The prince is very fierce

Chapter 22 Keep your word

"I really copied it."

"It's okay if you don't admit it..."

Mrs. Lu let out a faint "Humph~" and touched the beautiful handwriting on the rice paper. There was a bit of emotion on her charming and jade-like cheeks:

"Before you came to Chang'an, I learned from your mother's letters that you used to be a dull, silly boy who often made your father half angry to death. Later your mother... alas~... King Su asked me to take care of you on your behalf. , I was still worried about what I would do if I couldn’t control it... But I didn’t expect Bu Ling to have grown up long ago. Not only was he good at both civil and military skills, he also knew how to care for others... I haven’t seen through you yet, but you have seen through me first... …”

Xu Buling blinked his eyes, but did not refute this time. After all, he was not a child of 17 or 18, and had already experienced the ups and downs of human relationships in the world.

"The wind abides in the dust and the fragrance of the flowers has faded. I am tired of combing my hair at night. Things are different and people have no time to rest. When I want to speak, I shed tears first... I heard that the spring in Shuangxi is still good, and I plan to go out in a light boat. I am afraid that the boat in Shuangxi will not be able to carry it. There are so many worries... Actually, as long as you are safe and sound, I don't have anything to worry about..."

Mrs. Lu's voice sounded like an orchid, I don't know if she was sighing or moved.

Xu Buling stared sideways for a moment and saw Mrs. Lu staring at the rice paper, and smiled helplessly:

"As long as Aunt Lu likes it, I won't copy poems from now on, I won't get into trouble, and I will just keep my tail between my legs and be a human being."

Mrs. Lu frowned slightly and gave Xu Buling an angry look: "Why do you behave with your tail between your legs? You, the noble prince of the vassal, must be arrogant... Of course, you can't do anything that is harmful to nature. You can control it yourself...

...Sigh, your father was studying in the capital back then, and he was considered a standard uneducated person. During his spring outing, the late emperor went on a picnic in Qujiang Pond, got drunk, climbed to sleep in the Golden Palace, and hung himself on a big sign on Kuishou Street. On the archway..."

Xu Buling was covered in cold sweat and touched his chin:

"Hmm... This is too much effort. How about I perform a 'stewing myself in an iron pot'?"

Mrs. Lu thought about it for a moment: "Forget it, it's too stupid... Just don't mess around in the future. If you let me hear about any good reputation again..."

Xu Buling nodded seriously: "Don't worry, if I have any more good reputation to reach the Holy Emperor's ears, I will stew myself in an iron pot."

Mrs. Lu was slightly annoyed. She raised her hand to cover Xu Buling's mouth and looked around:

"Keep your voice down, and be careful that walls have ears. The Holy Father has never treated you father and son badly. After all, these are just speculations between you and me. Just know for yourself."

The cold hand touched his cheek, and Xu Buling instinctively ducked back, showing a slight smile:

"I have good ears and eyes, and no one is around."

Mrs. Lu nodded, naturally retracted her hand, and stood up: "You didn't sleep last night, did you? Go to bed early. The poison on your body has not been resolved yet, but you can't catch the cold again. I'm going back first." After that, he walked Slowly walked out the door.

Xu Buling shook his head helplessly, turned over and lay down, holding the back of his head. There was still a little bit of warmth in the quilt, and the faint fragrance of orchid was still there.

I don’t know why, but the sleepiness that was flooding my head just now is gone now...


Dong Dong——

I don't know how long it took, but there was a knock on the door outside the bedroom.

Xu Buling opened his eyes in a daze, and took a moment to adjust to his emotions. Then he looked around and saw that the window was gray and he couldn't tell whether it was early morning or dusk.

"My young prince, there is a girl coming and going outside the gate. It looks like she is here to find you. She has been walking around for a long time. She is quite good-looking. Do you want to invite her to come in and sit with her?"

Lao Xiao came with some teasing words.

Xu Bu Ling stood up and took a sip from the wine gourd. He was a little confused - could there really be a female fan coming to the door?

Xu Buling put on his clothes and opened the door. Lao Xiao stood outside the door with his cane and chuckled: "She seems to be the daughter of Song Dajiu. She hesitates and wants to come but doesn't dare. She looks like she has fallen in love with the young prince." ”

After Xu Buling washed up next to him, he hung his sword on his waist and walked out quickly.


The sky is getting dark, and a little bit of snow has fallen between the neighbors. The lights have been turned on on the streets. Between the two stone lions outside Prince Su's Mansion, Song Yufu is wearing a red cloak and walking back and forth in the wind and snow, holding her hands Putting it on my waist, I wanted to turn around and leave from time to time, and then wanted to enter the palace. After going back and forth a few times, I stepped on my toes and let out a faint sigh.

After finishing her morning reading today, Song Yufu remembered sending the poem manuscript to the palace. When she returned to the study, she saw her father standing in front of the desk drawing pictures. The messy poem manuscript on the table had disappeared.

Song Yufu was relieved, but suddenly she discovered that a few poems she had secretly copied were missing. At that time, I asked my father, and he replied that the useful ones were sent to the palace, and the useless dregs were used to light the fire, so as to save space.

Her heart skipped a beat at that time, and she didn't know which pile her father had stuffed the poem manuscript into. She asked insinuatingly, but her father said he had no impression.

This is going to be a big trouble. It's okay to be used to make a fire. The worst is to rewrite it. If it is sent to the palace, the emperor will be surprised when he sees the poems above. Then a few words of praise will be spread out. I want to see this A great and talented man...

"If you cause trouble for me again, I'll strip you naked, hang you up, and beat you!"

Thinking of these words, Song Yufu shrank her neck and stamped her feet anxiously.

The poem manuscript has been sent to the palace and it is impossible to get it back. Prince Xu knew that he would be angry. When she heard that Prince Xu was back safe and sound, she hurried to Prince Su's Mansion, but she didn't know how to apologize.

It would be nice if the poem manuscript had been burned and no one knew about it...

Song Yufu gritted her teeth. She was born into a scholarly family and felt that she should not rely on luck. She still had to say hello in advance. But before she made up her mind, a cold voice came from behind her:

"Miss Song, do you have something to ask me?"

Song Yufu shuddered and turned around in a hurry, and saw Xu Buling standing on the steps, looking at her with a little doubt.

"Your Highness." Song Yufu bowed gracefully, walked to the bottom of the steps, and hesitated to speak.

Xu Buling was puzzled. He whistled to call the horse and held the reins: "I have something else to do. Just say it."

Song Yufu hooked the hair by her ear and hesitated for a moment. She still didn't dare to speak directly, but tried to test the waters first:

"Master Xu, do you keep your word?"

Xu Buling frowned and looked up and down. Thinking that he was coming to ask for the hairpin, he nodded:

"I always keep my word and never lie. There is no need."


Song Yufu's face was bitter. She tightened her cloak involuntarily, and her eyes showed a bit of weakness.

Xu Buling took a breath: "Don't try this. I won't take any soft or hard words. As long as you keep your mouth shut, I will return the hairpin to you. If you cause trouble for me again, I will strip you naked and hang you up to beat you. I don't care about my reputation."

Song Yufu was speechless. She didn't dare to say anything just now, and she didn't dare to say anything now. She hesitated and said: "No one is perfect. If I make a mistake, you can scold me, but how can you humiliate a woman in this way..."

Xu Buling didn't want to listen to these great principles. He got on the horse and looked at it from the side: "Don't be lucky and do it recklessly. Whatever you say will be useless. I have something to do tomorrow and won't go to the Imperial College. Say hello to the teacher. Goodbye."

After speaking, she lightly squeezed the horse's belly and trotted towards Dayefang.

Song Yufu took two steps forward and mustered up great courage, but still didn't dare to stop Xu Buling. After walking around twice, I could only hope to leave Kuishou Street, looking back every three steps...

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