The prince is very fierce

Chapter 22: If you don't accept a toast, you will be punished (288/602)

It was getting dark, and two horses were parked outside the dilapidated Buddhist temple, where a bonfire was burning.

The ruined temple was drafty on all sides, and at night it started to snow again. The night wind carried the snow foam into the ruined temple. Zhu Manzhi tightened the collar of his coat and sighed:

"I heard that Prince Right's son was kidnapped again a few days ago. He was found yesterday. Let me take a look. It must have been Mr. Xu who did it. I just don't know if Mr. Xu has left Liangcheng."

Chen Sining sat by the bonfire, eating dry biscuits and bacon in her hands, looking at the brightly lit Liangcheng in the distance:

"The kidnapping happened a few days ago. I'm afraid he's gone. Let Ah Qing go to the city to look for it. If there are no clues, go directly to Guiyan City. If Mr. Xu wants to find the piece of agarwood, he must finally will go there.”

Zhu Manzhi rubbed his little hands and looked at the little white snake that poked its head out of Chen Sining's sleeves to keep warm, a little worried:

"Snakes are afraid of the cold. Your little green snake won't freeze outside, right?"

Chen Sining was actually a little distressed, but the prince Jiang Kai was kidnapped, and Liangcheng's martial law gates were heavily patrolled. If he entered rashly, something might happen, so he could only let Ah Qing run and look for him slowly.

"Ah Qing is quite resistant to freezing. If he can't bear it, he will come back on his own. It's almost time to come back."


Zhu Manzhi nodded, feeling a little bored just sitting there, so he continued to talk about various allusions to Mobei Jianghu.

Before he could say a few words, the sound of flapping wings came from outside.

Chen Sining's ears twitched slightly, feeling that the voice sounded familiar. She turned her head and saw a little sparrow flying in from outside. But before she could reach out to pick it up, the little sparrow chirped twice and flew out again.

Chen Sining was a little confused and didn't understand what it meant.

Zhu Manzhi stayed with the little sparrow for a long time. He felt that the little sparrow was anxious and abnormal. He quickly stood up and picked up the sword beside him:

"There's a situation outside. Get out of here first."

Only then did Chen Sining realize that the little sparrow was here to remind her. She quickly jumped up from the ground and prepared to walk towards the horses outside the temple.

It's a pity that the little sparrow arrived a little late after all. The Liangcheng arrest yamen, which received the news from Qiufeng Town, had already reached the area around the ruined temple.

Before Chen Sining and Zhu Manzhi walked out of the dilapidated temple hall, three police officers with official swords turned over from outside the courtyard wall and strode over.

Zhu Manzhi glanced at it and saw that the visitor had a waistband with the word "imperial" hanging on his waist. His face changed slightly and he said softly:

"They are from the Northern Qi Royal Boxing Hall. Like the Tianzi Wolf Guard, they specialize in dealing with Jianghu people. When the Wolf Guard goes out to do business, they either patrol in three persons or go out in teams to arrest. Be careful that there are ambushes outside."

After all, Zhu Manzhi had worked in the Wolf Guard and was very familiar with the routines of these government affairs.

Chen Sining became a little more cautious after hearing this, and did not directly take Zhu Manzhi to escape from the opposite direction. Instead, she showed a kind smile and said:

"You three officers, we are just staying here for the night. Please forgive me for causing any disturbance."

Three Northern Qi catchers pressed their swords on their waists and came outside the main hall of the ruined temple. The leader was a middle-aged man named Shi Qian. He was Shi Jinhai's nephew and the deputy of the Yuquan Hall. Shi Jinhai was rounding up Xu Buling in Liangcheng. He happened to be there. Liangcheng.

Normally two rangers in the world would not be able to take action against someone of Shi Qian's level, but Liangcheng had been quiet for the past two days with nothing to do. He just received a tip from Qiufeng Town and along the way, so Shi Qian brought his people over to take a look.

In front of him were two girls disguised as men. They were obviously not Xu Buling. Shi Qian's attitude was quite calm. He took a step forward with his sword in hand and stretched out his hand:

"I'm passing through here for a routine inspection. You two don't need to panic. There is a way to attract the spy. After seeing it, he will leave."

When people in Jianghu travel around, citations and ultimatums are a necessity, and of course few of them are genuine.

Chen Sining took out the customs clearance document from her arms and threw it into Shi Qian's hand:

"We are coming from Taiyuan. Our ancestral home is in Qingxi County. This is our first time in Mobei. We hope it will be convenient for you."

Shi Qian caught the guide, opened it and took a look at it. Apparently he didn't believe it, so he said casually:

"Zhu Twelve, Chen Zhongning...the two girls have very unique names."

There are not many clean people in Jianghu. No matter how many Wolf Guards there are, it is impossible to investigate them all. The same is true for Northern Qi. Zhu Manzhi knew where these people were going. After thinking about it, he took out a bag of broken silver from his arms and threw it over:

"It's easy to make a living with a cheap name. You can pick it up casually. I'm sorry for bothering the three officials to come here on a snowy day. This little money will be used as an apology for the two of us, and I'll treat the three officials to a drink to warm themselves up."

Shi Qian is the deputy of the Yuquan Gym, so he definitely doesn't like this little money, but there are rules between the government and the people in the world, and there is no need to refuse what is due. Shi Qian weighed it for a moment, nodded, and threw the document back to Chen Sining.

Zhu Manzhi breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that she had passed the test, but before she could see her off, Shi Gan, the leader, turned his head and looked at the two horses outside:

"The horse is good, quite strong."

The two wind-chasing horses were wearing riding jackets. In order to walk on the slippery ice, their hooves were also wrapped, and the doorway was basically invisible from the outside.

When the policeman next to him heard this, he turned and walked towards the horse.

Chen Sining and Zhu Manzhi both felt nervous.

Shi Qian pressed the official sword on his waist again, keeping his eyes on the two of them, paying attention to every move.

Soon, the policeman walked up to the two horses, lifted up the horse clothes and took a look, but was stunned on the spot.

Shi Qian waited for a moment and saw that the policeman didn't speak, so he asked:

"What horse?"

The policeman was a little in disbelief. After carefully identifying it, he softly said:

"It seems that these are the horses of the national teacher and the prince Jiang Heng, which were captured by Xu Buling on the battlefield in Taiyuan at the beginning of the year. These two horses are definitely the ones. There is no mistake."


As soon as the words fell, the night fell silent.

The broken temple with fallen leaves and snow on the ground was filled with cold wind. The bonfire in the Buddhist hall was swaying, and the shadow of the broken Buddha statue was reflected on the wall.

The smile on Chen Si Ning's face disappeared, and she stood up straight and looked at Shi Qian frankly:

"The two horses were collected on the road. I really don't know the details. I hope you three can help me and don't hurt the harmony."

This is more of a warning than an explanation.

Shi Qian understood the meaning of the words. His fingers tapped the handle of the knife and his eyes looked at the two people, also judging the depth of the enemy.

If Xu Buling was really here, Shi Qian would probably have to thank him and then take his people away neatly, because he couldn't beat him.

But the two girls in front of him didn't look like Xu Buling at all. As for martial arts, how high could two women's martial arts be?

After a moment of silence, Shi Qian held the hilt of the knife and raised his chin:

"The two girls, come with me. If what you said is true, I will let you go after the matter of the wind-chasing horse is investigated clearly..."


Before the voice fell, a cold light suddenly appeared in the dilapidated temple.

Chen Si Ning unsheathed the silver moon scimitar behind her waist, and a cold light slid under the firelight. The knife flew directly to Shi Qian's face like a meteor.

Zhu Manzhi is not a little girl who is powerless. She has participated in many life-and-death battles in the Wolf Guards. She has practiced martial arts with Xu Buling for nearly two years. She also has a sword saint father to motivate her. She is cute at ordinary times, but she is not slow at all when she really fights.

Almost at the same time, Zhu Manzhi unsheathed the long sword behind her, bent her legs slightly, and then flicked hard, and the blade went straight to Shi Qian's heart.

Shi Qian was prepared. When the opponent's shoulder moved, the official sword at his waist was already unsheathed. He leaned back to avoid the flying scimitar, and his right leg turned into a steel whip, sweeping directly towards Zhu Manzhi who was thrusting with the sword...


Ten thousand words of update...

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