The prince is very fierce

Chapter 54: Say goodbye to the old and welcome the new. (21/88)

"Calculating marriage, calculating good and bad luck, marrying and marrying, breaking the soil when entering the house..."

It was already late at night, and there were fewer pedestrians on the small street, leaving only the dim light of the lanterns all over the street.

Behind the fortune-telling table, the little girl with braids was sitting on a relatively high chair, her legs dangling in the air and kicking the hem of her skirt. There was still one candied haws in her hand, and she was still shouting fortune-telling chants.

After shouting for a while, no guests came to the door. Xiao Taohua lowered her head and looked down, holding the silver ingot in her arms. The silver ingot was placed on the table just now, but her mother said that wealth should not be revealed, so she could only put it in her arms, but it still looked good.

Little Taohua raised her little hand and touched it happily. She seemed to be energetic again and continued to shout:

"Calculating marriage, calculating good and bad luck, getting married, settling into a house and breaking the ground..."

At the stall next to it, a woman wearing a headscarf sat on the roadside. A few animal skins were sold at the stall, but there was still a lot left.

Seeing that it was getting late, the woman put away the cloth spread on the ground and turned it into a package. Then she watched the people coming and going on the street, looking for familiar figures.

"Mom, why don't dad and uncle come back? I earned a silver ingot, and uncle will definitely praise me..."

"I'm busy, I'll be back soon..."

The woman smiled and turned her head to look at the little peach blossom who was not at peace for a moment:

"Little Taohua is lucky. From now on, she will learn fortune telling and earn a silver ingot every day, so her parents won't have to travel around the world."


Little Taohua touched the silver ingot again and thought for a while: "That's the elder brother. I'll say hello to my uncle later. Tomorrow I'll figure out when to get married."

"I think little Taohua is smart, so I rewarded her with a silver coin. I won't come back tomorrow."

Little Taohua blinked her big eyes, held up her skirt and muttered: "Yes, yes, I can't tell fortunes, so I can't accept money from my elder brother. He gave me a deposit and will definitely come tomorrow, otherwise I will return the silver ingot to him , uncle said that we should rely on our skills to earn money..."

The woman sighed softly, raised her hand and touched Xiao Taohua's head, and looked at the street again.

I don’t know how long it took, but there was no one on the street anymore, but Little Peach Blossom was still shouting: “Calculating marriage, calculating good or bad luck…”

A figure jumped out from the courtyard wall behind the fortune-telling stall. When he landed, he staggered and his breathing was unsteady.

Little Taohua turned her head on the chair, her eyes suddenly lit up, she raised her hand and said:

"Uncle is back!"

"Hey, be good."

Wu You, who was wearing a Taoist robe, had a long sword wrapped in black cloth on his back. A slight smile appeared on his slightly pale face. He stepped forward to lift the package on the ground, turned around and whispered softly:

"Close the stall and let's go."

The woman froze on the spot and did not look back. Her body was trembling slightly visible to the naked eye. After a moment of hesitation, she leaned over and picked up the happy little girl.

Little Taohua lay on her mother's shoulder, looking around, pouting:

"Where's daddy?"

Wu You walked towards the street carrying the package and said softly: "Your father is going out to do some errands. Let's leave first and we'll be back in a few days."

The woman bit her lip tightly, her eyes suddenly filled with bloodshot eyes, but she didn't say a word, she just held her daughter silently and walked along.

Little Taohua looked at the fortune-telling stall abandoned on the street and said with some confusion:

"Uncle, I forgot to close the stall..."

Wu You wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled kindly: "I don't want the stall anymore. Don't you want to go to Jiangnan to see the lotus flowers? Let's go to Jiangnan together and buy a new table when we get there."


Little Taohua blinked her big eyes and shook her head like a rattle:

"Let's go the day after tomorrow, wait for dad to be with us."

"Your father may be busy for a few more days and has to travel..."


Little Taohua pursed her lips, groped in her arms, and took out a silver ingot: "Today I promised a big brother that I would ask my uncle to tell his fortune. I gave him all the money. Come over tomorrow..."

The woman clasped her palms tightly, patted her daughter's back, and smiled slightly: "That elder brother is a hero. He won't be able to come tomorrow. The money is for you..."

"No, no, big brother will definitely come over. If uncle doesn't count his fortune, I have to return the money to him..."

Wu You's nose oozed blood, he raised his sleeve to wipe it, and said with a smile:

"It's a bit urgent today. I'll return it to him when I have the chance."


Little Taohua lay on her mother's shoulder, looking at the end of the street, holding the silver ingot and thinking for a long time:

"But...but big brother will come back tomorrow...if he can't find me, he will say that I lied to him..."

"Well... uncle will do the math for you. If you meet in the future, just return the money to big brother... Jianghu people pay attention to gratification and grudges. Don't you want to learn kung fu? Uncle will teach you when he goes to Jiangnan. . When you grow up and you are also a Jianghu person, he won’t blame you..."


The night breeze blew, and the three of them drifted away...


In Qingshi Lane, the lanterns outside Sun's shop were swaying in the night wind, and the waxy writing on the wine flags was a little blurry.

Shopkeeper Sun put a towel on the table, moved the stools one by one, and placed them upside down on the table.

When the last bench was being moved, there was a "crack--" sound coming from outside. It was the sound coming from the iron bluestone, stumbling.

Shopkeeper Sun had been running a wine shop all his life. He heard this sound too much. He put the bench down again and walked outside the wine shop to take a look.

In the dim alley, a man like an iron tower walked slowly, with his waist bent, and an iron gun resting on the ground. The faintly visible blood stains slid down the bright gunfire, drawing a line in the alley like wolf hairs. Long thin lines.

The man was wearing tight black clothes, his hat was torn, his hair was messy, there were many cuts on his body, some of which were deep enough to show the bones, and his flesh and blood were protruding. His messy hair was stuck to his face mixed with blood, and his face could hardly be seen clearly.

Shopkeeper Sun took a look, shook his head slightly, returned to the wine shop, took out a jar of wine from the room, and put it in hot water to warm.

"Shopkeeper, bring me a bottle of wine."

A hoarse voice sounded, with blood foam in the throat.

Xue Yi walked into the wine shop holding a bloody spear, sat down on the only bench, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Blood dripped from everywhere on his body, staining the ground that had turned black over the years red.

Shopkeeper Sun sighed softly and thought about it for a while:

"Wu Lao Dao?"

Xue Yi breathed heavily, unloaded the iron gun into two sections, and placed them neatly on the table. After thinking about it, he took a rag and wiped the blood from the iron gun.

"Old Wu is good at qinggong, so he left with his family. I, Old Xue, have nothing to worry about in my life. I just can't let go of a drink of wine and a gun, so I came to you."

"Who do you want to leave the gun to?"

"Find someone who is destined to be with you. If you can survive until my daughter comes here, give it to me... It's best not to come here. There's no point in talking about this world. I should have listened to you, 'I'll always be content with what I have.' Happy, haha... It seems that I can't be happy now... Old man Sun, please tell the truth, do you have any good wine hidden? If so, give me a sip, and you will have less regrets..."

Shopkeeper Sun sighed, took out the warm wine jar, took out the wine bowl and placed it on the table in front of Xue Yi, uncorked the wine, and poured a bowl:

"Yes. When I first opened the shop, I brewed a small amount of Duan Yuyaki. I drank one sip and took another sip. I was always willing to take it out at the end. That's why some people used to call it 'Guillotine'."

"Haha...Guillotine...what a name, perfect for the occasion!"

Xue Yi rubbed his blood-stained hands, picked up the wine bowl and smelled it. His dim eyes became clearer again. He raised the wine bowl to his mouth and drank it all in one gulp.

"Uh - it's refreshing... I owe you money for the wine. Come down and ask me for..."


The wine bowl fell to the ground and shattered.

Xue Yi hit his head on the table and his hands dropped weakly.

The wine shop became quiet and there was no sound anymore.

Two sharp iron spears were placed on the table, reflecting the glimmer of light from the lanterns outside.

Shopkeeper Sun took a few glances and saw a small peach blossom crookedly carved on the barrel of the iron gun with a sharp blade.

Shopkeeper Sun shook his head, raised his hand to pick up the two-section iron gun, walked to the back room, and let out a faint sigh that disappeared in the night wind:

"When you enter the world of martial arts, it's common for your wife and children to be separated from you. It's a good death to die on the street. How many people can make it through..."




Four chapters are 9,500 words, which is considered a big update.

Another long week has passed, and the big guys are as awesome as ever. It has been exactly two months since the book was opened on April 28, and they have been refreshing the previous record almost from the first day of the book.

After all, my first book only had 700 recommendation votes after I finished it, and my second book with 400,000 words has 500 favorites. I am already satisfied with this achievement. Of course, I also hope that I can write better and let more people see it.

As I write this, I also have some small reflections.

The book Prince can actually be placed in martial arts, fantasy, or fairy tales, because its core is the story. The setting only needs to be slightly changed, and the story will still be the same story.

Just like the sentence in the introduction: intrigues in the temple, love and hatred in the world, joys and sorrows in the market, are nothing more than chess pieces, intertwined in series on the chessboard, bursting out little bits of fire.

This ‘fire’ refers to the stories triggered by the interactions between people.

The reason why I chose to put it in the history category is that I have written in the history category before and I am familiar with it.

Secondly, historical literature is the category closest to reality, second only to urban reality. Placing it in the historical category just makes the story seem more realistic and makes each character look more real.

As for the final score, I'm not too worried. After all, no matter how bad it is, it can't be worse than before, as long as it's going up, there will be another one after this book failed. If the score is not good, it can only be said that the level is not enough, but the level is It can be done slowly. I can finish a book with only one review from beginning to end, not to mention that there are now more than 10,000 book friends who are supporting me.

A new week has begun again, and if nothing else happens, it should be on the shelves this week. To be honest, the past two months have been a bit uncomfortable. Once it is published, you don’t have to worry about the word count, recommendations, and data. You can just write it.

As for the specific time when it will be put on the shelves, I will post a testimonial after getting the exact news. Before that, all the bosses can cast a recommendation vote to support it. Thank you.

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