The prince is very fierce

Chapter 43: Pig Teammate

"Where have people gone?"

"have no idea……"

Indistinct sounds came from above, and there were echoes all around, as if they were in a very closed place.

Zhongli Jiujiu had just been hit by Xu Buling and rolled far away. He was so dizzy that he could not figure out the situation. He only felt that his whole body was soft and the man's rapid breathing blew against his ears.


When I woke up a little, I noticed that my chest was very tight and my arms were hugging me so tightly that it was almost flattening.

"Xu Bu Ling..."

Zhongli Jiujiu'e frowned, and after feeling carefully, she realized that she was lying on the man's body. When she looked up, she couldn't see her fingers. She could only see a light in the distance, which should be the entrance of the cave she fell into just now.

Buzz buzz~~~

The sound of a small insect flapping its wings quickly approached.

Xu Buling, who was holding Zhongli Jiujiu in his arms, before he could catch his breath, his expression changed slightly:

"Quickly, Dazhong, collect your magical powers..."

Zhongli Jiujiu reacted and hurriedly took out a small porcelain bottle from under her skirt, opened it and shook it in the air.

The sound of flapping wings suddenly stopped as it flew closer, and the surrounding area became completely quiet.

"Xu Bu Ling, where is this?"

"How do I know..."

Xu Buling helped Zhongli Jiujiu up and was about to rush out again to kill Chen Daozi when he heard a sound from above:

"This is it! Come here quickly!"

Hearing this, Xu Buring reacted immediately. He swept his boots across the ground and found that the ground was flat. He knew that this must be the place Li Hansheng was looking for. He stopped immediately and took out a fire stick from his waist and lit it.

The dim firelight lit up, and the surrounding scenes came into view.

Zhongli Jiujiu stood beside him, her dress and cape were in a mess, her bun was also messy, as if she had just been violently messed up by Xu Buling, her hands were curled up on her chest, with a look of fear on her face.

After seeing the fire, Zhongli Jiujiu quickly regained his calm expression and looked around as if nothing had happened.


Xu Buring had nothing to say. He looked around and saw that the place the two of them were in was a naturally formed cave. The stalactites above and on the ground were covered with ice. At the entrance was a long staircase, which was cut directly from the stone wall. , until they were at their feet, and they must have rolled down the ladder.

The surrounding area is quite wide, but the ground is covered with stalactites, with only a winding path in the middle leading to the depths. The lampstands carved into the stalactites at regular intervals have long turned into black stains.

After taking a moment to look at it, the light at the end of the stairs dimmed three times. Apparently three people rushed in, and Ding Yuan's voice rang out:

"Xu Bu Ling is there! Stop him!"

Xu Bu Ling frowned. He had already found the place, so there was nothing left to fight.

Seeing the other party rushing down, Xu Buling took Zhongli Jiujiu's wrist and ran deeper along the winding path.

The sound of breaking stone pillars was soon heard from behind, and then a fire was lit up. Three more people came in at the entrance of the cave, and Li Hansheng's gloomy voice came:

"Kill Chen Daozi first!"

The cave is extremely deep and empty, and sounds can travel extremely far.

When Xu Buling saw the two groups behind him chasing each other, he would definitely not wait and watch the show. He pulled Zhongli Jiujiu to move inside the cave, heading deep underground.

Zhongli Jiujiu couldn't fight head-on, but Yin Ren's kung fu was top-notch. Seeing that the surroundings were pitch black, and the pursuers behind him were restricted by the environment and couldn't run too fast, he took out a bunch of small bottles and wrapped them with filaments. He was quickly tied between two stalactites, and a lot of poisonous needles were inserted into the ground with the needle points pointing upward.

These gadgets may not be able to trick Chen Daozi, but Wu Kui is also a human being. As long as he is wary of these things, he will definitely have to check carefully. If he accidentally encounters a trick and is caught up by Li Hansheng, he will probably have to confess on the spot.

Zhongli Jiujiu bent down to set up a trap. The lower part of his waistband under his white cloak was round and round, which looked very impactful from behind.

Xu Buling held the fire certificate and stared at the pursuers behind him. He glanced down from the corner of his eye and saw Zhongli Jiujiu's quick hands and feet, placing many of them in one place. He raised his hand and patted her butt:

"Spread out."


Zhongli Jiujiu's eyes were angry, and she wanted to poke Xu Buling with a poisonous needle, but Xu Buling pulled her away. Now that the situation was critical, she had to swallow her anger and pretend that nothing happened.

The two people were speeding through the dim cave, and they didn't know how far they ran. Some ancient buildings began to appear around them. Most of the wooden buildings were weathered, and only the stone buildings were still there, with various complicated patterns carved on them. It's a bit like a place for religious worship in ancient times.

Zhongli Jiujiu glanced at it a few times, but couldn't recognize the words on it. He asked doubtfully: "This place doesn't look like it is only two or three hundred years old. It looks older than some of our old villages in South Vietnam."

Xu Buling casually glanced at the totem of 'Double Dragons Watching Flying Swallows' on the building:

"The totems of the Yan Kingdom during the Spring and Autumn Period are estimated to be thousands of years old. They are either royal tombs or bunkers. Some people in later generations may have found and used them to avoid wars here, so the buildings are old and different."

Zhongli Jiujiu grew up in a village in Nanyue. She didn’t even know much about what happened a hundred years ago. Naturally, her understanding of the ancient times was not as good as Xu Buring’s. She nodded in understanding and followed the road. After setting up several more traps, they discovered a wall deep in the cave. In front of the wall was a trench, about three feet wide. Through the faint firelight, one could see the stone thorns and several skeletons below.

There used to be a wooden bridge that could be pulled up above the trench, but it had already corroded over the centuries and fell into the pit. Only an iron chain hung from the stone wall above.

Zhongli Jiujiu stopped at the edge of the trench and looked around:

"What's happening, there's no way out."

Xu Buling inserted the sword back into his waist, raised his hand and hugged Zhongli Jiujiu's waist, took two steps back, then made a big jump, and grabbed the hanging chain in the air to use his strength. Unexpectedly, the chain hanging above him quickly As it fell, there was a mechanical sound of "click, click, click—".

Zhongli Jiujiu is an expert at playing traps. When he heard the voice, his expression suddenly changed:

"Watch out!"

At this moment, a figure rushed out silently on the road behind, holding an iron gun as black as ink. It was Chen Chong who was rushing at the front.

Before Chen Chong arrived, the iron spear was already approaching.

Xu Buling knew he had fallen into a trap to lure the enemy when he held the iron chain. Unable to use any force, he turned around and pulled out the drunken bamboo knife from his waist, and struck the iron gun behind him with the sound of his voice.

Whispering rustling——

Also at this moment, several rows of holes appeared on the walls to the left, right and in front, and hundreds of arrows were fired in an instant.

Chen Chong had never fought Xu Buling before, so he took advantage of Xu Buling's unpreparedness and shot him. Unexpectedly, Xu Buling could react. The iron spear pierced the sword, and the huge force directly pushed Xu Buling out.

Xu Buling took advantage of the momentum and drew his sword in the air, waving it like the wind and splitting the rain of arrows, which fell under the opposite wall.

Chen Chong's shot was blocked, and he paused in the air. Arrows were coming from the left and right. He held the gun in both hands to block the water splashing from the left and right, but there was no place to put force under his feet. He immediately fell from the top of the trench.

If a dignified military leader could be stabbed to death by a ground thorn, he would have no shame in wandering around in the world.

Chen Chong's body was strong and strong. He caught a sharp stone thorn with his feet, pushed it up again, and shot Xu Buling again.

Xu Buling unsheathed his sword, stood above the trench and struck back twice with Chen Chong who tried to rush up, and said in a deep voice:

"Go in, walk slowly, and be careful of the traps."

Zhonglijiujiu's research on hidden weapons was far richer than Xu Buling's. He entered the stone gate with a fire certificate and saw a deep corridor in front of him. She carefully tested the floor tiles with her shoes to avoid triggering the mechanism and moved deeper.

Xu Buling held a sword to break Chen Chong's extremely brave offensive, and followed Zhongli Jiujiu to move deeper into the corridor, but it was obviously very slow to move like this.

Chen Chong had someone to scout the way, and he had the advantage of being the commander of the weapons. He raised his gun and attacked fiercely without any scruples, and his feet accurately stepped on the floor tiles that Zhongli Jiujiu had stepped on.

Ding ding ding——

Sparks burst out in the corridor, sometimes bright and sometimes dark.

Chen Daozi and Ding Yuan from behind also chased after him. Without anyone, they crossed the trench without any help and forced themselves towards Xu Buling.

Chen Chong can become a grand master, and he is obviously not stupid. As he raised his spear and stabbed hard, he quickly reminded:

"Third from the left, fifth from the right, second from the left..."

Chen Daozi was a gossip, so he followed the numbers reported by Chen Chong without any explanation, stepped on the rows of floor tiles and chased after him, followed closely by Ding Yuan.

In an instant, the three people arrived in front of them, but the corridor was only as wide as an arm's length, and an iron gun had been blocked. They could only step on the place where Chen Chong had stepped. Obviously, they could not attack together. They could only take the time to use the cold sword from behind Chen Chong. .

Xu Buling couldn't move around, so he could only fight head-on. He also had to take care of Zhongli Jiujiu who was back to back. With a little difficulty, he used his strong physique to fend off the incoming iron spear. When he saw Li Hansheng chasing after him, he attacked He said loudly at the entrance of the corridor:

"Third from the left, fifth from the right..."

Li Hansheng, who had already followed, was hesitant to enter rashly. When he heard these words, he naturally understood. He was like a Rakshasa wandering at night, with his sleeves and robes fluttering, and he pressed over directly.

The corridor was only about ten feet wide, with no roads left and right. Chen Daozi and the other three were lying in the middle. Seeing that they were attacked from both sides, they had to divide their forces and let Chen Chong guard Xu Buling, while Chen Daozi guarded Li Hansheng.

Li Hansheng also had to step on places that Xu Bu Ling and others had stepped on to avoid triggering the mechanism. He could only deal with the enemy alone. Zheng Yushan followed the footsteps and took the time to plot.

Eight people lined up in a straight line and couldn't step on them casually. It was obvious that they couldn't use real skills. There were constant flashes of swords and shadows in the corridor, but the situation was deadlocked and no one could do anything.

If the stalemate continues like this and the three teams move slowly in the corridor, it won't be a big problem. The worst is to wait until they reach a safe place before starting the fight.

But not everyone in the world has as much experience as Wu Kui.

After the three teams walked a few hundred steps, Chen Chong's three apprentices also caught up at the entrance of the stone gate. They were all covered in colors and looked very embarrassed.

Seeing the flash of swords and shadows in the depths of the corridor, Chen Chong and others were caught in the middle. One of the fools among the three disciples yelled:

"Master, let me help you!"

Then he rushed in one after another...

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