The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 103 - The Future Problem (1)



Minutes later, the grandfather and grandson were taking stroll in the garden.

Hadrian couldn't help but smile at the sight of his familiars jumping in and out of the bushes and flowers.

The two familiars were obviously playing tag, and Fou seemed to be the one who was it since Ryu was flying away from her.

While his familiars were having fun, Hadrian turned to look at his grandfather, who coughed to get his attention.

"Earlier, before you returned, I received a call from your mentor. What was this list of materials and books you were asking of her to retrieve?" Zelretch asked, quirking one brow up.

"Well, I need a source to start my study on learning the first magic, so I thought it would be better to ask lehrer if she can retrieve them. Lehrer also asked me what I wanted as a reward for my efforts in the murder cases as well as surviving the recent events that occurred in the Spider's island, so I asked for the items and materials on that list." Hadrian explained.

Then, he paused, stopping in his walk and turned to face his grandfather.

"Why? Was that too presumptuous of me?" He asked, unsure of his choice.

"No, no." Zelretch denied, his crimson eyes alight with amus.e.m.e.nt. "As a matter of fact, it was an ingenious move. After what happened with the Spider, the High Council would probably bend themselves backwards to fulfill your request. Some might protest if what you're asking for was too much for them to grant, but with the right amount of pressure, I'm sure they'll give in eventually. Asking your mentor was also the right decision. Lorelei is one of the people in the Mage's Association that is highly respected and feared. If it's her, she can accomplish it."

"Speaking of which, I have a question." Hadrian said.

"Ask then, enkel." Zelretch gestured for him to proceed.

"I've been wondering about this for a while, but what do you mean by mastering the five basic elements? Do you mean to master a spell of one of the five elements or something else entirely?" Hadrian asked, curious of his grandfather's explanation.

"Ah, that." Zelretch nodded in acknowledgement. "Now that I thought of it, I never did elaborated what I meant, huh?"

"No, you did not." Hadrian smiled wryly.

"Okay then, I'll explain." Zelretch grinned.

"Please, please do." Hadrian sighed.

"You are correct in the assumption that you must master a spell of one of the five elements, but I also meant something else." Here, Zelretch shot a mischievous grin in his grandson's way. "Credits to you for noticing the true meaning in my words, enkel. Your skill in observation has improved quite a lot. That's good."

"I just try my best." Hadrian calmly received the compliment without much reaction.

"As you always should, enkel. Now, where was I? Ah yes, the other meaning." Zelretch rubbed his bearded chin in thought. "While mastering an elemental spell of the five elements would be the most ideal way to meet the demands in learning the first magic, it is not necessarily a realistic option. Mastering one spell for each element would take time to achieve, not to mention the energy and the effort that you will have to give. More importantly, the amount of time it'll take. The time that, mind you, you won't have much of in the future, enkel."

"Indeed…" Hadrian frowned slightly.

The young mage knew what his grandfather was implying.

A few weeks after the war was over, Hadrian was somewhat at a lost in what to do with his newfound title as the Sovereign of the Moon, along with its powerful reality-bending abilities.

That time, he was still feeling the after-effects of the war.

Therefore, there were many times that Hadrian would just feel hollow and stare at the wall with the memories of battles from the war replaying in his mind, specifically the last moments of the people that were eliminated by the automaton for losing against him in the end.

When he noticed his own behavior, Hadrian sought to change it by busying himself with a lot of things.

Among them was learning the ancient artifact that unexpectedly became his, the Moon Cell.

For a month, he learned everything he could about the automaton. He had viewed the records of its origin, its purpose, its capabilities and its weaknesses.

The amount of information he had gathered about the Moon Cell would be the kind of intel that many unscrupulous mages would kill others for.

The revelation of having a powerful artifact that can literally bend the reality to his will had caused Hadrian to feel some mixed emotions.

He was in awe that he has such a powerful artifact obeying his every command, but he was also a bit intimidated of the possibilities on what he can do with its powers.

In his first life, he was once the King to a great, ancient kingdom of magic and light, but there were limits to power and he can do that time.

Now, he was once again made into a king, but with a great difference from before.

He has no citizens to protect, no gods watching his movements and (or) provide him guidance, but he still has powers in this life at the very least.

Hadrian had earned his power and experience in the first life, but here in his second life, he would admit that the power he had achieved in this world was far more than what he obtained in the past.

With the automaton in his possession, Hadrian was literally capable of almost anything. Granted, he can't enact actions on the level of a true magic yet, but he will learn to do that in time.

Such line of thought might sound arrogant, even to him, but it was merely an honest assessment of what he can do with the automaton's capabilities.

While he might do it for fun, Hadrian has no intention of abusing the gifts that the automaton had blessed him with, or to use it upon the innocent.

Hadrian considers himself a responsible individual for most of the time, but sometimes, whenever boredom kicks in hard, he couldn't help but think of scheming pranks from time to time.

He doesn't know why his mind would go in that path, but it might be his grandfather's influence on him throughout the years.

The old magician was his grandfather, after all.

But, of course, there was a drawback to his situation.

Said drawback came in the form of an unknown enemy that had nearly destroyed the earth once.

Velber, the 'Umbral Star'.



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