The prince is very fierce

Chapter 27 Shaking the Mountain (194/515)

Hearing the fight in Tangjiazhuang, many people in the martial arts world jumped onto the high wall. Although they did not dare to intervene, they watched from the high wall. Facing a strong enemy, the Tang family did not care.

Song Ying traveled around the world to shock the martial arts world. He was already the strongest fighter in the Investigation Department. As a government official, he was not on the list of martial arts champions, but his skills were definitely not comparable to those of Tang Jiao, a martial arts champion.

All the people in the martial arts world were attracted by this fight, which might be the highest level in the martial arts world. They stared at the martial arts stage on a snowy night, but could not see the movements of the two people at all.

Stones flew everywhere and bricks exploded.

Song Ying held a goose feather knife and fought with Zhu Liu for a hundred times in a blink of an eye. Both of them were unscathed, but the ground and the walls on both sides were full of sword wounds. The martial arts stage next to him collapsed a corner in the blink of an eye.

The flash of swords and sabers left no living creatures within a radius of three feet. Tang Jiao wanted to join hands with Song Ying to kill Zhu Liu with his sword in hand, but seeing this scene, he couldn't even insert the sword, so he had to continue to retreat with his two sons.

The contemporary sword saint is not in vain.

Zhu Liu had a blood feud, and in his rage, the sword in his hand had turned into a phantom, and everything within three steps in front of him was crushed to dust.

After Song Ying connected several moves, his face became more and more serious, and he was gradually overwhelmed. He was forced to the martial arts stage, and everything he stepped on was cracked.

Seeing that there was no way to retreat, Song Ying shouted angrily, used the knife as a sword, and used the Cao family sword's signature skill "Dragon Gate Three Knocks", and the three swords almost pierced Zhu Liu's forehead, throat, and heart at the same time.

The Cao family sword focuses on "speed", and is the fastest among the four major sword families. Even the Tang family sword, which borrowed from the Cao family and formed its own school, can only look up to it.

The practice of "Three Knocks at Dragon Gate" is perfected, and it emphasizes "three swords come out at the same time, and the dragon roars". When three swords are sent out, only one sword breaks the wind. The instantaneous explosive power is unmatched in the world, and almost no one can dodge it at the same time.

Although Song Ying has changed his sword to a knife when he travels in the martial arts world, he is a genius with extraordinary talent. He has already mastered the Cao family sword to perfection. This "Three Knocks at Dragon Gate" is so fast that it seems to the onlookers that only one move was made, but three knife tips appeared in front of Zhu Liu.

The Zhu family sword emphasizes "stability" and never takes shortcuts. It is famous for its accuracy. In terms of speed, it is definitely not as fast as the Cao family sword. If you encounter this killer move in close combat, you will definitely suffer.

But the reason why Zhu Liu was driven out of the house by the old swordsman is that Zhu Liu does not like the Zhu family sword. After wandering alone in the martial arts world, he has never learned this old-fashioned thing.

Zhu Liu has only done one thing in his more than ten years of seclusion - learning all the martial arts in the world, removing the dross and retaining the essence into sword moves, and then integrating hundreds of sword moves and refining them into one sword, the most perfect sword in the world.

The former sword saint Lu Baiming was deprived of the title of sword saint by a sword, and it was this sword he used.

This sword was taught to Zhu Manzhi, which is what Ning Yuhe called "Zhongping sword evolved from Zhongping spear".

This evaluation is too unprofessional. The reason why it is like Zhongping spear is that Zhongping spear also follows the simplest and most practical routine, without any fancy front and back moves. A spear thrust is unstoppable, so there is the saying "Zhongping spear, the king of spears, the most difficult to defend in the middle".

It's a pity that Manzhi didn't do his job to practice swordsmanship, and didn't learn this sword at all, but even so, he could use a branch to poke into the wall more than an inch.

The original name of this sword was ‘Shake the Mountain’, which meant to shake Zhu Chou Mountain. Unfortunately, the old swordsman never saw his son use this sword that could destroy his life’s achievements. It was a blessing or a curse.

Song Ying was obviously lucky, because today he saw with his own eyes what a ‘swordsman’ was, and became the target of this famous sword.

Zhu Liu held the sword in one hand, and at the moment when Song Ying used the Dragon Gate Three Knocks, he simply thrust the long sword straight out.

Under the Panlong Wall, the dragon roared suddenly.

The sword was handed out, directly shattering the sleeves and robes, and all the rust on the blade was shaken off, turning the originally rusty iron sword into a silver blade that was snow-white.

Song Ying’s eyes suddenly changed, with a bit of disbelief. He wanted to put away the sword and defend himself, but he had no spare strength at all. He watched the other party gather strength, attack, and the sword came in front of him. The movements were smooth and indestructible, and he didn’t even have a chance to dodge.


After a sharp and loud sound, the Panlong stone wall exploded, and a huge gap appeared. The broken stones pierced the doors and windows of the hall behind. Several Tang family members who were hiding behind the stone wall died on the spot without even screaming.

The terrifying momentum shocked all the people in the chaos. They all turned their heads to look at the martial arts stage and even forgot to fight.

Tang Jiao stared with wide eyes and stood there in a daze, opening his mouth but saying nothing.

The small square with snow and murderous aura suddenly became silent.

After Zhu Liu's sword, Zhan stood there, and the sword still trembled.

This is the power of the sword saint!

It's just that this sword, which represents the highest level of contemporary swordsmanship, did not tear Song Ying into pieces after it was stabbed out.

In the silent square, everyone looked at the martial arts stage.

Song Ying held the knife to his chest, with cold sweat on his forehead. He could clearly see the goose feather knife trembling slightly as he finished speaking. He was relieved to have survived the disaster.

Beside Song Ying, there was an old man in a red robe. His dry fingers grabbed Song Ying's shoulders. He appeared at some point, as if he was standing there.

The old man in the red robe had a bit of appreciation in his calm eyes. His hoarse duck voice sounded, and the voice reached everyone's ears:

"Good sword, worthy of being the son of Zhu Choushan, he didn't let our family down."

"Eunuch Jia?"

The expressions of everyone in Dayinglou changed slightly. When they saw this old eunuch who had been guarding the king for a period of time actually appearing here, they knew something was wrong.

Eunuch Jia must have come here to deal with Li Hansheng. At this time, Li Hansheng had already gone to Bodhi Island. Although everyone present was the elite in the building, they could only deal with the Tiankui camp wolf guards and the masters invited by the Tang family. When they met Song Ying Such a top tycoon can only be dealt with by Zhu Liu.

Zhu Liufang was able to destroy Song Ying, but he was rescued by Eunuch Jia. Once the killing move came out, the opponent would be wary and it would be difficult to kill Song Ying again. In addition, Eunuch Jia himself, the chance of winning was almost non-existent. If Zhu Liu lay down I'm afraid everyone present will die from this.

Mr. Pei retreated to the house and spoke without hesitation:

"Mukuro, let's go."

After hearing this, everyone in Dayinglou immediately jumped onto the high wall of the building in order to preserve the combat power of Dayinglou, while the Tang family and Wolf Guard also chased after them.

Zhu Liu held the long sword, frowned and looked at Eunuch Jia and Song Ying, and then glanced at Tang Jiao in the distance.

Eunuch Jia sighed softly, shook his head and said:

"Our family is old and we don't go out many times. Now that you show up, you can't leave today. In fact, it's not easy for your father to leave a trace of incense. He knows that this trip is very dangerous, so he shouldn't take the risk."

Zhu Liu stood with his sword in hand and frowned: "I heard that my father-in-law asked for love from the emperor back then?"

Eunuch Jia nodded: "That's right. Our family cherishes talents and asks for a lot of favors. Don't keep it in mind. Don't make waves when you use the sword later. Use it more steadily. If you kill our family, you might still be able to get out alive." ”

Zhu Liu took a breath and raised his hand gently:

"You go."

Mr. Pei naturally didn't want the top combat power of Eagle Tower to die here, but their group of helpers could only clean up the surrounding fish, and they had no chance of winning against Song Ying, let alone Eunuch Jia. To prevent being caught in one fell swoop, He could only grit his teeth and say:

"Escape if you can, don't fight. Let's go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in Daying Tower dispersed in all directions, and the Wolf Guard and the Tang family disciples also chased them from behind.

Tang Jiao finally breathed a sigh of relief at this time, and bravely came to the martial arts stage with his sword in hand, blocking Zhu Liu's retreat.

Song Ying's eyes were a little more fearful, and she moved the knife to the left, ready to attack.

Eunuch Jia stood in the center of the martial arts stage with his hands in his sleeves, without any aura on his body, quietly waiting for Zhu Liu to draw his sword.

Zhu Liu had no expression on his face, his eyes locked on Eunuch Jia in front of him, his sword blade motionless.

The entire Tang family seemed to freeze at this moment, even the breathing and snowflakes were still, leaving only four figures standing under the collapsed Nine Dragon Wall.

The people in the arena who were watching around did not even dare to show their anger. The eyes of the older generation who knew Zhu Liu showed some worry, but they were helpless.


The candle in an unknown lantern burned unevenly and made a slight popping sound.

The next moment, Zhu Liu's figure suddenly disappeared on the martial arts stage. The bright sword blade picked up the wind and snow and went straight towards Tang Jiao who was standing under the martial arts stage.

Tang Jiao trembled with fright. The long sword had already been unsheathed. Before he could use the Tang Family Sword that he had learned all his life, Zhu Liu was already in front of him.

Just because Tang Jiao couldn't react, it didn't mean that he couldn't do anything else.

Song Ying and Eunuch Jia moved at the same time, ducking under the martial arts stage.

Different from Song Ying's astonishing aura, Eunuch Jia looked like a ghost. He didn't make a sound, but he reached Zhu Liu's side first. He raised his sleeves and waved lightly. His sleeves wrapped around the sword blade. He flicked his fingers, and a golden thread stirred the sword. It shot out and pierced Zhu Liu's throat.

The long sword in Zhu Liu's hand was like mud flowing into the sea, without any feedback. He immediately twisted the edge of the sword and tried to smash the sleeve robe, but the long sword was like a fallen leaf that couldn't be shaken off, without any sense of force.

Seeing the golden thread coming in front of him, Zhu Liu turned around to dodge, tapped his toes on the ground, and jumped up a little before he could barely avoid it.

The golden wire did not retract or fall to the ground. It passed across the square silently and did not stop until it pierced a pillar on the side.

Eunuch Jia's left sleeve rolled up the blade of the sword, and he raised the sleeve with his right hand and waved it out. The wide sleeved robe fell on Zhu Liu's blocking arm. It seemed weak, but it pushed Zhu Liu's whole body away.

Zhu Liu took advantage of the situation to withdraw his sword and move back, but Song Ying had already appeared behind him, with the blade like a shadow, slashing at various parts of Zhu Liu's body.


In the night, there was suddenly a soft sound like a strong bow being fully drawn.

Zhu Liu raised his sword and stabbed Song Ying. Halfway through the sword, his movements suddenly stopped, as if he was being forcibly grabbed by something.

Looking up, he saw that the iron sword was wrapped around three golden wires. Under the force of the sword, the golden wires were pulled straight, bending the straight edge of the sword.

Standing on the spot, Eunuch Jia flicked the golden wire in his hand, and three strings sounded in the night. The golden wire turned into a sharp blade and hit Zhu Liu's arm holding the sword, leaving three bloody wounds.

The movement of drawing the sword was interrupted. Song Ying's blade did not wait and struck Zhu Liu's chest without hesitation.

The long sword was restricted, Zhu Liuwei had no choice but to abandon the sword, clamp the blade between his palms, and kick Song Ying's wrist with his toes, trying to seize the weapon.

But Eunuch Jia's palm turned slightly, and the long sword pulled back by the golden thread spun in the air, directly cutting towards Zhu Liu's neck.

Two fists are no match for four hands. Faced with the ghostly tactics of Eunuch Jia and Song Ying, Zhu Liu is obviously overwhelmed. The two powers are at odds with each other, so he can only fight with Song Ying's sword, and once again raises his hand to hold the spinning hand. hilt.


At this critical moment, there was a sudden explosion in the small square, and a long spear with dragon patterns pierced the sky and shot out from the night. Like a crossbow arrow, it pierced Song Ying beside Zhu Liu.

The incident happened suddenly and Song Ying was caught off guard. Under the terrifying power, Song Ying's face suddenly changed, and he immediately raised his sword to split the long spear.

The long spear was so powerful that it was nailed into the stone slab of the martial arts stage for nearly two feet before it stopped. The spear shaft was still buzzing. If it was inserted into the body, it might be shot through.

Song Ying was furious: "Who is this villain!"

Zhu Liu grabbed the hilt of the sword, took advantage of the momentum and jumped onto the martial arts stage, pulling hard to try to break the gold thread on the blade.

And Jia Gonggong, holding three gold threads in his left hand, looked at the source of the long spear.

Many people in the martial arts world who were watching had long been shocked by the three people's miraculous skills. When they were sweating for Zhu Liu, they saw someone dared to help, and they were all shocked and fortunate. They looked in the direction of the long spear, wanting to see which hero was willing to die.

In the snow, on the watchtower beside the high wall, a handsome young man in white clothes appeared.

The young man in white clothes was carrying a sword and a knife on his back, and was jumping down from the three-meter-high building. When he arrived, his loud voice was heard by everyone first:

"Tang Jiao! Return my master's mother's life!"

The words were filled with rage. After landing, his body was like a thunder, and he killed Tang Jiao who was standing on the side without saying anything...

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