic loam. ”


Many experimenters couldn’t help but nod, nine days of loam, chaotic loam is such a special mysterious power, even if it is only the size of a fist, over time, it can reproduce a continent.

This is the reproductive characteristics of the chaotic loam, looking at the world, there is no material that can be compared with the chaotic loam, the nine-day loam.

“In this way, you may not be able to understand the greatness of the whole race, they have no sex, they belong to the way of reproduction without x, I can let you see how the whole race reproduces life.”

Nuwa gently fingered.


In an instant, one of the ceramic beings immediately moved, and its eyes seemed to show a trace of divine light, only to see it open its mouth and blow gently.

Immediately spit out a fist-sized foam from its mouth, like chewing gum, and quickly swelled.

Immediately after that, this bubble took shape and turned into a humanoid creature.


In an instant, all kinds of meridians, blood vessels, bones, acupuncture points and other precision parts in this humanoid organism were naturally blown out.

But this is just the beginning.

This ceramic life blew gently, and thousands of clay bubbles actually appeared in mid-air, and as it blew, these bubbles began to spin and spin.

Then it stretched out its hands and began to pinch from these clay bubbles, changing into various shapes.

It didn’t take long for all kinds of creatures to appear on the ground, dogs, snakes, bugs, tigers, lions, crocodiles, humans, monkeys, horses and other animals.

The aura emanating from their bodies was very weak, but they undoubtedly grew into real life, and they even began to jump alive in this place.

“Oh my God!”

Many experimenters were stunned, not hiding their deep shock, Nuwa creates people, soil creates people, where is the whole family, it is clearly a venerable Nuwa.

It is said that at the beginning, human beings were gently blown by Lord Nuwa, giving a wisp of life breath to create the human race, and now this ceramic life is actually like Nuwa, gently blowing, creating countless lives.

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