The prince is very fierce

Chapter 30 Even the gods can’t save me

On a snowy night, the north wind blows.

The dim yellow lanterns on the old street swayed under the eaves, and the wine flags were torn by the wind and snow, making a soft "plop" sound.

Three or two guards were sitting at the door of the inn, with a brazier at their feet, chatting with their companions about the terrible weather in Saibei.

The family next to the inn seemed to have just passed away. They had set up a mourning hall, and the faint sound of chanting sutras for salvation could be heard in the lobby of the inn.

In the empty hall of the inn, there are four wine tables, three are empty and one is occupied. On them are three plates of side dishes and two pots of old wine.

Han Xianchu was wearing a scholar's robe and sitting at the top. After a few glasses of wine, his face was already a little rosy. When he saw the middle-aged swordsman next to him, he was so excited that he even played a song that had been sung for a long time in the Central Plains. "Broken Array":

"I read the sword while I was drunk, I dreamed of blowing the trumpet in the company camp, my subordinates were burned eight hundred miles away, the sound of fifty strings beating outside the Great Wall, and the autumn soldiers were ordered on the battlefield..."

The Northern Qi Sword Immortal Yan returned to the forest and sat next to him, polishing his sword 'Qishuang'.

Sui Jinshan hit his knees with his hands, beat the beat and echoed the sound, and occasionally took a swig. The so-called scholarly style was nothing more than that.

The upper palace is singing, but the lower palace has not yet risen.

Han Xianchu picked up the wine glass and moistened his throat. Just as he was about to speak, Yan Huilin's ears next to him moved slightly and raised his hand.




The crisp horseshoes move from far to near.

On the street outside the inn, a tall horse appeared slowly. The horse was dark and its hooves were like snow, just blending in with the black sky and white earth.

Immediately there was a man in black robe wearing a bamboo hat, swords intertwined at his waist, and a long spear wrapped in black cloth on his shoulder.

There was only one person and one horse, but the momentum seemed to block the entire street, so that the drinkers and kiln ladies on both sides of the street did not dare to look directly.

The corners of Han Xianchu's eyes twitched obviously, not because of fear, but because of excitement, the excitement of a hunter when he sees his prey.

"The horse is moving so fast, the bow is like a thunderbolt and the string is startling..."

In the inn, the sound of singing along with wine sounded again, as if they didn't notice the horse walking on the street.

The horse stopped outside the inn, and the man in black robe dismounted, carried his long spear, came to the door of the inn, and glanced inside.

The bamboo hat covered half of the man's face, and only his clear-cut chin could be seen. He was neither happy nor angry, and showed no expression at all.

The waiter at the inn came up to greet him with a towel on his back:

"Sir, do you want to be a top-notch person or stay in a hotel?"

"Warm jug of wine."

The voice was calm and normal, as if after traveling all over the world, he just found a place to rest.

Han Xianchu sang the lyrics loudly and turned a blind eye to the Jianghu guest who came to sit down at the side wine table.

Yan Huilin wiped his sword and looked at the unsuspecting silhouette with a little doubt in his eyes. He glanced at Han Xianchu and after confirming that the person coming was Xu Buling, he frowned.

"Finish the king's worldly affairs and win fame both before and after his death. Misfortune happened in vain."

After singing one word, the empty hall became quiet, except for the occasional explosion of the charcoal fire in the basin.

Han Xianchu was sure of victory. He turned around with the wine glass in hand, looked at the Jianghu guest sitting diagonally across the corner, and said loudly:

"Master, what do you think of this poem?"

Xu Buring sat at the wine table, twenty steps away from each other. He took off the bamboo hat on his head, placed it on the wine table, picked up the wine bottle he had just taken out of the hot water, and poured himself a bowl of rice wine:

"The lyrics are OK, but the singing is not."

Han Xianchu and Xu Buling met at the birthday banquet of King Wu, but neither party revealed it. After all, everyone in this inn knew the other's identity, and there was no need to reveal it.

Han Xianchu held the wine glass, stroked his beard and chuckled:

"My voice is certainly not as good as that of the top performer in Longyin Pavilion, but it is not easy to hear the local accent in this wilderness. Do you have any better words to open my eyes, sir?"

Xu Buling picked up the wine bowl and took a sip. He was thinking of a suitable poem and said calmly:

"Killed all the millions of soldiers in the south of the Yangtze River, and the sword on his waist was still bloody. The old Confucian didn't know the heroes, so he just asked his name. Are you satisfied?"

The base of the four eastern kings is in Jiangnan. When Han Xianchu heard these words, his expression changed and he nodded:

"I really admire His Highness's talent, but if he wants to 'kill all the millions of soldiers in the south of the Yangtze River,' I'm afraid I won't have a chance."

Xu Buling didn't even bother to look at Han Xianchu, and turned his eyes to the second floor of the hall:

"Let all those who are hiding come out. Just one Yan Hui Lin is not enough."

The drinking hall was very empty, and the room on the second floor had no lights. It was so quiet that there seemed to be only four people below.

A moment later, footsteps sounded in a room, the door opened, and Zuo Qingqiu, dressed in silver fox fur, walked out, followed by Shi Jinhai, who was dressed in military uniform.

There was not much arrogance on Zuo Qingqiu's face. He walked to the fence and looked down at Xu Buling, who was drinking alone:

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is a great man of the generation and has a close relationship with my disciple. I will not hurt you today. After drinking this glass of wine, put down your sword and get on the carriage. I will personally escort the Crown Prince to return to Yancheng. I will not treat you badly in the future. His Royal Highness half a point.”


Xu Buling held the wine bowl and raised his eyes to look at the two people beside the fence, and then looked at Yan Huilin who was sitting below:

"The National Preceptor is in charge of the battlefield on the Eastern Front. Even in his busy schedule, he took time out to come and harass His Highness. It's really thoughtful. But the distance is twenty steps away. Your Highness wants to leave, and you don't seem to be able to stop him."

The words were crazy, but among the warriors present, most of whom were masters, they understood that this was not a arrogant and idiotic lie.

At the Grandmaster level, a one-on-one fight might kill him, but if his retreat is not blocked and he is unharmed, he can risk his life and run away at a distance of 20 steps. No matter how many people there are, they cannot catch up. This can be seen from Xu Buling chasing the seriously injured Chen Daozi.

However, Zuo Qingqiu and others dared to stand at a safe distance, so they naturally had the confidence.

Han Xianchu stood up, his eyes more serious, and said in a deep voice:

"Xu Buling, I am so polite to you because you are the son of a prince, and your ancestors opened up thousands of miles of mountains and rivers for the Song family. With your Xu family soldiers surrounding Chang'an and holding the young prince hostage, you deserve to be executed. Now I will give you some dignity and let you surrender your weapons and be captured. Otherwise, I don't mind helping you to be decent."

Xu Buling's eyes were slightly cold, and he glanced at Han Xianchu:

"A dog under Song Siming dares to make noise in such an occasion?"


Han Xianchu's identity was indeed not qualified, but since the master was riding on his face, he had nothing to be angry about, and said coldly:

"Do you really think that you have a nickname of 'invincible in the world' in the world, and no one in the world can deal with you? Even the Northern Qi national teacher has arrived, do you think I won't bring a few masters here?"

Xu Buling's face changed slightly, and he turned to look outside the door of the inn.

Han Xianchu was very satisfied with the reaction, and smashed the wine glass in his hand to the ground, breaking the glass as a signal.


The sound of porcelain breaking came from the hall of the inn, and the guards outside quickly retreated, and three figures fell from the sky at almost the same time, landing silently on the snow outside the inn.

The three figures, one with a sword, one with a gun, and one with bare hands, showed a momentum that seemed to freeze the flying snow.

Yan Huilin saw the middle-aged man with an iron sword hanging from his waist on the left, and his eyes narrowed subconsciously. After all, his "Northern Qi Sword Immortal" was given by his friends in the martial arts world, and there was only one "Sword Saint" on that man's head in the world.

Zuo Qingye stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes were still calm, but he still paid more attention to the scholar in the middle.

The debate about who is the "number one in the world" in the world has never been concluded, but the candidates have always been the same few people-Eunuch Jia in Dayue Imperial City, Li Hansheng, the owner of the Eagle Tower, Zuo Qingqiu, the Northern Qi national teacher, and Xu Buling, a rising star.

After Jia Gonggong passed away, there were only three rumored "number one in the world" left in the martial arts world. At this moment, all of them came to this small inn outside the Great Wall.

Li Hansheng had a gloomy look in his eyes and was always taciturn. He didn't say anything at this time, but just stood in the middle of the gate, motionless like a mountain.

Chen Chong, the spear god of the northern border, fought a tie with Yan Huilin, the sword fairy of the northern Qi Dynasty, and was named "Wu Kui". He was also an old acquaintance of Yan Huilin.

At this time, Chen Chong walked in from the gate with a brand new iron spear. After a glance, he still had the habit of chattering and said:

"It was a big scene, even more scary than the one on Bodhi Island. I'm afraid this inn will have to be demolished today, and this street is hanging."

Zhu Liu slightly spread his right hand to express his agreement.

In terms of status in the court, the three people in the Eagle Tower were just the leaders of the rebels who surrendered to King Wu. Compared with the few people in the field, they were a little inferior.

But in terms of status in the martial arts world, no one was weaker than anyone else.

Zuo Qingqiu glanced at the three people, nodded slightly and greeted them, then looked at Xu Buling who was surrounded and killed:

"Your Highness, what else is there to say?"

Han Xianchu sneered: "Xu Buling, the sword has no eyes, and you can still save your dignity by being captured at this time."

Xu Buling drank the wine in the bowl, stood up and walked to the center of the hall, looking around, slightly surprised:

"National Master Zuo Qingqiu, Northern Qi Sword Immortal Yan Huilin, Royal Boxing Hall Master Shi Jinhai, Eagle Fighting Tower Master Li Hansheng, Northern Frontier Gun God Chen Chong, Sword Saint Zhu Liu, what a big battle, are you going to kill the gods?"

Han Xianchu snorted: "Today, even gods will die here, I want to see how you run."

Xu Buling ignored Han Xianchu, put on the black gloves he took from Shangguan Qinhe, looked up at Zuo Qingqiu above Qiu:

"You are a local hero after all. Don't you think it's shameful to bully the minority with your numbers?"

Zuo Qingqiu was not a man of the martial arts world, so he naturally didn't care about the sarcasm. He just said calmly:

"It's about the rise and fall of the two countries. How can it be shameful? Let me ask you one more question, will the prince surrender or not?"

Xu Buling picked up the long spear wrapped in black cloth, pointed it at the ground, and smiled a little arrogantly:

"I have been in the martial arts world for so long. I have killed half of the martial arts champions in the world and defeated half of them. The rest are all here. No one who can make me surrender without a fight has been born yet."

"You bastard..."

Han Xianchu was also annoyed. He didn't expect Xu Buling to be so stubborn. He didn't know how to give in even when the knife was on his neck. He raised his hand and said:

"If you don't accept the toast, you will be punished. Take him down!"


As soon as the voice fell, the stone floor of the inn suddenly exploded.

Xu Buling twisted the spear hard, and the black cloth wrapped in the long spear was torn into pieces. The spear tip, with a line of silver light, pierced Yan Huilin, who was closest to him.

The other six people also flew up at almost the same time and rushed towards Xu Buling.

Swords were unsheathed and the wind was whistling.

Seven top masters burst up at the same time, with unprecedented frightening momentum, almost crushing the flying snow outside the building...

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