The prince is very fierce

Chapter 45 Conspiracy (234/543)

The little girls were worried about what they would do after marrying into the prince's palace. In the carriage behind, the situation was similar.

Zhongli Jiujiu was sitting in a carriage. After learning the wedding time, she was obviously a little nervous. Although she had already married Xu Buling and had a marriage certificate with a jade seal, it was a secret affair between the two of them in private. Business occasions had to go through the motions, meeting relatives and friends of her husband's family, toasting tea to her future father-in-law, etc. .

Zhongli Jiujiu was born in a village in Nanyue, and she was a woman from the world. She was about to meet her future father, who was still a vassal king who broke the land and sealed the territory. He didn't even know how to say hello. At this time, Ning Yuhe was pulled over and persuaded with a pleasant tone:

"Hehe, you really don't want to come in together? We have been fighting for so many years, and you haven't given up an inch. This time you let me go in first. You will have to call me sister from now on, and you will always be overpowered by me. Think about it!"

Looking at this look, he is obviously timid and wants to be supported by others.

Ning Yuhe was wearing a Taoist robe and looked like a fairy. He was actually a little worried about entering the door. She rarely gave Zhongli Jiujiu a cold look, but sighed softly:

"It's not like you don't know about my relationship with Qingye. How can I get in now? I can't be like you and ignore my apprentice's feelings..."

When Zhongli Jiujiu heard this, her face turned red and she was slightly annoyed: "I didn't mean it. Who would have thought that Chu Chu and your apprentice could run in to catch an adulterer at that time? I almost hit the wall in a hurry. Didn't you If I meet you, you will probably be a worse person than me when you are caught."

Ning Yuhe did not deny this and was silent for a moment:

"You and Chu Chu are just going to waste your time like this?"

Zhongli Jiujiu was thinking quickly. When he heard this, he knew that there was something in Ning Yuhe's words, so he leaned a little closer:

"Hehe, is there anything you can do?"

"Call me sister."


Ning Yuhe said "Hmm~" and thought for a moment: "Your apprentice definitely doesn't believe you now, but he knows that you and I are incompatible. If I go to persuade her and say some good words to you, the effect will be much better."

Zhongli Jiujiu frowned slightly and thought for a moment: "Xu Bu Ling's persuasion is useless. What's the use of your persuasion?"

"A dead horse is a living doctor. It will definitely be useless for you and Xu Buling to persuade you. Chu Chu will only become more and more estranged. When you and Xu Buling get married on the night of your wedding, Chu Chu will definitely be very disappointed. I went to persuade you at that time. With me and Qingye's example is in front of her, and she will be more accepting. If I help you take on more responsibilities, Chuchu might forgive you. "

Zhongli Jiujiu pursed her lips, feeling that it made sense, and hesitated for a moment:

"It's okay to try, thank you."

Ning Yuhe narrowed his eyes slightly: "Don't thank me, I won't help you for nothing, there are conditions."

"Don't I call you sister now?"

"First come, first served, you should have called me sister."

Zhongli Jiujiu sat up a little straighter and straightened her chest slightly: "Ning Yuhe, don't push yourself too far. Either make demands or call you sister. If you want to have both, there's no way."

Ning Yuhe blinked and hesitated: "Well... if I help you convince Chu Chu, when the opportunity is right in the future, you will have to help me bear the thunder. Let's just say that the matter between me and Xu Buling was the result of you To set up a trap..."

Zhongli Jiujiu was stunned for a moment and spread his hands slightly:

"The matter between you and Xu Buling was originally caused by me...cough-"

Ning Yuhe's face turned cold.

Zhongli Jiujiu sensed that something was wrong and quickly explained: "I drink the wine that reveals my heart. You are not clean yourself, otherwise you will fall into the trap. Let's not blame each other. I am still your matchmaker."

Ning Yuhe took a few deep breaths: "Well, in that case, you have to confess to Qingye when the time comes and admit your evil deeds, so that Qingye won't blame me."

Zhongli Jiujiu thought about it and hesitated a little: "Hehe, isn't it a bit..."

"Otherwise, what should we do? Either you and Xu Buling break up, or you drive Chu Chu back to South Vietnam and occupy Xu Buling alone?"

"How is this possible... Okay, okay, it's up to you, give it a try..." ——

The huge chariot at the front of the motorcade is King Su's carriage. It is basically a mobile house. There is a small aisle on the outside, and inside there are beds, sofas, and coffee tables.

Xiao Qi was sitting in front of the dressing table. The long black dress she wore all year round was replaced by a more festive red dress. She looked exactly the same as Xiao Xianger, and now there was no difference at all.

Lu Hongluan stood behind, helping to tie Xiao Qi's hair, looking slightly dazed.

Lu Hongluan had promised to give her everything when she arrived in Suzhou, and she officially changed from aunt to daughter-in-law. Although it is unfair to the public, King Su must know that when he was a child, he often gave Prince Su troubles and even called him brother, and suddenly he became someone’s daughter-in-law. , but it’s not easy to speak.

After all, these days, when Xu Buling, Xiao Qi, and Xiang'er were messing around, Lu Hongluan was dragged into participating. Although she didn't take the last step, what could she hold on to in that situation? She felt dizzy several times. Yes, he almost imitated Xiang'er and moved on his own.

Lu Hongluan liked to be jealous. Originally she was shy and restrained by etiquette and did not dare to cross the line. Now she has heard and seen her, and is constantly provoked by Xiang'er. She can no longer bear it.

Although he was still weird in his heart, Lu Hongluan's thoughts have changed: long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. When Ling'er and I are successful, we must take good care of Xiang'er. I can do everything Xiang'er can do. I am still Aunt Ling'er. If I can't suppress Xiang'er anymore, then the grievances I have endured for the past six months will be in vain...

Xiao Xiang'er leaned lazily on the soft couch and watched Lu Hongluan combing her hair. She was well aware of her good sister's little thoughts, but she didn't care at all.

Returning to Suzhou again, Xiao Xiang'er no longer felt as hesitant and uneasy as last time. After all, as long as her sister married into the palace and became the concubine, she could use her sister's identity to walk around openly.

At that time, Xiao Qi would be sitting in the study every day dealing with a mountain of official duties, and she would be exhausted to death, while she would accompany her sister's man to travel around the mountains and rivers, and accept the love of the people. It's embarrassing to think about it...

While the three people were packing up, the sound of horse hooves was heard outside the carriage, and then Xu Buling jumped on the carriage and walked into the carriage.

Xiao Xiang'er held her cheek with her hand and said doubtfully: "Xu Bu Ling, if you don't go ahead to clear the way, what are you doing here? You and my sister are not married yet, so it is against the rules to get together in advance."

Xu Buling was wearing a royal robe embroidered with gold and looked slightly embarrassed:

"When I went out, I told Lao Xiao to bring back some books for him, but I forgot all of them, so I won't be able to explain them later. Hmm... are there any rare and unique books that we are bringing back?"

In order to relieve her boredom on the road, Xiao Qi brought a library of books, including many rare ancient books. After hearing this, she turned around and said:

"I brought a lot. What kind do you want? There seems to be no martial arts secret book..."


Xu Buling couldn't explain it easily and thought for a long time:

"Well... it's the kind... the kind... that's more elegant, or records the way to reconcile yin and yang, similar to the "Emperor's Internal Classic"..."

Xiao Qi has been extremely smart since she was a child. When she saw Xu Bu Ling hesitating and saying this, she immediately understood what was going on and immediately frowned:

"Why would I bring that kind of book?"

Xu Buling thought about it, nodded and said:

"Oh, that's right. I don't usually read those things. It's just Lao Xiao who likes this..."

Lu Hongluan pursed her lips and hesitated: "Ling'er, if you don't look, where did you learn those moves to bully Xiang'er?"

Xu Buling coughed lightly: "Self-taught. Forget it, I'll explain to Lao Xiao." He was about to go out.

Xiao Xiang'er thought about it and suddenly sat up:

"You wait."

Xu Bu Ling paused, turned around and said, "Baby, do you have one?"

"How could I hide those things."

Xiao Xiang'er turned her head and looked at Xiao Qi, who was slightly stiff: "Sister, don't you like to collect ancient books? I remember that you hid a lot of messy books. I peeked at them when I was a child, and there seemed to be..."

Xiao Qi's face was serious: "No, you remembered it wrong."

"How could I remember it wrong?"

Xiao Xiang'er regained her energy, stood up quickly, pulled Xu Buling to the corner of the carriage, and searched among the few small boxes Xiao Qi had brought with her.

Xiao Qi suddenly became anxious, Feng Qingyundan's expression could no longer be stable, she stood up and said:

"Don't mess around...Give it back to me..."

Naturally, these shady things were collected together. When the small box was opened, it was filled with various illustrated little books, most of them with annotations; there were even a few poems by Xu Buling, as well as some poems by Xiao When Qi was bored in her free time, she secretly wrote love poems and so on, which made her feel numb just by glancing at them.

Xiao Qi's face turned red and she ran over to grab the box.

Xiao Xiang'er's little box was discovered by her sister. She was laughed at and gave up on herself. When she discovered that her aloof sister had hidden so many secrets, her expression suddenly became ambiguous:

"Hey, sister, I didn't see it. I thought you could only let go when you were dizzy, but I didn't expect that in private..."

"Die Xiang'er, give it back to me..."

Xu Buling was also stunned for a moment, picked up the little book and looked through it a few times:

"Well...Qiqi, you have read so many books, why do you still need me to teach you? You still pretend that you can't learn it, so I said, how could you, a smart person like you, not even be able to learn the lying posture..."

Xiao Qi was ashamed and embarrassed. She raised her hand and snatched the love poem from the book and stuffed it into the box:

"I collected this in my spare time. I...I don't read much..." The words were very unconfident.

Xu Buling nodded: "I know, I know, keep it well and discuss it together when we have time. I went down first and told Lao Xiao that I couldn't find it."

Xiao Qi pursed her lips, took out two unannotated little books from the box, and threw them to Xu Buling:

"Take it, take it. I just read it in my spare time to appreciate the ancient books. It's not what you think. If you don't believe it, forget it."

"I understand..."

While chatting, the carriage arrived outside Suzhou City.

The girls who were playing around put away all their thoughts at the same time, got off the carriage in a polite manner, and accompanied Xu Buling to visit the smiling King Su...

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