The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 117 - One's Resolve (2)



"In all honesty, I do not know."

Hadrian paused, taking in the hints of displeased frowns crossing their faces before he continued.

"But, if I had to guess, it might have something to do with what you three are capable of." The young mage answered in a thoughtful manner.

"What do you mean, master?" Medusa asked, ever calm and poised.

"Well, Arturia has the Excalibur, Scáthach is a Divine Spirit, and you were also a former goddess, despite being a Heroic Spirit now. If I were to bring the three of you with me there, it might trigger the Alaya of that world to send out a Counter Force to assess us, which would be the last thing we need. At least, that's what I could discern based on opa's explanation." Hadrian said with a sigh.

The words caused the three to stop and think.

Despite their thoughts on the situation, the explanation was sound enough to quiet down their protests and become resigned.

"It is a plausible scenario." Medusa mused aloud, a hand on her chin.

"Hm, distasteful as that man is, I can't fault him for his caution." Scáthach amended, a small frown marring her beautiful countenance.

Beside her, Arturia can only nod her head in agreement.

Hadrian stared at Scáthach in bemus.e.m.e.nt, wondering what caused her to dislike his grandfather that much.

In his personal opinion, his grandfather was not all that bad.

Granted, he was biased in his opinion since he was related to the man, but his grandfather can be quite noble and moral than most mages could say. But then again, the old magician is a hardcore prankster and Hadrian had seen him target Scáthach with small harmless pranks out of boredom from time to time.

And by 'harmless pranks', he meant the ones that required more cunning than violence.

Like that one time his grandfather switched the crimson eyed woman's shampoo with a different bottle full of hair color dye.

Hadrian had never seen Scáthach so bloody pissed before.

She was wearing a white fluffy bathrobe and standing in front of Hadrian, her body was still a bit wet from the shower she was interrupted from, but her long beautiful mane of dark purple hair had been dyed in a deep blue color. The dark expression she wore that time caused Hadrian to worry whether his grandfather would live to see another day.

Hell, even Kieran, who would normally be nonchalant in her presence, scampered out of her way when she was on a warpath as she tried to find his grandfather in the castle.

But in the end, everything turned out fine somehow.

His grandfather suffered some injuries, but at least he survived and, most importantly, Scáthach's hair color returned almost after the next day.

Snapping out of her musing, Scáthach turned her gaze back to Hadrian.

"Then, what are we to do here while you deal with things on the other side?" The crimson eyed woman inquired with a raised eyebrow.

Hadrian stilled for a moment, then chuckled albeit nervously.

"You three are going to be on standby, along with the others." He announced.

Before any of the three women could protest, Hadrian held up a hand to stop them from interrupting him.

"Now, you're not going to lounge around in the castle. I'm sure opa and mama would have something for you guys to do while the others and I are on the other side. The murder cases have yet to be closed, so it is highly likely that they would ask you to participate in the investigation. Also…" Hadrian stopped, closing his eyes as he frowned.

The three women blinked, watching silently as a contrite expression flashed through their master's face before it disappeared when he opened his eyes again.

"Also, I'm worried about them. They'll need protection in the case the people behind the murders might target opa and mama in the future, and there's no other people I could trust than you guys. So, please understand." Hadrian admitted with a pleading expression.

The three women became silent, staring at the young man who looked surprisingly vulnerable before them.

Their master was usually a calm and poised individual, but when it comes to the things important to him, he was not afraid to put down his pride and ask for help.

This was one of the moments that he would do so, and the three women could no longer resist and give in to his request, not when he was close to begging them.

With a sigh, Scáthach nodded her head.

"Very well, I'll stay here then." She said in a resigned tone.

For some reason, Scáthach just felt defeated when she saw the pleading expression on Hadrian's face.

The moment she saw it, all of the intent to protest (and bully her way) against not being permitted to accompany him into the next assignment was gone.

And, somehow, the lancer class servant knew that the two women beside had felt the same.

"I'll protect them, master. I promise." Medusa vowed in a solemn tone.

Giving the statuesque woman a slight nod and a brief smile of gratitude, Hadrian finally turned to Arturia.

Instead of appearing reluctant like the other two beside her, Arturia looked resigned, but she gifted him a genuine smile that brightened her normally regal and poised countenance.

"You need not worry. I shall protect this castle and the others with my life as well. But do promise me two things." She stated.

Hadrian blinked.

"What's that?" He inquired curiously.

"To be careful and to return here safely." She answered softly.

Hadrian blinked in surprise, then he smiled warmly.

"I will."

A comfortable silence hung upon them as she returned his smile, but the moment was cut off by an unexpected sound.

Hadrian blinked when a loud sniff from several feet behind him made itself known.

Looking over his shoulder, Hadrian was a bit surprised to find two familiar Paladin knights peeking from one side of the door.

Charles and Astolfo were leaning their heads, but the first was standing while the other was sitting on the ground.

… and right along with Ryu and Fou, it seemed, who were both on Astolfo's head and shoulder respectively.

'Hmm… I wondered where they went off to.'

Shaking his head, Hadrian snapped out of his musing and frowned.

"How long have you guys been there?"

Eyes wide in surprise, Charles and Astolfo's bodies stiffened in unison, both at the question and at the combined blank stares from Hadrian and the three women.

"Er…. a while?" Charles said, trying to smile but failing.

"Ehehehe…" The pink haired knight giggled, looking sheepish.

Feeling no reason to admonish them for actions, Hadrian slowly turned back to Medusa, Scáthach and Arturia, who had no problems with glaring at the two.

"Ah, sorry!" Charles stuttered, intimidated.

"Eeep!" Astolfo scampered back.



Ignoring the two knights plus two familiars, Hadrian forced out a smile to the three female retainers.

"It's nearing dinner, so why don't we meet up with the others?"

Voicing their agreements, Hadrian and the others left his study, along with Charles and Astolfo in tow.

With the three women informed, that was one issue done and over with.

Now, there was only one person he had yet to tell, and Hadrian can only hope that the talk would go just fine as it did with Medusa, Scáthach, and Arturia.

Hadrian sighed deeply.

'I really hope mama won't be too mad with my decision…'


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