The prince is very fierce

Chapter 29: Tool Man

Heavy snow fell on the city, and the majestic imperial city was covered with a layer of snow. In the corridor between the high vermilion walls, Mrs. Lu and the Queen Mother stood side by side, both wearing firefox shawls, just like two groups of peonies in full bloom in the white snow. The Queen Mother has been in a high position for a long time, and her eyebrows are more noble, while Mrs. Lu is more gentle.

"Hong Luan, I asked you to discipline Xu Buling, but you don't seem to take it to heart. A few days ago, the Dragon Poetry Club beat Xiao Ting again. Xiao Ting is Xu Buling's elder after all, how can he be so unkind?"

The Queen Mother's tone was serious, but due to her age and Mrs. Lu's side room, she looked more like a sister who complained and refused to listen to advice.

Xiao Ting followed behind, nodding like a chicken pecking at rice: "Yes, I endure it again and again, and I continue to endure it, not because I am afraid of him..."

"Shut up." The queen mother's almond-shaped eyes darkened slightly, and she glared at this cowardly nephew.

Mrs. Lu didn't want to look at Xiao Ting at all, but nodded gently as always: "I will discipline you when I go back, don't worry, aunt." However, looking at Mrs. Lu's expression, it was obvious that she didn't take it to heart.

The Queen Mother said a few words, but seeing that Mrs. Lu didn't take it to heart, she had no choice but to give up. Ten years ago, she was sent to the palace by her eldest brother Xiao Chuyang to become a queen. However, just after she put on the phoenix crown, the late emperor passed away and became the queen mother. The emperor who called her "mother" was more than ten years older than her, and she couldn't control anyone at all.

After a little beating and making gestures, the Queen Mother left with her maid. Mrs. Lu bowed to see her off. After the Queen Mother's charming figure disappeared within the palace wall, the expression on her face darkened, and she frowned and looked at Xiao Ting.

Xiao Ting was wearing thin clothes, and his sleeves were shivering with cold. When he saw Mrs. Lu's eyes, he suddenly became innocent:

"Sister-in-law, I was beaten."

Mrs. Lu snorted lightly, turned around and walked out of the palace: "It's not your junior, what's wrong with beating you up? How can a child not be naughty..."


Xiao Ting's eyes were full of astonishment, and he trotted after him: "Xu Buling is a month older than me. He is a child. I..."

"You are an elder, you act mature and prudent, and you laugh and idle around all day long. What kind of man do you think you are, a man of the Xiao family?"

Mrs. Lu looked like "I am just partial to Xu Buling", and she was not afraid of anyone seeing it out.

Xiao Ting had long known Mrs. Lu's temper, and sighed rather hurtly: "I didn't come to the palace specifically to complain..."

There was a bit of contempt in Mrs. Lu's eyes: "Then why did you come to the palace? Do you have other important things?"

Xiao Ting relaxed his shoulders: "How can I, the legitimate son of the Xiao family, be that kind of villain? I came to the palace today to say hello to Eunuch Jia. Didn't I write two excellent works at the Dragon Poetry Meeting last time? Even Song Jiu praised me. If I write well, I will definitely be named and praised..."

Mrs. Lu narrowed her eyes slightly: "Song, Bai, and Qing all praise you? Did you even buy poems?"

Xiao Ting's face froze, and he immediately showed some dissatisfaction: "Sister-in-law, after all, I was born in a scholarly family, so I can't write two-hand poems easily. Besides, how can you say buying? I don't have any money, so what can I call a scholar's business? ? That’s called learning..."

Mrs. Lu took a few breaths of cold air, and finally just snorted: "It would be better if I didn't have half the skills you have."

Xiao Ting's eyes lit up and he was filled with disbelief: "Sister-in-law, you actually praise me. It's true that the sun is shining in the west. I have long felt that Xu Buling is not as good as me. In addition to his strength, in terms of looks, essays, and essays, Character..."

"The difference between cloud and mud."

"That's right...sister-in-law, you still know how to speak."

It was probably the first time that President Xiao was so 'praised' for his age. He felt a little carried away and touched his waist. Unfortunately, he didn't bring a fan, so he could only clapped his hands in frustration.

Mrs. Lu hadn't seen Xu Buling for two days, and she missed Xu Buling so much that she had no time to pay attention to this bastard, so she instead said:

"I just heard from the Queen Mother that the courtiers have been busy with the severe drought in Sichuan and Sichuan recently. When the Holy Emperor tastes poems, the officials will say that he has lost his ambition by playing with things. It's useless for you to say hello now. Go back and stay here." With that, he took the maid up. carriage.

Xiao Ting was still a little distracted. Although he knew that the Holy Emperor would not be able to appreciate poems these days, he still ran to say hello to the Ouchi Manager, lest the poem manuscripts for the next poetry meeting be sent up and this time's poems be crowded out. .

As long as the Holy Emperor sees his song "My Prime Minister Daddy", he will definitely praise him a few words. After all, even Song Dajiu said that it was well written, and he was a famous scholar in Chang'an...

Xiao Ting was thinking to himself. As soon as he walked out of the palace gate, before the servants could bring the carriage over, he heard the sound of "tamp -" the horses' hooves stepped on the white jade road and galloped towards him.

Xiao Ting was stunned and thought to himself: Who is so bold, galloping in the imperial city, and the Holy One comes out?

Looking up, he saw Xu Buling, dressed in white robes, riding on the snow-chasing hooves across the white jade avenue. The white-robed hunter and generals seemed to be charging into battle alone. The imperial guards outside the imperial city hurriedly avoided and blocked them. None of them.

"I'm so fucked!"

Xiao Ting's expression suddenly changed, thinking that Xu Buling knew that he had come to complain and was going to come and kill people in the street. He was so frightened that he hurriedly wanted to chase Mrs. Lu's carriage that had already gone away.

Unfortunately, before Xiao Ting had even taken a few steps, he felt his body light up and was carried like a chicken on the back of a horse. He turned the horse's head and flew away.

Xiao Ting's face turned pale with fright, and he shouted loudly: "Xu Bu Ling! You are crazy! I am the nephew of the Queen Mother, if you dare to touch a hair of mine..."

Xu Buling raised his hand and pulled a few hairs on Xiao Ting's forehead:

"What can you do?"

"I...I don't care about the faults of small people..."

Xiao Ting's chest and abdomen were throbbing with the bumps, and he felt a little relieved when he saw that Xu Buling was not going to kill anyone: "Are you drunk again? You and I have nothing to do with each other, why did you suddenly bring me along?"

Xu Buling galloped away on his horse and soon left the vicinity of the palace. He said calmly: "You grew up in Chang'an City, do you know Li Tianlu?"

"Li Tianlu?"

Xiao Ting frowned: "The son of the Li family, the loyal and brave marquis at the end of the street, fights and kills all day long, and is a reckless man like you. I know him, but we are not very close. We only drink wine together occasionally..."

Xu Buling nodded: "What is Baimazhuang?"

Xiao Ting lay on the horse's back and thought for a moment: "Baimazhuang... It is the farm awarded to the Li family by Emperor Xiaozong. Li Tianlu often invites the nobles in the capital to play there. He invited me once before, but I thought it was a place for farmers and didn't go. What? Are you going to work as a farmhand for Li Tianlu?"

"Go back and change your clothes. I will accompany you to Baimazhuang."

"I don't want to go."

"Be your coachman."

"Hiss - no problem... It's a deal... If you don't take advantage of it, you are a bastard..."

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