The prince is very fierce

Chapter 79: When I woke up, the sky fell

Seeing Xu Buling coming over, Chen Sining's heart tightened and she turned around and said:

"Father, he just woke up, you..."

Chen Sining originally wanted to wait until some time later, but the Xiliang army had already arrived at the city. No one in South Vietnam except her father could take charge of the overall situation at this time. If it continued, there might be some trouble in the capital.

Chen Sining hesitated for a moment, but without saying anything more, she stood up and walked out of the dormitory silently.

Chen Jin is not a mediocre king. On the contrary, before the incident, he was a wise king with excellent reputation. If not, he would not be able to command the tribes of Baiyue.

When Chen Jin saw Xu Buling's tone and his daughter's reaction, the instinct of a person in power already made him feel something was wrong. He sat up from the hospital bed with some difficulty, regained the dignity that a monarch should have, raised his hand to motion to the seat next to him, and said hoarsely:

"Sit down. Who are you?"

Xu Buling sat down next to the hospital bed with a calm expression:

"The eldest son of King Dayuesu, I promise not to order you."

Chen Jin frowned. As the monarch of South Vietnam, it was impossible not to know who King Su was. He turned his head and glanced at the bedroom, and after confirming that it was his imperial city and not a house in Chang'an City, he said:

"It seems that Gu has been unconscious for a long time. His Royal Highness, are you visiting Baiyue, or are you bringing troops?"

In fact, when Chen Jin asked this question, he already had some guesses in his mind.

Chen Jin knew the relationship between Dayue Emperor Song Ji and King Su. As long as Song Ji was on the throne, it would never be possible to send Prince Su's son, who was far away in the northwest, on an envoy to the capital of South Vietnam. Even if he sent King Su, he would not pay attention.

Prince Su's son appeared in Yongzhou City. The only possibility was that Dayue used troops to attack South Vietnam and asked Xu Buling to take command and fight over directly.

Despite this speculation, Chen Jin was unwilling to believe this result. After all, if this was true, South Vietnam was already at the point of life and death. He just slept for a long time. Why did the sky fall when he woke up?

Xu Buling sat next to the hospital bed, his expression was not arrogant, and he said calmly:

"Your Majesty, there is no need to panic. Although I brought troops here, my original intention was not to destroy the Chen family. On the contrary, the Chen family pays tribute to me every year and we have excellent relations with each other. I brought troops here to help Your Majesty relieve the siege."

Chen Jin had been away from the court for so long that she had no idea what was going on outside. But if Dayue can fight over, there will definitely be a lot of chaos in the court. He looked at Xu Buling and nodded:

"Your Highness, why do you say this?"

Xu Buring raised his finger and pointed at the portrait next to him:

"Concubine Zhou's biological father Anguo Gong Zhou Qin was a remnant of the Baichong Valley in the Jiazi period. His real name was Shangguan Qinhe. He settled in Lingshan County incognito since he was a child. Twenty years ago, he offered his beauty to win the favor of His Majesty, and thus he rose to prominence and was granted a title. After your majesty gave birth to Chen Ju, he secretly poisoned Queen Song and the eldest son of the king, causing his majesty to go crazy and lose his mind. After that, he supported Chen Ju to take power and gradually took control of the court in recent years. , secretly recruited troops and developed poisons in an attempt to invade our Chaochu land. After I learned the news, I came to help your majesty eradicate the traitors and found the antidote in him, so that your majesty could regain his consciousness. If I don't come, Chen. The clan will be exterminated in less than two years."

Chen Jin frowned and looked at the portrait on the wall.

Only Chen Jin himself knew how painful it was after going crazy. He didn't believe that drinking all day long would lead to him becoming what he is now. As the saying goes, whoever benefits the most is the murderer. When Wang's eldest son died and he fell into a coma, the person who benefited the most was definitely his second son, Chen Ju. But Chen Jin couldn't accept this fact. It was heartless for a father and son in an imperial family to fight each other, not to mention that this happened to his most beloved son.

"The queen and the eldest son have died of illness. The throne will definitely belong to Chen Ju in the future. Why should he attack Gu again?"

Xu Buling shook his head: "So Zhou Qin is in charge of everything. Your Majesty is here, and Zhou Qin cannot control the court. As for whether Chen Ju knows about it, your Majesty should ask him himself."

Chen Jin took a deep breath, put aside his distracting thoughts, and then looked out the window:

"Where are His Royal Highness's troops and horses?"

"We can cross Teapot Ridge tonight."


Chen Jin's eyelids twitched obviously and he looked at Xu Buling:

"We're already at the doorstep, what else is there to talk about?"

"Although South Vietnam is loose, the Chen family has ruled here for hundreds of years and is regarded as orthodox by the Baiyue tribes. Our court also regards South Vietnam as a country of brothers. This trip will help His Majesty relieve the siege..."

Chen Jin raised his hand: "Why do you need to say these embarrassing words? If His Royal Highness is really helping Gu to rescue the siege, he should go back now."

Xu Buling chuckled lightly: "The sage Yun Shuntian survives, and it is said that the people are the most noble, the country is the second, and the king is the least. The world has become unified, and rash wars will not only hurt the people far-reaching, but also the Chen family is in the war I am afraid that it will be difficult to survive in the future. I came here today to advise your Majesty to consider the people of South Vietnam and act within your ability. "

Chen Jin didn't know much about the situation outside, but Xu Buling could come to him, which meant that Chen was already a piece of fish on the chopping board. He said calmly:

"Destroy my Chen family, and you will gain the land of the four southern states at most. Once the Chen family is destroyed, the Baiyue tribes will immediately disintegrate and do their own thing. You just can't wipe them out one by one. You want to lead the Baiyue tribes to accept the land and become vassals. What are you talking about? The people are valued and the king is valued?"

Xu Buling's expression did not change: "Your Majesty, if you want to understand it this way, that's fine."

Chen Jin looked directly into Xu Buling's eyes: "I would rather have broken jade than complete tiles. If Gu Ruo doesn't agree, what can you do?"

Xu Buling stood up and shook his head: "Clearing the Baiyue tribes will only result in more deaths. It's not that I can't do it. If I really do this, regardless of whether it succeeds or not, the Chen family will definitely be expelled. Your Majesty has been away from the court for too long. It's not too late to take a rest for two days to see the situation in the world and then consider this issue. I will wait for your Majesty's reply outside the city. Goodbye."

After saying this, Xu Buling raised his hand and saluted, then turned and walked out of the bedroom.

The empty bedroom became quiet, and the air was filled with a faint smell of medicine.

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Chen Jin sat on the sickbed, and his face, which looked like a withered bone, showed discomfort and fatigue at this time. After taking a few deep breaths, he supported the couch and stood up. He hadn't walked for too long, and his legs were almost unstable.

After years of being in a daze, he woke up from a dream, as if he had walked out of a coffin.

Chen Jin looked up at the portrait on the wall, and after a moment, he staggered to the door of the bedroom, leaning on the threshold to look at the thunder and rain outside, his eyes were dazed, probably thinking about what had happened in the past few years.

Xu Buling had already left, and Chen Si Ning was still standing at the door waiting. Seeing Chen Jin coming out, she hurried over and said nervously:

"Father, you..."

Chen Jin raised his hand and looked at his daughter beside him, but at this time he couldn't say the words of a close relative, but just said slowly:

"Si Ning, tell your father what happened in the past few years, and what happened in Dayue, tell him in detail."

Chen Si Ning wanted to help Chen Jin into the house to sit, but Chen Jin refused. He had been lying on the sickbed for too long, and would rather stand under the eaves and blow the cold wind than go back to lie down.

Seeing this, Chen Si Ning had no choice but to give up and began to sort out the big and small things that happened after Chen Jin went crazy...


It's the end of the volume. The update may be slow in the next two days. After finishing this volume and writing the outline of the next volume, I will speed up the update~

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