The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 130 - Differences (2)



By the time of the 18th century, the prejudice and mistrust of the non-magical people towards the wizards and witches had built up to the point where the latter's communities had decided together to withdraw from the public view.

Each magical community from around the world had gathered in a secret location one day, and discussed the future of their race from there.

Then, the Statue of Secrecy was eventually formed and signed.

Borne from their unanimous decision was the Ministry of Magic, and soon, wizards and witches had gone into hiding.

For many years, the magical communities had lived in secret and in peace.

The non-magical and magical races never became involved with one another so closely before since then. Although, there were times that events from either sides had turned widespread that it had affected the other, albeit accidentally.

Apparently, the World War I and II had not been caused by the non-magical, but also by the magical people at some point in history.

They were few and in between, but what matters was that they were still involved.

The idea of hearing Adolf Hitler being a 'squib' (a term used to describe a non-magical person born to at least one magical parent) in this world was a both a surprise and an amusing thought to Hadrian.

In a slightly horrifying kind of way, that is.

What was even more ironic was that the infamous man in history didn't even know he was related to a magical person, yet remained unaware of his true nature. Although, the couple had heard that the man might have suspicions of his lineage due to the amount of ravings and speeches he would spew sometimes in several of his meetings with his soldiers.

In hindsight, it kind of made sense as the long deceased Führer had a fondness for art regarding myths from Greece and Rome.

Then again, the Führer was well-known to be quite mad. So, who knows?

Of course, like all things in the world, nothing can last, and so did the peaceful times of the magical communities.

If the non-magicals had their trouble with people like the mad Führer, the magical communities had their own with people that they recognized as Dark Lords.

A Dark Wizard or Witch was a magical individual who primarily studies and/or practices the 'Dark Arts', otherwise known as 'Dark Magic'.

They often partake in the illegal breeding of Dark creatures, uses or create objects imbued with dark magic, or inflict injuries or death upon others through the use of dangerous curses and spells.

The explanation from one unnaturally-serious looking Nicolas Flamel had left Hadrian staring at the former with a deadpan expression.

The Flamel matriarch, on the other hand, was giggling in the background.

"That's so many 'dark' terms right there. You're not just pulling my leg, are you?" Hadrian asked dryly.

Nicolas laughed, amused.

"Ahaha, I wish! If you saw how most wizards and witches talk about anything related to topics about 'dark magic', 'dark lords' or 'dark creatures', it's like they would get allergies and skirt around the issue. As if that would've solved anything." The famous alchemist said, scoffing to the side.

"Forgive Nicky, he's just vexed with how most magical communities treat the dark side of magic these days." Penerelle explained.

"No, it's fine. I understand where he's coming from. I know some spells that can be considered 'dark', but are useful to me in some ways. I've been taught not to judge when it comes to magic. The intention and the result are what matters, not the method nor the nature." Hadrian said, much to the surprise of the Flamels.

The two blinked, then the brief silence was broken as Nicolas bellowed a laugh while Penerelle smiled at the young man.

"Ahaha, oui! That's right!" Nicolas said with a grin, then he turned to his wife. "This might be sudden, but I'm beginning to like this young lad, dear!"

"As am I, love." Penerelle replied with a pleased smile.

Ignoring their not-so-quiet comments aside, Hadrian moved on with the topic.

"So, these 'dark wizards', who are they?" He asked.

His question caused the Flamels to turn back to him.

"Ah, oui, ahem!" Nicolas coughed into his hand before continuing. "There had been a countless number of dark witches and wizards in history before, but only two wizards of particular notoriety had ever been successful in following through their ambitions. Gellert Grindelwald and, the most recent, Voldemort."

"These two wizards were known for their use and knowledge in the dark arts. Both were known to be ambitious, cunning, charismatic and powerful in magic. They had influence and gathered many followers. They have a slight difference in their ideologies, seeing as Grindelwald supported the ideology of wizarding supremacy while Voldemort with pure-blood supremacy, but the fact is that they are both evil people who had killed countless of innocents to pursue their sick ambitions." Penerelle finished in a calm yet slightly eerie manner.

"Nasty putes (whores), they are." Nicolas grunted.

"Language, dear." Penerelle scolded gently.

"Désolé, chère (Sorry, dear)." Nicolas apologized, looking a bit sheepish.

Hadrian blinked, absorbing the details quietly before speaking.

"Okay, so where are they now?"

"Gellert Grindelwald is alive, but imprisoned in Nurmengard. Voldemort, on the other hand…" Penerelle trailed off, looking to the side.

Noticing the unsure expression on her face, Hadrian raised a brow before turning to Nicolas.

"We're not exactly sure if he is alive or dead. We had been told by someone we know that he 'died', but there had been signs of it otherwise." Nicolas explained with a small frown.

"How so?" Hadrian prompted quietly.

"Two years ago, a student of mine had asked me to loan my stone – oui, the Philosopher's stone – to him for research. I did, but something happened. My stone was nearly stone by a thief, but my student, the brat, had prevented that from happening by fighting the putain. According to him, a fight broke out between them, and my stone became one of the causalities. It ended being broken by a spell from one of them and now it is lost to me. While I have made many stones, losing even one is still… ugh. It's irksome." Nicolas ended with an irritated huff.

"I take it that this… thief was Voldemort then?" Hadrian inquired, connecting the dots.

"Indeed." Penerelle nodded, taking over while her husband seemed to sulk in his seat. "In fact, it was Zelretch who had confirmed Voldemort's status to us. He had told us that he is alive, but barely so. He had also told us that his near-death condition won't stop him from trying to gain a new body and come back to see his ambitions come to fruition."

"I see, so, earlier, what you are implying is in regard to this? That you need my help with this matter?" Hadrian said, recalling Nicolas's words from before.

"Oui." Penerelle confirmed with a sigh. "We know that you are here to find and capture the instigator of the mass murders, and we also know that we might be asking too much of this from you, but we need your help. Voldemort was, and still is, the most powerful and worst dark lords to have ever been born in this world. Many innocents will die if, no, once he comes back. So, please, help us with this."

Wrought with indecision, Hadrian thought of his current situation.

He would love to help, but his hands were already tied with the main assignment.

Finding and eliminating Prelati was his main focus, and everything else should be below that. However, many innocents would die if he ignored the matter with Voldemort.

In addition, his grandfather had specifically left his vessel in the care of this couple before him.

Ignoring them when they clearly need his help would only earn him his grandfather's disapproval. The old magician would respect his decision, understand it even, but he would not be pleased by it.

On the other hand, the thought of interacting with the magical races of this world and causing a disturbance in their history down the line is what caused Hadrian to be most hesitant.

The assignment was supposed to be of utmost secrecy, and becoming involved with the magical society's problems is the best way to be in the spotlight.

Looking at the woman's eyes and seeing the pleading sincerity in them, Hadrian sighed as he eventually came to a decision.



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