The prince is very fierce

Chapter 48 Renyi Hall


The night wind was silent, and the long road was dark.

There were several piles of sundries in the dark alley behind Hutai Street, and the noise from the street was barely audible here.

Xu Buling and Ning Qingye walked deep into the alley with long swords in hand. Because of their special identities, they had covered their faces and their eyes with hats.

Ning Qingye stopped in the alley, looked around, and said:

"Come out."


At the corner of the alley ahead, two figures with black clothes and masks came out. They were tall and wearing wide cloaks, and it was impossible to tell whether they were men or women. One of them had a scimitar hanging under his cloak.

Dressing up like this to do business, it was naturally because their identities could not be exposed.

"Who is he?"

Of the two people on the other side, Zhongli Chuchu, who was in disguise, asked first.

Ning Qingye relaxed his vigilance a little, walked closer and said casually:

"My friend, trustworthy."

Zhongli Chuchu nodded, while Hu Yanjie next to him was more cautious. This time, the transaction was in Chang'an, where people were unfamiliar with the place. Ning Qingye had a grudge against the Detective Department, so he could be trusted, but the people Ning Qingye brought were not necessarily reliable.

"Miss Ning, we trust you, but you should know the rules of doing things in the underworld. Please tell me about this brother's background."

Xu Buling was stunned when he heard the voice, and recalled that this was the foreign bastard he met when he accompanied Aunt Lu to buy rouge last time.

I thought he was here to do something big, but I didn't expect it to be a fight between chickens...

Xu Buling was too lazy to introduce himself, and he stomped his knees on the ground and rushed out.

Hu Yanjie and Zhongli Chuchu's faces changed suddenly, thinking that Ning Qingye brought people to kill them, and the two reached for the weapons in their hands without hesitation.

Zhongli Chuchu is good at using poison and has good light skills, but he is not good at single combat. After flipping his palm slightly and sprinkling out a handful of poison needles, his figure retreated rapidly.

Huyan Jie didn't want to fight to the death with someone whose identity he didn't know. Seeing that there was a trick here, he grabbed the scimitar in his right hand and wanted to fight and retreat. Unfortunately, the two reacted too slowly. Xu Buling flew out, and the long sword on his waist came out of the sheath with a clang, bringing a chilling cold light in the dim alley. Ding Ding Ding - Under the dancing sword light, a few sparks burst in the air, and the black poison needles that ordinary people could hardly detect were swept onto the wall next to him. Xu Buling's momentum did not decrease. Before Huyan Jie pulled out the scimitar, he came in front of the two. Zhongli Chuchu's green eyes showed surprise and fear, and he raised his arms to block without caring. Huyan Jie pulled out the scimitar and slashed forward, but his heart was chilled to the bottom of the valley. After all, this was too fast, and they were not opponents of the same level at all. "Stop!" Ning Qingye's face was pale, but he only had time to spit out two words. The sword flashed through, so fast that only a shadow remained.

Hu Yanjie slashed at the air, and Zhongli Chuchu closed her eyes in despair. The two of them only took half a step back and froze in place.

Xu Buling landed behind the two of them, made a sword flower, slowly put the bright sword back into the scabbard, tilted his head and revealed his beautiful peach blossom eyes:

"Xiao Ning, your two friends are not very good."


The sound of the scimitar falling to the ground woke up Zhongli Chuchu, who was pale. She felt it a little and found that there was no pain on her body. She looked down and saw that there was a hole in the clothes around her waist, but only one layer was broken, and the lining inside was intact.

Hu Yanjie didn't dare to breathe, and watched the hat on his forehead fall off in one piece. The cut was smooth. If he moved forward a little, his crown would be gone.

Ning Qingye's eyes widened, his expression was a little strange, and after thinking for a while, he walked up with a sword in hand:

"He is my friend, you can rest assured."

What can Hu Yanjie say? Whoever has the bigger fist is the leader in the martial arts world. It's useless to worry about him if the other party kills him like killing a chicken.

Zhongli Chuchu's face also became a little serious. Knowing that she had met a martial arts master, she thought for a while and said:

"Sir, you are good at martial arts. May I ask your name?"

Xu Buling didn't speak on the street last time, so he was not afraid that the other party would hear his voice. He said casually:

"Xu Shanshan, people give me the nickname 'Eagle Finger Sanren', the girl has beautiful eyes."

"...I am Zhongli Chuchu..."

Zhongli Chuchu felt that this young man was a little proactive. Foreign women were not as shy as those in the Central Plains. She thought for a while and prepared to take off the black veil.

But Ning Qingye knew Xu Buling's 'nature', and coughed lightly: "Don't waste time, Master Xu is busy with affairs and has no time to stay with us for too long."

Hearing this, Zhongli Chuchu had to give up the idea of ​​getting to know him, and followed Ning Qingye to Renyi Hall...


Renyi Hall is the place where the twelve martial arts halls in Hutai Street meet. When they need it, the Jianghu will also book it.

During the Lantern Festival, the outside is decorated with lights and colors, but the inside of Renyi Building is very quiet. The disciples of Tiexian Boxing Hall surrounded the area around Renyi Building tightly, and there were people holding knives at the entrances of the alleys on all sides. Occasionally, when someone came, the manager would check their identity, and only those with acquaintances could enter with a guarantee.

At night, the lights in Renyi Hall were brightly lit, and half of the twelve armchairs were occupied, and there were also many people standing. Some were dressed in ordinary clothes, and some covered their faces because it was inconvenient to show their faces.

As more and more people came in, there was some noise in the lobby, and everyone was discussing who was gathering people and who they were going to deal with.

On the twelve chairs, the leader was Yang Ping, the head of the Iron Wire Boxing Gym. His fists were famous for their ruthlessness in Chang'an City. When he was young, he wandered around the world and killed many people, but he was not caught by the government. After that, he worked in Chang'an for decades under an assumed name, and he was considered to be clean. This time, Yang Ping came to collect the money and take charge of security.

Yang Ping held the purple clay teapot and waited for a while. Before everyone arrived, he turned his head to look at the two men in bamboo hats next to him and chuckled:

"All the people who came are acquaintances, no need to hide."

The wild Taoist Wu You, who had a long sword at his side, said in a flat voice: "With such a big show, it must be a big deal. We should be more vigilant."

Yang Ping had dealt with Wu You before and was familiar with each other. Seeing that Wu You and Xue Yi did not show their true faces, he did not say anything more. There are basically few clean people in the martial arts world. Wu You and Xue Yi were originally three brothers. Once when they were helping someone with something, they ran into Chen Daozi from Wudang and lost one of them.

As far as Yang Ping knows, Wu You avenged his brother and went to Wudang Mountain alone to kill several Taoists before leaving. Chen Daozi, the Wudang killer, chased him for 300 miles but failed to catch him. I dare not comment on how good his martial arts are, but his lightness skills are definitely top-notch.

Because Wudang has a good relationship with the court, Wu You and Xue Yi are afraid of being retaliated against, so they rarely show up in the martial arts world since then. This time, it was the owner of Yingchunlou who contacted them and invited these two masters.

As for the other martial arts guests who were sitting there, they must have done something shameful in secret. Even Ning Qingye, who had not yet arrived, was a fierce bandit who secretly killed Zhang Xiang in Chang'an City.

As time went on, a few traces of impatience appeared in the quiet lobby, and Ning Qingye, who came late and embarrassed, finally entered the lobby. The disciples outside closed the door. Although there were thirty or forty people standing in the brightly lit lobby, it still looked a bit deserted and gloomy.

Ning Qingye was also somewhat famous in the martial arts world. He had a chair in the lobby. Xu Buling and Zhongli Chuchu were his followers and could only stand behind Ning Qingye.

Zhongli Chuchu wanted to say something several times on the way here, obviously interested in the martial arts warrior from the Central Plains next to him, but it was not easy to speak because of the wrong occasion. Hu Yanjie knew his own weight. At this time, his mind was full of thoughts of following the big boss to gain experience, so he stood silently at the back.

Yang Ping glanced and saw that all the people he had contacted were there, and said:

"Everyone is here, let's start."

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