The prince is very fierce

Chapter 11 A friend comes from afar

The news of Luzhou's defeat was like the last straw that crushed the entire Dongyue. The four kings' subordinates, who were still lucky at first, were completely sober when the news came, and then they collapsed from the inside out.

In the city of Hangzhou, the order that could have been maintained fell into complete chaos after the Zhou family fled overnight. The major families almost no longer paid attention to the court at the foot of Baima Mountain. They were all trying to contact Xiyue in an effort to regain control after the Song family was destroyed. Save some money.

Song Shaoying still has soldiers in his hands, but no soldiers to fight. There are still people around him, but there are no more usable ones.

Dayue Song family is finished.

In the spring of March, the willows and flowers blooming beside the West Lake are just in time. However, on the sparkling lake, there are no young ladies and young ladies outing on the boat, and there are no tourists with their families on the shore.

On the long embankment near the lake, a middle-aged Confucian scholar in a scholar's robe, with his hands behind his back, looked at the beautiful scenery of the West Lake. His eyes no longer had the depth of the past, only the plainness after all the ups and downs.

Just like Eunuch Jia back then, he was in a high position and saw all kinds of life. At the end of the day, he found that the most beautiful thing was the moon in the sky.

Next to the middle-aged Confucian scholar, there is a taller girl, wearing an underskirt and holding a round fan. She looks like a young girl from a scholarly family in Jiangnan. Her eyes are wandering on the lotus leaves in the lake, and she is full of interest with the master who is coming to Jiangnan for the first time. , introduced in detail:

"There is a bridge over there. I heard people say it is called Broken Bridge. There is a tower over there. It seems to be called Leifeng Tower. There is a white lady under the tower. My husband's name is Xu Buxian..."

"Xu Buxian..."

Zuo Qingqiu recalled it, but could not find these allusions in his memory. He shook his head and smiled without commenting.

Xiao Taohua explained it alone for a while. There was not a single tourist on the huge West Lake, not even a juggler selling snacks, so she couldn't help but feel a little bored. She looked towards the chaotic city of Hangzhou:

"Master, the battle will be over soon, right?"

Zuo Qingqiu stood with his hands behind his back, was silent for a moment, and shook his head slightly:

"Dongyue is over, but the battle will still have to go on for a while."

"How long will the fight last?"

"It depends on how powerful Xu Buring is."


Little Taohua seemed to understand, and said with a smile: "Big brother is very powerful, I should be able to finish the fight soon." She looked at the master next to her, thought for a while and said:

"Master is now neglected by the imperial court and is no longer a national teacher. It is no good to travel around the mountains and rivers all the time. My eldest brother said last time that if master is willing, he can go to Chang'an City to establish a sect. What master wants is to bring peace to the world. Now Now that the world is about to be at peace, I think Master should agree. "

Zuo Qingqiu smiled, turned around and walked along the stone embankment. After thinking about it for a while, he said:

"Master is a mortal, not a saint. If he were a saint, he would not be defeated by Xu Buling. A martial artist has an arrogance in his heart that says, 'Who else would you give me?' This arrogance cannot be suppressed by being a master."

Little Taohua frowned: "Master, don't you want to help big brother? It's okay. Can you stop doing things for him? We just do what we do, um... for the benefit of the people."

Zuo Qingqiu chuckled: "In your lifetime of practicing martial arts, there is no reason to avoid the sharp edge of a strong person. When it comes to benefiting the people, you and your senior brothers can just do it."

"Then what does master do?"

"I haven't decided yet. I'll tell you later."


During the chat, the master and the apprentice drifted away on the stone embankment with red flowers and willows... ——

As Luzhou stabilized, the situation became increasingly clear. Outside Luzhou City, a large number of forces came from all over the country to defect, ranging from aristocratic families to small stragglers. So much so that Luzhou City, which had not been fully repaired after the war, It actually showed a different kind of prosperity.

Yang Zunyi has already dispatched troops, divided into two groups and marching towards Huainan and Jinling. Under the current situation, it is only a matter of time before Jiangnan is pushed to the south. It is estimated that there will not even be a tough battle, but just a handover.

Xu Buling sat in Luzhou and began to deal with the aftermath, arranging post-war reconstruction, assigning officials, etc., and would only finish it when the troops arrived in Hangzhou.

In the early morning, it was just getting dark.

Xu Buling was in a daze, feeling a little out of breath, and slowly woke up. He opened his eyes and looked, but couldn't see anything. After feeling for a while, he realized that he had slipped into the spring quilt. The baby turned over when he was sleeping. He stood up, Tuanzi pressed on his face and held his head tightly.


Xu Buring blinked his eyes, got out of Xiang'er's arms gently, took a long breath, and then opened the spring quilt and took a look.

Xiao Qi has a workaholic temperament and gets up early to do business. Ning Qingye was afraid of being discovered by Manzhi, so she came over to join in the fun and then returned to her room. Jiujiu was sleeping on the other side, with a bright look on his face, but aggrieved. It was obvious that he was bullied by Qingye and Xiang'er yesterday, and he didn't protect him, so he still hadn't calmed down. Maybe he was too tired. I didn't even have time to take off the bell on my chest.

Xu Bu Ling felt a little sore in the waist, but other parts of her body were naturally refreshed. He looked around, held Jiujiu's Tuan'er and shook it. The bell dinged, which was considered an alarm.


Xiao Xiang'er always got up late, frowned slightly when she heard the sound, pulled the quilt up to cover her face, and then there was no movement again.

Zhongli Jiujiu woke up, looked down, raised her hand and slapped Xu Buling's hand, turned away angrily, leaving Xu Buling with a slap on the back of his head.

Xu Buling curled his lips slightly and kissed the two of them on their foreheads one after another. Then he stood up, put on his robe and came outside the room.

The back house was sparsely populated, and Ning Qingye could be seen practicing swordplay in the garden in the distance; Chen Sining was just standing at the window door, looking at him with strange eyes. After seeing him come out, she quickly looked away.

After Xu Buling finished washing, he came outside Chen Sining's room. He wanted to ask about Chen Sining's injury, but he didn't expect that Manzhi, who usually didn't get up until the sun was basking his buttocks, jumped out of the room just before he got to the door. He came out and said with a smile:

"Good morning, Mr. Xu! Haven't you had breakfast yet? I'll go out with you to eat. When I came here yesterday, I saw a shop outside. It looked very good."

Xu Bu Ling was taken aback for a moment, and Man Zhi extended his warm invitation. Naturally, he would not refuse:

"Okay, let's go."

Zhu Manzhi turned to look at Chen Sining in the room:

"Sining, are you full just now? Do you want to eat more?"

Chen Sining's whole person has changed since she was kissed by Xu Buling that night. She has become a little shy. She was ready to follow him silently, but she stopped when she heard Man Zhi's words and turned to look at the empty food box on the table. A little hesitant:

"Well... no need. Manzhi got up early in the morning and bought me a bunch of food. I'm almost exhausted. You go ahead."

"Okay then, let's go and have a good rest."

Zhu Manzhi chuckled, then hugged Xu Buling's arm and dragged him outside.

Xu Buling sensed Manzhi's little thoughts. Qingye also told him about Manzhi's jealousy last night, so he naturally didn't say anything more at the moment.

The outer residence was the general's mansion, where the Xiliang Army general and his staff were arranging military affairs. Xu Buling turned out of the side door and headed to the street from the alley.

On the street, the big snake that landed on Wuyuling was pulled back by the Xiliang army.

The crowds of people watching the excitement were frightened when they saw the huge black snake passing by on the street, and they backed away a long distance.

The big snake was entangled with chains as thick as its arms. It was lying on the carriage board a little wilted, with its mouth still open. Two small snakes stood majestically next to it, accepting inspections from thousands of people. It was a pity that the small snakes were so small. Compared with the big snake, it is too small and not as thick as the hooked teeth of the big snake. The people's eyes are attracted by the big snake and they cannot see it at all.

Zhu Manzhi took Xu Buling's hand and glanced at the big snake a few times, but he didn't show the same excited expression as before, instead he was a little bored. After she pulled Xu Buling to a deserted alley, she let go of her hand, pouted and took half a step back in a depressed mood.

Xu Bu Ling slowed down, raised his arms around Man Zhi's shoulders, and glanced down:

"What, are you jealous?"

Zhu Manzhi twisted his shoulders and whispered:

"No... I just feel that Xiao Ning is not loyal. We agreed to do things together, but ended up bullying others secretly. Mr. Xu, you are the same. Men should treat everyone equally. How can you always bully me..."

Xu Buling hugged her a little tighter and joked: "You're still young, don't be in a hurry."

"Why aren't you in a hurry?"

Zhu Manzhi pursed his lips, put Xu Buling's hand on his lapel, frowned and said:

"I'm so old, no matter how young I am, I'm still older than Qingye Chen. Mr. Xu, you are just partial."

Xu Buring squeezed it with his hand and nodded slightly. It was a bit big and he couldn't hold it with one hand.

"What should we do?"

What can I do? I can't wait to be cut off by Old Chen and become the youngest...

Zhu Manzhi thought about it in his heart, but obviously couldn't say anything about dragging Xu Buling out to rent a house. She held Xu Buling's hand and hesitated for a long time before whispering:

"Mr. Xu, you are a man. This kind of thing is not up to you..."


Before Zhu Manzhi could finish his shy words, a fierce call suddenly came from the entrance of the alley in the distance.

The voice was very unfamiliar. Xu Buling frowned slightly and looked up into the distance, only to see four people standing at the top of a house at the other end of the alley.

The leader is a middle-aged woman, about forty years old, with a round face and big eyes, not tall, but very powerful. She has a fierce look with her waist inserted, and she is almost carved out of the same mold as Manzhi.

Behind the woman, Sword Master Zhu Liu rolled his eyes and looked at the sky, as if he was looking at the scenery.

After more than three months, there is no difference in Zhu Liu's appearance. The sword is hanging on his waist. Judging from the appearance, it seems that he is no longer wearing it. He has changed to a famous soldier, but the sword is hanging on the right side, indicating that he draws the sword with his left hand. , I am afraid it will be difficult to recover the right hand that used to hold the sword.

Next to Zhu Liu was his old partner Li Hansheng, standing on the corner of the roof with his hands behind his hands, his eyes still gloomy, looking at Luzhou City, wondering what he was thinking.

On the other side of Zhu Liu was Xu Buling's uncle, the former Sword Master Lu Baiming. His brows were full of smiles, but he didn't look directly at him.

When Xu Buling saw the battle, he naturally guessed who the woman was standing in front of the three masters with her arms akimbo. He hurriedly let go of his hands on Manzhi's chest, and straightened his clothes and assumed the posture of a humble gentleman.

When Zhu Manzhi heard the familiar voice, he was obviously stunned for a moment. All his thoughts disappeared in an instant, leaving only surprise in his big eyes. He hurriedly ran to the entrance of the alley and said in a tearful tone:


At the top of the house, Guo Shanrong, who used the three military commanders as a background, stared at his daughter fiercely:

"How did mother teach you? The men outside don't have a fuel-efficient lamp, so you'd better be smarter and don't let others take advantage of you. You'd better..."

Zhu Manzhi was almost 20 years old, but at this moment, she still turned into a crying little girl. She ran under the house, her eyes filled with tears, looking at her parents above who had not been reunited for many years, and said in a choked voice. words, but couldn't hear clearly what was said.

Xu Buling's expression was very stiff. He was teasing his girlfriend and being caught by a circle of elders. The feeling was not ordinary embarrassment.

Xu Bu Ling gritted his teeth, pretending that nothing happened just now, walked quickly to the bottom of the house, raised his hand and saluted:

"Uncle, two uncles, aunt, when did you arrive?"

A breeze blew past the house, and three world-famous masters landed steadily in front of Xu Buling.

Lu Baiming had a smile in his eyes and patted Xu Buling on the shoulder:

"Originally, Louzhu Li and I planned to gain momentum when you attacked Jiangnan and take over the Song family's lair from behind, but as we continued to attack, nothing happened to us. You defeated Luzhou a few days ago, The situation in the world has been decided. All the aristocratic families in Hangzhou have fled. There is no point in waiting, so we brought the remnants of Dayinglou to join you. We just arrived, and I bumped into you bullying others without thinking. Oh... forget it. "As an uncle, I probably can't control you."

Xu Bu Ling's expression froze, he laughed, and turned to Li Hansheng and Zhu Liu:

"Uncles, how are your injuries?"

Li Hansheng shook his head: "It hurts my muscles and bones. It won't heal that fast. I can walk without any problems. It's just Zhu Liu. His hands are not flexible. It will be difficult to use the sword in the future."

As a former sword master, Lu Baiming knew how painful it was for a swordsman not to be able to use a sword, and there was a bit of pity in his eyes.

Zhu Liu has a cheerful personality, which doesn’t hurt Chun Beiqiu:

"I am a prodigal son. I only practice martial arts for revenge. After the Song family is destroyed, I have no need for the sword."

Xu Buling said hello a few times, then raised his eyes to look at Guo Shanrong above the house:

"Auntie Zhu, I was rude just now. I was just joking with Manzhi, so don't worry too much."

Zhu Manzhi was so excited that her tears couldn't stop rolling down her face. After seeing the elders around her, she suppressed her longing and whispered with a blushing face:

"Mom, this is Mr. Xu, I...what am I doing? Don't blame him."

Guo Shanrong put her hands on her hips, glanced at Xu Buling with mother-in-law eyes, and said softly:

"I taught Manzhi a lesson. I didn't say anything about you. Just chat with the three of them and leave us two alone."

Xu Bu Ling smiled softly, knowing that his mother-in-law was concerned about his teasing Manzhi just now, so he couldn't be polite, so he turned around and sent the three elders to the handsome manor.

Zhu Manzhi also wanted to follow, but in a blink of an eye he saw his mother standing motionless on the roof and frowned:

"Mom, why don't you leave?"

Guo Shanrong blinked and said nothing.

Zhu Liu remembered something, turned around and jumped onto the roof, lifted Guo Shanrong's back collar, and dropped it again. ? !

When Xu Bu Ling heard the noise, he didn't dare to look back. He forced himself to stay calm, put on a stern look, and chatted with Lu Baiming, but he could clearly hear the sound of punches and kicks coming from behind:

"You bastard, who asked you to be courteous? This junior is watching, so you can't go far away and wait for me to come down by myself?"

"What should I do if I fall..."

"It's so high, how could I fall?"

Zhu Manzhi's face turned red and she shrank her neck. She pretended she didn't know the mother and ran quickly behind Xu Buling, pretending to be a good girl and followed her... ——

In the afternoon, the living room of Shuai Mansion was filled with guests.

Hearing that the head of the Lu family in the East China Sea came to Luzhou, Lu Hongluan on the boat must not be able to sit still. Although they are not related by blood, Princess Su is Lu Hongluan's sworn sister to Jinlan. How can she not meet her brother when he arrives? On the same day in Ning Under the escort of Yuhe, he came to the handsome man's house and called him "Uncle" when he saw him.

To be honest, that scene was very embarrassing.

Lu Hongluan looked so embarrassed that she didn't dare to look at anyone. She kept sitting next to Xu Buling with her head lowered, not even embarrassed to say anything.

Xu Buling was actually quite embarrassed. The girls introduced by Aunt Zhu always said:

"This is my wife. Just call my aunt Qiqi. This is my wife. Just call my aunt Xiang'er. This is my wife..."

Hearing this, uncle Lu Baiming didn't want to recognize his close nephew.

Guo Shanrong's personality was similar to that of Manzhi. He could still maintain the attitude of an elder, but his eyes became weird as he listened. He looked at Xiao Manzhi sideways, with a look of 'hating iron but not steel'.

Zhu Manzhi originally had a crazy temperament, but after his parents returned, he became more honest and friendly. He served tea and water and called everyone uncle, and he seemed to be more virtuous than Song Yufu.

Of course, not everyone in the family is happy.

Li Hansheng was sitting alone on a chair, so he would definitely not be ignored due to his status, but everyone did not interrupt while talking and laughing, just drinking tea alone.

Xu Buling sat for a while and found that Ning Qingye had not shown up, so he got up and said hello to all the relatives and came to the back house.

At the hanging flower door of the back house, Chen Sining also ran out and stood on tiptoes to watch. She was obviously yearning for the three famous tycoons in front of her. She had seen Zhu Liu and Li Hansheng in Mobei before, but at this time of the family gathering, she did not He was a serious person, so I was a little embarrassed to get close to him.

Xu Buling came to the front and said with a smile:

"Just go out and sit down. The only people you haven't seen yet are my uncle and Aunt Zhu. You will get to know them sooner or later."

Chen Sining had just confirmed her relationship with Xu Buling. She was still a little uncomfortable and raised her hair beside her ears:

"When I go out, who am I to you?"

Xu Buling spread his hands slightly: "You live in the back house, how can you say who you are?"

Chen Si Ning glanced at Xu Buling:

"That's what I say, but I feel... we are no different from before, we just kissed."

Xu Buling shook his head, smiled, and pinched Chen Sining's face:

"That's because when you ran out of South Vietnam alone to find me, you already put your heart in my heart. Didn't Xiaowan tell you this? Do you understand now?"


Chen Sining thought for a moment, blushed, said nothing more, and walked out with his head lowered. ——

Xu Buling walked alone through the corridor of the back house and came to Ning Qingye's room.

Looking from the window, Ning Qingye didn't have much expression on her face. She was standing by the bed, packing her clothes.

Finding Xu Buling standing at the window, Ning Qingye did not stop cleaning up, but moved a little slower.

Xu Buling sighed secretly, entered the room, came to the back of Ning Qingye, put his arms around her waist, and said softly:

"Where are you going?"

Ning Qingye did not avoid it, folded her skirts and said calmly:

"When you're tired of staying here, go back to Changqingguan and stay for a while. You don't have to send me off. I know the way."

Xu Buling put his chin on Ning Qingye's shoulder and thought for a while:

"In the past, I was desperate to find someone for revenge, but now that someone is here, I have to say something. As the old saying goes, if the wife is not satisfied, just look at her and I will cut her into pieces on the spot..."

Ning Qingye twisted her shoulders slightly and stopped Xu Buling's words. Her eyes were complicated and she didn't know what to do.

How resentful we were after separation and death, how close we were when we were together. Manzhi sticks to her father and goes fishing together, which was not the case when Qingye was a child.

Ning Qingye lived a happy life in the village when she was young, at least for her at the time.

Before Tie Ying's deer hunting incident happened, although Ning Qingye blamed her father for traveling far away alone, she still sat on the small stone in front of her house every day, holding her face in her hands and waiting for her father to come back.

At just a few years old, she didn't understand the concept of "high-ranking officials with generous salaries and ungratefulness". She just hoped to have a complete family like when she was a child.

I just didn't expect that after that separation when we were young, we would never see each other again.

After the village was destroyed and her mother died, Ning Qingye fell into exile and never experienced the feeling of 'home' again.

Ning Qingye blamed Li Hansheng for not being around her mother when the accident happened, but what made her feel even more aggrieved was that she was also at home at the time, and Li Hansheng didn't come to pick her up after the accident.

If Li Hansheng had rushed back after something happened at the cottage and took her with him, how could she have hated him? Li Hansheng is her biological father after all.

After so many years, Ning Qingye felt a knot in her heart. The mixed feelings of love and hate gradually turned into pure indifference and hatred. She wanted to find the person who abandoned his wife and son and get an explanation.

But now, Ning Qingye suddenly realized that she didn't know what to question that person.

What's the use of scolding? I hope Li Hansheng commits suicide and apologizes?

Or do you hope that the relationship between father and daughter can be reconciled?

Li Hansheng did indeed do a lot and even sacrificed his life to help her lover. She was thinking about revenge from beginning to end, but her dead mother could never come back.

Ning Qingye was silent for a long time, shook her head and said:

"I don't want to see him, just pretend that he and I don't know each other."

Xu Buling knew that the knot that had been in his heart for more than ten years could not be solved in just a few words, so he stopped trying to persuade her. He hugged Qingye and rubbed his cheek against her ear:

"Then don't leave. Just stay in the back house and don't go out. If you run away, the whole family will know it's because of this, and Li Hansheng will probably have to leave sadly. He is the master of Eagle Tower, and he has a lot of people under his command. Helping brothers, you still want to seek refuge with me and drive people away. This will make your subordinates feel cold. "

Ning Qingye paused for a moment and thought:

"Then if I don't go out, don't force me to meet him. Just treat me as if I don't exist."

Xu Buling smiled, nodded slightly, then hugged Ning Qingye's waist and walked to the bed.

Ning Qingye was feeling sad. When she saw this action, she was slightly startled, and then her eyes turned cold:

"what you do?"

"Make your daughter-in-law happy. When she is in a bad mood, all the grievances will be gone by just trying. I have tried many times, and everything works."? ?

There was a large family of guests outside. How dare Ning Qingye mess with Xu Buling? She quickly twisted her body and her voice became softer:

"Okay, I won't make a fuss. I'll just stay in the back house and not go anywhere. Go and accompany the guests. If you're really worried, you can ask Master to come and watch me."

Xu Bu Ling felt more relieved, nodded, and let go of Ning Qingye, whose face was burning...

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