The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 123 - Arma Sanguis (2)



Hadrian blinked.

"Blood Weapons?"

The old magician nodded.

"Ja, blood weapons. They may look like decorated handles of a sword without hilts, but here, look inside."

Zelretch picked up one of the handles and showed his grandson the inside of the handle.

Hadrian's eyes widened slightly in surprise when he saw that the inside was not empty but filled with something solid.

His curiosity was piqued when the object seemed to glimmer against the light.

"What is that?" He inquired, pointing at the red solid object inside the handle.

"That is blood." Zelretch grinned, amused at the incredulous expression on his grandson's face. "The blood of an Ultimate One, to be more specific."

"Wha– No, if that's blood, why does it look solid? It looks like a crystal." Hadrian questioned, a bit skeptical.

"That's because it's similar to liquid metal." Zelretch answered bluntly. "From what I could discern on my research, I've recently discovered that the Spider can actually manipulate its blood, which I suppose is something that some Dead Apostles share and can attest to expect. But, with the Spider, its manipulation with blood is far more superb and advanced than the ones that I've seen before."

"I see, then how did you made these? How does it work? Is it even safe to use them?" Hadrian frowned, thoughtful.

"I made them with the materials you gave me. I used the vessels of the blood to make the structures of the handles, transfigured them with alchemy. Then, I purified the blood with true magic to erase the Spider's influence in them. It might look like any normal blood at first, but it's still that alien's blood. The amount of contamination in one drop of blood is…" Zelretch trailed off with a sigh. "Let's say that it was not easy to clean it, that's for sure. And they're extra safe. I made sure of it."

"The process is that dangerous?" Hadrian looked hesitant to comment.

The old magician huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Tiresome and life-risking." He corrected sternly. "I even had to use the Treasure Chest just to minimize the risk. It was too dangerous for me to just do the process in the lab, despite the protections I have in place around the building. I probably would have blown up one floor of this building if I had went through in that path."

"I see, so how do these work?" Hadrian asked, looking at the handles in a new light.

The old magician laughed, rubbing his gloved hands together in a suspicious manner.

"Hehe, glad you asked, enkel. But, I think it would be easier if you drink this first."

With a very suspicious grin, the old magician picked up one of the vials in the casing before turning back to Hadrian.

The young mage blinked at the suspicious item in front of him before turning his skeptical gaze to his grandfather.

"Go on, take it." The old magician offered, still grinning as he waited.

Hadrian stared at the older man with half-lidded deadpan eyes.

"Why do I have to take it?"

"You have to since you'll be using these things." Zelretch reasoned, pointing at the handles with his other free hand.

"Let me rephrase that. Why do I have to take it to use these things?" Hadrian asked.

Knowing that his grandson won't relent, Zelretch sighed and scratched his head.

After a few seconds had passed, the old magician began to explain.

"In order for the blood in these two handles to be controlled, you need to drink the blood in this vial. The blood inside the handles is not dead or alive. I mean, they were at first, but after I purified them with the essence of true magic, they became similar to inert objects. Still fresh, but inactive and no longer linked to the Spider's subconsciousness."

Zelretch paused, taking a moment to breathe before continuing.

"Now, if you drink this –" The old magician shook the vial slightly in his hand. "A bond in blood shall be made. It's a link that goes beyond physical, but more spiritual and magical in nature."

"You mean like what Lord El-Melloi II has with Trimmau?" Hadrian asked.

Zelretch paused, tilting his head in thought before nodding slowly.

"Hmm… ja, kind of similar to that. But I surmised it's more similar to what you have with Fou and Ryu. Except these two weapons won't like to be picked up and cuddled by others." The old magician pointed out.

Hadrian sweat-dropped at the strange addition.

"No, seriously. Once you drink this vial, don't let others touch these two. Or they'll be eaten." Zelretch warned, his crimson eyes slightly wide for emphasis.

Hadrian raised a brow.

"Eaten?" He repeated slowly.

"Ja, eaten. These pair of siblings might look innocent right now, but they're quite vicious, low in temper and has quite the voracious appetite. They will drain the life essence and magical energies of anything that touches them." Zelretch explained, giving the handles a wary glance.

"Sounds like they take after their forefathers in those aspects." Hadrian commented dryly, glancing at the objects as well.

"Tell me about it." Zelretch shook his head before continuing. "Anyways, just take the vial. Trust me when I say it's safe to drink it."

Hadrian was silent for a few moments before he sighed.


Grabbing the vial offered to him, Hadrian looked hesitant as he opened the vial.

For a second, he appeared as if he was not going to drink it, but he shook off the nerves and drank the vial in one go.

During that time, Hadrian had his eyes closed and focused his senses inwards.

When nothing seemed out of the ordinary, the young mage opened his eyes and met his grandfather's expectant gaze.

"So… how'd you feel?" Zelretch prompted.

Hadrian tilted his head as he processed the question in his mind.

"Hmm… nothing unusual. I feel the same actually."

Hadrian paused, bright cyan eyes narrowing slightly into suspicion.

"Were you expecting something to happen?" Hadrian questioned, almost accusing.

"Hm? Oh no, not at all. Really, I'm not, enkel." Zelretch denied, laughing as he gave the younger man his trademarked grin.

Unfazed, Hadrian only became suspicious instead.

"Now, with that done, go pick them up." Zelretch instructed.

Hadrian did as he was told, and he held one of the two Arma Sanguis in his right hand.

Immediately, he felt something resonate within his soul, as if a link was established.

Due to his focus inwards, Hadrian did not notice how his grandfather was closely observing him with narrowed eyes.

When he turned to old magician, the observant expression was quickly replaced with an expectant one.

"Seems to me like something has occurred, no?" Zelretch commented.

Sheepish from being seen through, Hadrian slowly nodded his head.

"It did. I felt something… connected the moment I touched this." Hadrian waved the object in his right hand slightly.

"That's the link between you and them being made. I surmised it means that they accepted you as their owner." Zelretch theorized.

"So… now what?" Hadrian asked, unsure of what to do.

He handled many weapons before, various kinds, but he had never held the likes of the Arma Sanguis.

Thus, he was somewhat clueless in how to proceed.

The old magician smirked.

"Now… just will the Arma in your hand to form a weapon that you like." Zelretch suggested, grinning as he thumbed his bearded chin.

"Will it?" Hadrian asked, raising an eyebrow.

Zelretch nodded.

"Ja, just will for it to happen."

While Hadrian appeared as if he was about to ask more questions, he was interrupted as he felt the Arma Sanguis vibrate gently in his right hand, catching his attention quickly.

Before his very eyes, the crimson crystal from within the handle dissolved into liquid, flowing upwards before it formed into a long, very sharp thin blade.

Earlier, it was merely an ornate-looking handle. Now, it was a bladed weapon that was cross between a sabre and a katana.

An ornate hilt has also formed at the same time the blade has finished its formation.

Testing the grip of the handle, Hadrian admired the way the crimson blade glinted against the light of the chandelier.

The way it glinted against the light reminded him of how tiny jewels would do so.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Zelretch asked. "But its aesthetics is merely just that. What matters is what it can do."

"You never told me why you made these." Hadrian commented.

"I was just about to get to that, actually." Zelretch chuckled. "And the reason is simple. I made these for you to use against that wretched pedo, Prelati. Normal weapons don't work against that bastard, even the mystic code kinds. Trust me… I've tried, many times before. The Arma Sanguis are different, however, and I'm sure you know the answer."

"It's their alien origin." Hadrian stated, confident in his answer. "Prelati's source of power comes from alien origin, and only one of its kind can fight against like him."

"Exactly!" Zelretch grinned. "And the Arma Sanguis did not just come from any alien source, but the Spider itself. An Ultimate One. Your trek in its lair might be suicide inducing, but at least your courage and efforts there didn't go to waste. In your hands, the Arma Sanguis can be the perfect weapon to fight against creatures bearing alien origins. I dare say that it might even become too powerful in your hands in due time, especially once you have your mystic eyes in control."

"So, what can these do?" Hadrian asked.

Zelretch laughed.

"I think it would be more interesting if you find out for yourself. You still have a day before the assignment can truly begin. I suggest you take that time to get acquainted with these two."



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