The prince is very fierce

Summary of Volume 2!

After more than a month, the second volume of the Lone Wolf Chasing the Phoenix chapter is finally finished. To be honest, the middle part of the second volume was a bit messy because of the detailed outline changes.

From the beginning of writing about the little governor, one volume was exactly 200,000 words, and the deviation would not exceed 5,000 words. As a result, this volume ended up with 250,000 words. The main reason was Gongsun Ming's problem.

Originally, Hu Yanjie's team of fake envoys entered Beijing as a plot to investigate the case, and then Gongsun Ming came out and said that Xu Buling knew everything. Like several plots in the first volume, he was forced to pretend, forming an early climax. As a result, he discovered that this The method was not pleasing to the eye, and then it was changed.

The price of change is very high, one move affects the whole body, the plot of Renyitang is filled with the plot of Xiao Peach Blossom, and then the climax is moved to Yingchun Tower.

Because there was no foreshadowing, the plot of Yingchun Tower was not very good. Fubao was directly blamed and disappeared for thirty chapters before recovering.

Because the second volume is a link between the past and the next, it is relatively dull. It did not build up the climax in the early stage, and the result is that the whole volume seems to be just daily life. Although daily life is okay, it just happened to be on the shelves, and it was naked on the shelves. It was painful to cancel the order. ……well……

The second volume is summed up in one sentence, which is, 'Xu Buling found clues from the case file library and set his sights on the imperial city, but found nothing. Then Zhongli Chuchu provided an unexpected piece of news, thus detoxifying'.

The key to this volume lies in the news about Zhongli Chuchu. From this point on, the protagonist deviates from the predetermined track and goes his own way.

In the eyes of the planners, Xu Bu Ling was in a checkmate state with no way out. This is still the case so far.

But the unexpected news sent by Zhongli Chuchu widened the information gap, causing Xu Buling to not go down the road planned by the planner, but to run to the Queen Mother's...

If a chess player does not know where his pieces are, the consequences can be imagined.

Let’s save these for the third volume.

Then there are several controversial points in the second volume.

Let’s not talk about Yingchun Tower. There are no problems in handling it, but the plot arrangement is not good, which makes Fubao take the blame.

Then the little peach blossom. Little Peach Blossom may not appear until a later stage. After all, it takes time to grow up. By then, she will probably be like: ‘Holding an iron gun and carrying a gold ingot; a favor to be repaid, and a blood revenge to be avenged. ’ Such a ruthless character.

Furthermore, it was just a matter of going into the palace alone. There was no problem in killing Jia Yi for the first time. It was indeed a bit too reckless to go and kill the emperor the second time, but it was just a test, with the intention of trying his luck, and... some storylines must be It's more unreasonable. If it were reasonable, I wouldn't be able to see the Queen Mother. This is more reasonable than seeing the princess taking a wild bath in the wilderness.

After the New Year, there is basically no big plot, such as the arrangement of various roles. There is a reason why Ning Qingye has no sense of presence, because the following chapters are relatively long, and each heroine (including Zhu Manzhi, Song Yufu) and other basic There is also a big plot in the film, so I won’t go into details here.

At the end of the "Decisive Battle at the Top of Tai Chi", to be honest, I really wanted to write the feeling of "on a full moon night, on top of the Forbidden City, a sword coming from the west, a flying fairy from the sky", but it's a pity that Gu Long's level is too high, it must be It's not as good as it is, but it still fulfills a small wish.

There is also "It's a bit funny for the civil and military officials of the two countries and the Manchu Dynasty to pay attention to a small competition."

Let me explain this, to paraphrase a book friend’s explanation: my country’s table tennis is number one in the world, and the top players are all the national team. Just like one day, a person went to the Bird's Nest, and in front of the whole country, he won the first place in three games, and said "That's it?", obviously it cannot be called a child's play.

According to the setting, all the people in Dayue are martial arts, and they have maintained a great power in the Central Plains. There are many heroes. Suddenly, a barbarian comes to the door, and he is raped in front of the emperor's eyes. The emperor himself has to award the award.

If this is all considered a child's play by the emperor, the marriage is just to marry a girl, and the tribute is just a little money. There is so much money, women are everywhere, and there is no shortage of this little bit. If there is no war, if the military expenditure is cut, maybe I can still give it to the old man. It is very auspicious for Lord Buddha to build a garden.

The focus of this competition is not on martial arts. To put it bluntly, it is just one breath. As the saying goes, "Every inch of mountains and rivers is an inch of blood." No matter how small a thing is in front of the country, it cannot be trampled on.

The Queen Mother also taught, "A man should live when he should be alive, and die when he should die."

A true man is bound to die for his country when it is time to do so, and he must endure the humiliation and live even when he cannot die. There is no need to give examples. There are so many heroes and ancestors in ancient times, so there is no need to give examples.

The Queen Mother taught Xu Bu Ling that there was no problem in letting him look away from the 'uncurable' Dragon Locking Gu and pay attention to things that the feudal king should pay attention to.

Taking a step back, "live when you deserve to live, and die when you deserve to die" are all the same. The murderer of Xu Buling's poison has not been found. Unavenged revenge should not mean that he has to grit his teeth and endure humiliation and live. How can it be understood that the Queen Mother asked Xu Buling to Order to die.

As for why the Queen Mother saved Xu Buling, I won’t go into details. Anyway, the Queen Mother would definitely not have saved Xu Buling if it were another person to fight in the Tai Chi Palace. Some things would be meaningless to write.

The third volume, The Furious Sea and the Slaying of Dragons, is the conclusion of the Chang'an volume. I don't know how many words there are, but I estimate that I can't finish it at 200,000 words.

That’s it for now, leave the rest for the next volume summary.

In order to keep the chapter going today, I sent it all out, not a drop is left.

There are a lot of things to prepare in the early stage of a new volume. Please forgive me if the update is slow in the past few days. Once it is smoothed out, updates will begin.

Finally, I would like to ask for some monthly recommendation votes, thank you all!

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