The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 119 - A Mother's Support (2)



"Now, if you're here, I take it that the girls agreed with your request?" Lucia asked.

Hadrian nodded.

"They did, albeit reluctantly though." He added, glancing to the side as he muttered the last part.

Lucia chuckled.

"Hmm, I don't blame them. Still, I'm surprised how close you have become to them for them to be against your decision." The black-haired woman gave him a strange look.

Hadrian noticed, pausing with narrowed eyes as he tried to discern what it meant.

"What?" He said, confused.

"Oooh, nothing. It's not really my place to say, and I'm sure the girls would tell you about it of their own accord." Lucia answered in a sing-song voice.

The response simply caused the brows of the young mage to meet and clashed even further.

Before he could discern what she meant, Lucia spoke up once more.

"Then, I suppose this is a good time as any to give you a gift." She smiled.

Hadrian blinked.

"Gift?" He repeated.

Lucia hummed, nodding in agreement.

"Uh-huh." She paused, then laughed. "Well, I say mine, but it's actually more of your father's gift to you than from me."

Briefly, Hadrian's eyes widened in surprise.

"From papa?"

"Yes, from papa." Lucia confirmed with a slight nod. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/the-prince-of-magic_15393500605196005/a-mother&apos;s-support-(2)_51116281432167509">/book/the-prince-of-magic_15393500605196005/a-mother&apos;s-support-(2)_51116281432167509</a> for visiting.

Without another word, the black-haired woman reached a hand to the small table where the portraits were displayed and picked up a small dark velvet pouch bag.

She grabbed it in her right hand, pulled her arm back before turning it to him.

Hadrian glanced to her with a curious expression, only for the woman to nod back at him with a gentle smile.

"Go on, little one. Open it." She suggested, smiling.

Slowly, he took it from her hand and opened the pouch.

With his right hand, he reached down and grabbed the content of the pouch.

The item that he pulled out was a large book with a dark brown leather cover.

Hadrian tried to search for any names on the front, back or spinal of the book, but nothing was seen. Based on the impression he got, the book seemed to be a journal of some sort, which caused him to open the front cover.

He had expected to see a name of the owner, but once again, he was proven wrong as not even a splotch of ink could be seen in sight.

Befuddled, Hadrian faced his mother, who merely giggled at the helpless expression on his face.

"That journal in your hand was your uncle's, who passed it on to your father as your father passed it on to you." Lucia explained.

"I see. Then, how do I open this?" Hadrian asked, pointing at the journal with his left index finger.

"You will need Ryu to be present to open it. Why don't you call for that cute puffball now?" Lucia suggested.

Hadrian blinked.

"Oh… okay then."

Briefly, Hadrian closed his eyes and called to the aforementioned familiar through their bond.


A loud series of tapping noises against a glass made Hadrian opened his eyes and turned to the window.

On the other side, Ryu and Fou were present, staring at him through the glass.

"That was fast…" Lucia commented, sounding impressed.

The young mage went to the window to retrieve his familiars.

Moments later, Hadrian returned at his mother's side with his two familiars on his head and shoulder.

"Now, open the journal again." The black-haired woman prompted.

Hadrian did as she suggested, and was surprised when a white glow appeared above him.

He tried to glance upwards, but his attention went to the journal in his hands as words suddenly began to appear on the first page, flowing in a smooth fashion like water through a river.

The words formed into a name, 'Mathius von Aelfryth'.

It was his uncle's name, and the one that Hadrian was named after.

However, before he could flip to the second page, his mother spoke again.

"The journal can only be perused by a member of the Aelfryth family. It's a security measure that your uncle Mathius had made to prevent the secrets of his research from falling into the hands of outsiders." Lucia explained.

"Then…" Hadrian glanced at the journal in his hands with realization.

"Yes, given that you're his relative and the last member of the Aelfryth house, only you can read the contents of that journal. You need Ryu, however, seeing as he is one of the keys required for you to unlock the texts." Lucia affirmed with a nod.

"Kyu!" The white furry familiar cooed, as if agreeing to her words.

Hadrian turned the journal this way and that, looking over it before turning to his mother, who was petting Fou in her hands.

"What's in this journal anyways?"

Lucia smiled, amused by the "fufu" contented noises of the squirrel-like creature melting to her ministrations.

"Your uncle's research on the First True Magic." She answered idly, as if discussing the weather.

Surprised, Hadrian snapped his gaze to her.

"W-what?!" He sputtered.

Lucia giggled.

"Little one, did you really think that that journal you received from your grandfather was your uncle's actual research notes on the First True Magic? How foolish of you to think so." The black-haired teased, tutting as she shook her head.

"Then, was the one I have a fake?" Hadrian asked.

"Not precisely." Lucia answered. "The one you have is real, but not exactly as valuable as the one in your hands now. By the words of your father, it would be that the one you have is the prototype version of the journal that you're holding now. I imagined the research notes in this journal is more advanced and detailed than the one you were perusing."

"I see…"

Seeing the contemplative look, Lucia smiled before caressing her son's hair in comfort.

"Your father very much wanted to give this journal to you in person, little one. Most importantly, he would tell you how proud he is of you now." Lucia said softly.

"You don't know that…" Hadrian said quietly.

"Oh, I know. He was my husband, after all, and I'm your mother." Lucia assured in a tone that brooked no argument.

Not knowing what to say, Hadrian simply looked at the journal, unconsciously firming his grip on it as he was pulled into a one-sided hug again by his mother.

For a while, the mother and son spent a few minutes of comfortable silence in staring at the portrait of his father.

Eventually, the silence was broken by his mother, who turned to him with a curious look.

"By the way, what has your opa been up to?" Lucia asked.

"What do you mean?" Hadrian returned in confusion.

"He's been acting weird." Lucia paused, then amended. "Well, weirder than normal."

"How so?" Hadrian prompted curiously.

"He almost skipped dinner. In fact, I think he would have if not for the fact I threatened to burn down his workshop if he didn't come out of there. The occasional cackles coming from his office and whenever he is walking around the castle were not that hard to miss, so yes, his recent behavior is well noted." Lucia answered dryly.

Having an idea of the cause, Hadrian merely let out a sigh.

"It's not a cause of worry. He's simply being his usual self." The young mage assured.

Lucia hummed, looking a bit skeptical.

"Well, if you say so. I just hope he stops soon. His evil laughs are getting rather annoying." She huffed in annoyance.

With a sigh, Hadrian nodded in agreement.

Before he turned in last night, Hadrian had left a small number of Blood Beads on his grandfather's desk.

Needless to say, the old magician was ecstatic to see the objects, looking quite excited to prick and prod them with his scalpels.

If what his mother said was true, there was no doubt that his grandfather's strange recent behavior was most likely due to the Blood Beads he was researching on.

Seeing no need to ponder on the subject than necessary, Hadrian threw the thought in the back of his mind as he would find out what the old magician was up to by the morrow anyways.

The rest of their evening was spent comfortably, what with them reminiscing on their memories of the one person whom they both were still sorely missing, no matter how much time had passed.



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