The prince is very fierce

Chapter 3: Foreign Tribute


When the morning bell rang again, the heavy snow overnight had already dressed the endless Chang'an buildings in silver, and shouts with various accents filled the streets. Because there was no curfew at night, the gates of the square remained open all year round, and caravans loaded with goods from all over the world were in the square. Going in and out of the city, you can hear the bells of horses, camel bells and even donkeys everywhere. There are also knights leading horses, walking and stopping on the dazzling streets.

Ding ding ding——

At the end of the vast Zhuque Street, the exotic wind chimes sounded from far to near, arriving outside the Mingde Gate, the gateway to the capital of Dayue.

The unusual sound of bells attracted the attention of travelers going in and out. Looking back, they saw a team slowly walking over on the official road outside Mingde Gate.

The team was not big, about thirty people, wearing clothes that were obviously different from those of the people in the Central Plains. The tattoos were complicated and gorgeous, and there were a lot of silver ornaments on their wrists, necks, and heads. They all had a scimitar on their waist, and they were holding The carriage behind the flag was quite large, but it was too shabby to be used for hauling goods in Chang'an City, where princes gathered.

The leader of the team was a tall man in his thirties who looked powerful. Next to her is a young woman, sitting sideways on a white camel, wearing a gorgeous red dress, with a red gauze embellished with gold thread covering her face. Her eyes are like green amber, and look as bright as a cat's eyes.

The Jianghu travelers entering and exiting the city gate, who have traveled all over the country for many years and have seen a lot, whispered in confusion at this time:

"It looks like the dress is from Lingnan, but this flag is not from South Vietnam..."

"It doesn't really look like it. The woman in the lead is born with blue eyes. I heard that some people on the Hexi Corridor look like this. Could it be that they came from Xiliang?..."

"This woman is really delicious. I have seen many women from Middle-earth, and it is really eye-catching. This one with a small waist..."

"Don't talk nonsense, be careful of trouble coming from your mouth."

"What are you afraid of? She may not understand..."

Whispers sounded beside the official road, and the woman sitting sideways on the white camel turned her head:

"If you look again, I'll pluck out your eyeballs."

The words are harsh, but they are purely elegant, and you can't tell where the accent comes from.

The two commentating charlatans stiffened when they heard this. Seeing that there were so many people on the other side, they left in dejection.

The clerk of Honglu Temple, who had been receiving foreign guests at the city gate for many years, put down his teacup, stood up, and came forward with his entourage to greet them. He just looked at the flags of the team and did not recognize who they were from for a while.

Dayue's national power was so powerful that it shocked the whole world. Every few days, barbarians came to Chang'an to meet the emperor. Some of these envoys are indeed envoys from small countries, and some are small tribes that have enclosed a piece of land. Those who cannot be found on the map may destroy the country in two years.

However, as a country of etiquette in the Central Plains, visitors are guests, and you cannot refuse to let them in because they have a small family background. At first, Emperor Xiaozong interviewed them one by one, but it turned out that these "lords and princes" could not even recognize the words. In the end, he had to arrange for them to be given to Honglu Temple, where they received a symbolic reception and were rewarded with some rare treasures from the Central Plains before sending them away.

The team in exotic costumes all dismounted from their horses far away from the city gate. They first bowed respectfully to the Imperial City at the other end of Suzaku Street, and then led their horses to the outside of Mingde Gate.

The clerk of Honglu Temple who was receiving the foreign envoys stood in front of the team. He looked around and could not see where he came from, so he said:

"Where did you come from? Do you have any music records?"

His tone was a bit arrogant, but the people around him were not surprised. After all, the only people who could be received seriously by Dayue's courtiers were envoys from Northern Qi and South Vietnam. Other small countries whose names I had never heard of came to ask for rewards, so there was no need to be polite.

The man at the head of the team, who behaved quite elegantly, raised his hands and cupped his fists and said:

"The foreign minister Hu Yanjie set out from the Baisha Kingdom on the south side of Zhuya. He traveled thousands of miles to Chang'an and came to meet the Emperor of Heaven."

The official frowned. Zhuya is on the south side of Lingnan, on an overseas island. It's a big place. Because South Vietnam is in the middle, I haven't heard anything about it.

With a respectful expression, Hu Yanjie took the credentials from his entourage and handed them to the officials.

The clerk took it over and opened it and looked at it. The format of the credential was fair and full of words of praise and admiration. It was also stamped with seals. He nodded: "You have come from afar, and you will first go to Siyi Pavilion to stay with me." After repairing it, the certificate of credentials will be presented to the Holy One. If you are summoned, you will be notified in advance."

Hu Yanjie took the lead and bowed respectfully, then led the horse and followed the clerk into Chang'an City...



After Xu Buling finished playing the evening drum in the Imperial College, he closed the doors and windows of the room and left the Imperial College silently, looking for Zhu Manzhi.

Not surprisingly today, the Queen Mother sent someone to invite Xu Buling into the palace again. She must have been very angry. She even said that she would come to invite Xu Buling in person if she didn't go.

The Queen Mother has lived in the palace for a long time and must be familiar with all the affairs in the imperial city. If Xu Buling wants to inquire about Jia Yi, the Queen Mother is naturally the first choice, so she agreed and will enter the palace tomorrow.

As for what kind of treatment he would face when he arrived at Changle Palace tomorrow, Xu Buling couldn't control that much. The Queen Mother couldn't really skin him alive, but the dragon-locking Gu was life-threatening and could really kill him.

Besides, women will naturally be happy if they apologize and coax her. Xu Buling has been dealing with Mrs. Lu for a year, so he has rich experience in this. He doesn't believe that the Queen Mother is more annoying than Mrs. Lu.

Xu Buling walked quickly along the street to Dayefang, and saw Zhu Manzhi standing at the gate from a distance. She was not wearing her Wolf Guard uniform, but a Jianghu outfit, with a bamboo hat on her head and a black scarf around her neck. If it weren't for the Wolf Guard badge, she would have been questioned several times by the patrolling officers for her sneaky outfit.

Xu Buling walked nearby and blew a whistle.

Zhu Manzhi, who was looking around, was delighted and hurriedly ran over with her horse.

The Jianghu outfits are mostly tight shorts, which emphasize flexibility and lightness. The combination of leggings, wrist guards, and waist corsets can be considered tights. Zhu Manzhi is not tall but well-developed. She sways when she jogs. It is estimated that practicing martial arts will affect her body balance.

Xu Buling glanced at her and for some reason thought of the glimpse of beauty last night. He shook his head and chuckled helplessly.

Zhu Manzhi led the horse to the front and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, why don't you ride that arrogant horse?"

"I'm under house arrest, and it's not good for the horse to be too eye-catching."

Xu Buling turned over and jumped directly onto Zhu Manzhi's horse, holding out his hand:

"Let's go."

Zhu Manzhi was stunned, her face turned red, and she hesitated a little. She felt that sitting in front was like sitting in Xu Buling's arms, so she stepped back a few steps, rushed forward and jumped directly onto the horse, sitting behind Xu Buling.

"Hold on, go--"

Xu Buling didn't delay and grabbed the horse's belly.

The fierce horse neighed loudly and began to gallop on the street. Zhu Manzhi, who had just sat on the horse's back, didn't know where to put his hands, and fell backwards because of the unstable center of gravity.


Zhu Manzhi exclaimed, after all, he was a man of the world, so he still had some reaction. She hurriedly hugged Xu Buling's waist. Although there was a "buffer" between the two of them, she still knocked off her hat, revealing her long black hair.

"Sit tight."

"Oh... Mr. Xu, why are you running so fast..."

"It's getting dark."


Zhu Manzhi hugged Xu Buling's waist with a little embarrassment. The horse was bumping and running very fast. She was afraid of falling off, but she didn't dare to let go. After a moment of hesitation, she saw that Xu Buling didn't mean to be dissatisfied, so she didn't say anything.

The only embarrassment was that both of them were not wearing very thick clothes. Through several layers of clothes, they could still feel the temperature of Xu Buling's broad back, which was numb.

Zhu Manzhi wanted to move away a little, but she felt that deliberately doing so would make Xu Buling notice it. In the end, she remained as she was, motionless...

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