The prince is very fierce

Chapter 76: When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter

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On October 20, it rained heavily in the capital of South Vietnam.

There was chaos in the city of Yongzhou. Although the officers and soldiers closed the city under a curfew, it was difficult to stop countless princes, princes and nobles from fleeing with their families, or using their connections to contact the Xiliang army outside Teapot Ridge.

In the entire Yongzhou City, the only people who were unhurried were the people at the bottom of the city, because General Xu Lie was born as a butcher at the bottom, and he never slaughtered the people at the bottom when marching and fighting.

The South Vietnamese court also discovered at this time that the only thing that could stop the Xiliang army in South Vietnam was this sudden heavy rain from the sky.

On Guifei Street, the old tavern was still open, but there was no customer.

The second prince Chen Ju, who was trying his best to maintain the situation in the court and had not slept for almost ten days, now had some time to relax. Braving the heavy rain, he came to the old tavern alone and looked around, looking for the person who had watched him grow up. The waiter in the shop said a few words, but it was a pity that there was no one in this big city who could toast and drink with him.

Heavy rain was pouring down outside the window, and Chen Ju was drinking alone at the wine table by the window. From time to time, officials came and asked him to go back to the court to take charge of the overall situation. Chen Ju turned a blind eye. After all, if he couldn't go back now, the result would be nothing. the difference.

Until the end, Anguo Gong Zhou Qin, dressed in military uniform and cloak, brought his grandson Shangguan Jinghong to the old tavern.

Chen Ju's face was full of alcohol. Looking at Zhou Qin who was dressed completely different from before, he smiled drunkenly:

"Grandpa, are you ready to leave?"

Zhou Qin's face was gloomy, he raised his hand and asked someone to close the door of the old tavern, and said coldly:

"The situation is over. I will take you out of the capital, leaving Qingshan without any worries about firewood. You can join Dong Yue in the future. With the foundation of my Hundred Insect Valley, it will be easy to guarantee your wealth for the rest of your life."

Chen Ju did not get up, but took a drink from the wine bottle and looked at his grandfather, whom he had regarded as a close relative since childhood:

"My surname is Chen, not Shangguan. I was born to be a king, how can I be left as a hawk and dog under someone else's fence? I have done so many things for my grandfather, but now my country is ruined and my family is ruined. I am gone. I am sorry for this surname."


Chen Ju is the grandson of Zhou Qin. Although Zhou Qin is the leader of Bai Chong Valley and has done countless shady things, he treats Chen Ju as his descendant:

"So what if you die? Xu Buling clearly wants to annex South Vietnam. There is such a disparity in national power. Your father Chen Jin also ended up being killed here. It has nothing to do with you and me. You are my grandson. Xu Buling destroyed the city. The second The only one who will be killed is you and me. If you follow me, you can still be rich and prosperous for the rest of your life. If you don't leave, you will definitely die."

Chen Ju knew that this was the truth. Even without Zhou Qin's various means to help him rise to power, South Vietnam should still lose, maybe it would just be a slower defeat. He looked at Zhou Qin and asked:

"Grandpa, are the illnesses of the queen, my eldest brother, and my father the king caused by you? And my mother's death, does it have anything to do with you?"

Zhou Qin frowned, looked at his grandson who once treated him respectfully, and said calmly:

"You know it in your heart, why do you need to ask me?"

"I haven't asked grandpa, I just hope that after Xu Bu Ling breaks the city, he will understand."

Zhou Qin took a breath, turned around and said: "Your mother died in depression. I couldn't save her. This hatred can only be blamed on Pu Di, the waiter in the shop. I won't do anything to others. You are a collateral bastard. Where did you come from? Location?"

After finishing speaking, Zhou Qin put on his cloak, opened the door and entered the rain curtain, and disappeared into the rain curtain with the participating members of the Hundred Insect Valley.

Chen Ju frowned and looked at the door of the old tavern and the small stool where the waiter used to sit. There might be something he couldn't figure out, but at this point, there was nothing to think about. He drank the wine in the pot in one gulp until Drunk and fell on the wine table...


It rained like a waterfall on the long street.

Zhou Qin flew up to the roof and led his subordinates quickly towards the outside of the city.

Shangguan Jinghong walked beside him, looking back from time to time at the old tavern that was getting further and further away. As Chen Ju's cousin, he was a little hesitant about leaving Chen Ju behind and said:

"Grandpa, Chen Ju was born in an emperor's family since he was a child. It's not surprising that he has a temper. All he needs to do is knock him unconscious and take him away to persuade him. If he is left alone, he will die."

Zhou Qin, or Shangguan Qinhe, who has returned to his original name, actually has a somewhat sad look in his eyes under his cloak, shaking his head and saying:

"I have raised him for twenty years and pushed him step by step to his current position. In the past, when things were going smoothly, he treated me with respect. But now that the situation is over, he puts all the blame on me in his heart, blaming me for ruining the court and ruining the court. What's the use of staying with a white-eyed wolf who can share joys and sorrows with him?"

Shangguan Jinghong sighed. In fact, he also grew up in the Duke's Mansion and was pampered since childhood. The only difference between him and Chen Ju was that he knew more things. Suddenly, from a prince to a poor man fleeing the rivers and lakes, ordinary people can't bear it.

But people in Jianghu have always sought wealth and wealth in danger. Now that things have come to this, it can only be said that the fortune is bad, and there is nothing to complain about. If you don't want to leave the tree here, it will have its own place to stay. As long as the roots are maintained, it can grow again in another place.

Shangguan Jinghong didn't say anything more. He led a dozen of the core personnel of Hundred Insect Valley, followed Shangguan Qinhe, climbed over the southern city wall, and secretly left the capital.

It's obviously not that easy to just lay out such a big plan, make South Vietnam a mess, and target Xu Buling's head. Afterwards, he wants to just pat his butt and walk away.

Shangguan Qinhe, like a ghost, shuttled quickly through the countryside, rushing to the prepared ship, preparing to go to the sea and go around the south of the Yangtze River, and merge into Li Hansheng's command. With Shang Guan's martial arts skills and poison refining skills, as well as the remaining disciples of Bai Chong Valley, he can take the second place in the Eagle Tower at least.

Just as they walked to the bank of Liujiang River, the black crows hovering around Kong Jingjing began to cry "Wow--".

Shangguan Qinhe paused suddenly and raised his left hand. The group stopped in the countryside, pressed their swords with their hands, and looked around cautiously.

The place where more than ten people were located was a forest next to the Liujiang River. The heavy rain obscured their sight, and the roar of the river blocked most of the sounds.

Shangguan Qinhe looked at the dim woods, listened for a moment, and said coldly:

"Friend, come out."

Da da da——

The sound of rain hitting the oil paper umbrella was heard. Under the shadow of the woods, a tall man in a dark robe slowly walked out with a straight knife. He wore a bird-head mask on his head, which looked a little eerie in the night. .

Shangguan Jinghong had seen this mask outside the prison. His face suddenly turned pale, and there was no lack of resentment in his eyes. He pressed the handle of the knife and said coldly:

"Grandpa, what should I do if I am allowed or not?"

Shangguan Qinhe's face turned a little colder and he didn't speak, just staring at Xu Buling who walked out of the woods.

Xu Buling knew that Anguo Gong Zhou Qin would definitely escape when the army approached the city. He had already brought his people over before arriving at Teapot Ridge. He set up a heavy spy around the capital. He was originally planning to attack by surprise, but he never thought he would be discovered.

At this time, Xu Buling turned a blind eye to the dozen remnants of the Hundred Insect Valley. He just raised his eyes and looked at the three black crows hovering in the sky, and said in a cold voice:

"This bird is not bad. It knows how to announce its master's funeral in advance. It is very spiritual."

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