The prince is very fierce

Chapter 16: Rains fall heavily during the Qingming Festival

The next morning, before dawn, the fine spring rain hit the window, making a soft rustling sound.

In the boudoir on the second floor of the building, Xu Buring opened his eyes. Aunt Lu was in his left hand and Xiao Qi was in his right hand. The baby was sleeping soundly on his chest, being pressed so hard that he could not move. Yufu was young and shy, huddled pitifully on the side. The horns were turned away from each other, looking like they couldn't bear to look at them.

The whole body is soft and gentle, nothing more than that.

Xu Bu Ling hugged her tightly and was really reluctant to get up, but it was impossible not to get up. She had to get things done before she could lie down carefree like this for the rest of her life.

After lying there for a long time listening to the sound of rain, Xu Buring took a deep breath, kissed the baby's forehead, and pinched Aunt Lu and Xiao Qi.

After a while, Xu Bu allowed herself to dress neatly in the room, turned around and tucked in all the bedding.

Song Yufu, who was sleeping in the back, was newlywed and separated a lot, but couldn't express it. She hid behind Lu Hongluan and whispered: "Mr., come back soon."

The three eldest sisters did not speak, but the reluctance in their eyes was not concealed at all, even Xiao Qi, who had always been mentally tough.

"It's just a few days away, not several years. If you don't want to leave, my husband also needs to recharge his batteries."

Xu Buring smiled, tapped his lips one after another, then turned and left the room.

After washing, I came downstairs.

Ning Qingye put on light armor and a raincoat and bamboo hat, stood at the entrance of the ship building, looked at the sky, and waited quietly.

Zhu Manzhi, who slept until the sun was basking on his buttocks, got up very early today and stood in front of him, still talking:

"Xiao Ning, we are sisters who worship each other and burn yellow paper. Look, I got up so early to see you off. Do you think you are worthy of me..."

Xu Buling was a little amused. He turned around and saw Cui Xiaowan standing at the door of the innermost room, holding a plate of grains in his hand and squatting on the ground to feed the geese. After seeing him, he raised his hand and waved:

"Walk slowly."


Xu Bu Ling waved his hand, turned around and left the ship building. When he put on his raincoat, he noticed that Zhu Manzhi's eyes were sour, as if he wanted to sweeten his words but was hesitant to speak.

Xu Bu Ling understood what he was doing. He pressed Manzhi against the wall and rubbed it until the little Manzhi started to writhe.

Ning Qingye's eyebrows were furrowed, but she didn't try to save her good sister who was making trouble for herself. She led the big white horse and walked off the boat.

Yue Jiulou and more than a hundred soldiers were already waiting under the boat. After Xu Buling got off the boat on horseback, he galloped towards the southeast.

The building boat also left the shore at the same time and traveled down the Wei River...


In the imperial city, the palace gate has just opened, and hundreds of officials are filing in holding oil-paper umbrellas, like black lotus leaves floating on the white stone royal road.

Behind the Taiji Hall, Song Ji was holding a tea cup, listening to the news that had just come from the Detective Department.

Song Ying knelt down on one knee with a look of remorse on her face:

"...Zuo Qingqiu's martial arts skills are too strong. After leaving the city, he was like a mud cow in the sea. It is difficult to trace... However, on the way to pursue, I was in the eastern suburbs. I saw Prince Su, being chased by wasps..."


Song Ji's eyes narrowed and he looked slightly unhappy.

Song Ying quickly lowered her head: "At that time, Crown Prince Su was carrying a woman on his shoulders. After discovering that he was holding the woman in his arms, he was suspected of deliberately covering his face. He checked last night and found that there was no young lady in the city. Missing…”

These messy things can be said to have no meaning at all, but Song Ying lost the crown prince of Northern Qi and could not escape the blame. He could only tell some vague information to attract the emperor's attention.

This move obviously had an effect. After Song Ji heard this, his brows furrowed slightly, and some doubts arose in his heart.

Song Ji would definitely not believe it if he said that he was allowed to rob civilian girls.

If the noble prince wants a woman, there is no need to fight for it. Even if he wants a princess as a concubine, the clan will not say a word. Maybe the little princess in the palace will fight over it. Women from ordinary families , not to mention.

Since the woman's face was deliberately covered, it must be that the woman's identity was not visible to the public.

Under the current situation, Miss Xiao, whose identity is the most sensitive, could be married openly and openly. What other woman needs to be secretive?

The princess of Northern Qi?

Song Ji was holding the tea cup. After a moment of silence, he had no clue, then he raised his hand and said:

"Go and find out where Xu Buling went."



It rains heavily during the Qingming Festival. On the official road outside Chang'an City, horses and carriages sometimes pass by, going to the ancestral mausoleum to pay homage to their deceased friends.

Outside the Queen's Mausoleum in the eastern suburbs, a carriage with the Cui family's brand name was slowly approaching. The maids and servants were carrying various memorial items and carefully cleaning the cemetery inside the Queen's Mausoleum.

Mrs. Cui, the eldest wife of the Cui family, got out of the carriage accompanied by her maid, held an oil-paper umbrella, and walked slowly outside the Queen's Mausoleum.

Mrs. Cui was born in the Wang family of Taiyuan, one of the five great families. The city of Taiyuan was destroyed a few days ago, and her family was naturally affected. Very few people ran away, and most of them became the "guests" of the Northern Qi Dynasty.

Although the Northern Qi Dynasty wanted to restore the country, it was inseparable from the support of various powerful officials and would not kill people directly related to the Wang family. However, coercion, inducement and intimidation always made the Wang family members who were officials in the court restrained. Mrs. Cui was naturally also affected. Affected, my mood has not been very good these days.

Coming to the Queen's Mausoleum during the Qingming Festival to visit the tomb and pay homage was just a formality for Mrs. Cui; she was Queen Cui's biological mother and gave birth to her youngest daughter Cui Xiaowan when she was nearly thirty years old. Mrs. Cui didn't want to agree, knowing that Xiaowan couldn't get used to it. Her husband Cui Huailu must have explained those things to her beforehand. Otherwise, if Cui Xiaowan really died in the palace, Mrs. Cui would have gone to the palace to ask Song Ji for an explanation. Happened.

Knowing that her daughter was fine, Mrs. Cui naturally didn't care about the sacrifice and felt it was a bit unlucky.

Outside the Queen's Mausoleum, there was a gentle spring rain. Mrs. Cui and her maidservants were strolling in the courtyard, waiting for the servants to prepare things, then burn incense sticks and return to Chang'an City. There were also guards in the meantime, who ran to burn some paper money for their former colleague Jia Yi.

It's just that the Queen's Mausoleum hasn't been tidied up yet. The guard who went to burn incense in the woods ran over first and bowed:

"Madam, someone came here two days ago and cleaned Jia Yi's grave."

When Mrs. Cui heard this, she was a little confused. Death warriors are trained since childhood. They have no name, surname, relatives or friends. They are just tools to the family members, just like loyal dogs. If they can find a place to live after death, it is the end of the family's benevolence. Normally, there is no People will remember; she asked the guards to burn some paper money just because Jia Yi happened to be buried nearby, and Xiao Wan trusted this dead man very much.

Mrs. Cui thought for a moment and walked to the small grave among the woods. Looking up, I saw that the weeds around the round tomb had been removed, and the distances were evenly matched, drawing a perfect circle; the small bamboo basket was still on the ground, empty inside, and there were only three sticks of incense in front of the wordless monument. I picked up three sticks of incense, no more and no less; the branches of several trees nearby have been chopped off, with no protrusions attached to the trunks. They were cut very carefully...

When Mrs. Cui saw this neat and strange scene, her heart suddenly thumped, and she felt that something was wrong.

She watched Xiao Wan grow up. Xiao Wan planted trees in the peach blossoms, and she always tidied the nursery like this. If she made any mistake, she would be embarrassed and unable to eat. There is no one in the world who can come to visit Jia Yi's grave and still weed and cut branches like this. I couldn't find the second one at all.

Mrs. Cui looked around, called the guard over, and said softly:

"Immediately send someone back to Cui's house to find my second uncle and ask him to see how the peach blossom forest is growing. And here, we need to tidy up the surrounding vegetation. I don't know who did it, making it so ugly..."

The guard nodded and took the order.

The old maid behind Mrs. Cui also felt a little familiar, but naturally it was impossible for the maid to know such secrets, so she just asked doubtfully:

"On the Qingming Festival these days, people from the clan came to worship the queen yesterday. Jia Yi has been a eunuch in the palace for ten years. Could it be that someone in the palace took care of it?"

Mrs. Cui was a little confused, shook her head and said:

"Maybe, don't worry about it, let's go."


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