The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 132 - Truth Beneath The Moonlight



The discussion between the three of them had gone somewhat casual once Hadrian had let them know of his decision.

Nicolas and Penerelle became quite friendly to Hadrian, almost treating him as if he was already one of their own.

Even Hadrian had enjoyed his time with the couple as the three of them discussed the similarities between their respective worlds.

The Flamel couple had been a bit surprised that their alter-counterparts were a bit different to them.

Both in his world and to here, Nicolas Flamel was once a loyal student of 'Paracelsus', the accomplished physician and alchemist in the 15th century.

In his world, Nicolas was a young man who came from a low pure-blood line. He came across Paracelsus, witnessing the former's skills in potion-making and alchemy, then became his student for several years. During his apprenticeship under Paracelsus, he came across a non-magical woman called Penerelle and married her eventually.

When Paracelsus was found and detained by the Mage's Association for teaching the ordinary folk Magecraft (an action that was deemed forbidden in the eyes of the Lords), Nicolas, Penerelle, and the rest of Paracelsus's students had ran away, splitting across Europe in fear of being hunted down by the agents of the Clock Tower, the 'Enforcers'.

Nothing was heard of the Flamel couple ever again after their escape.

In this world, however, the couple's story seemed to be a bit different.

Nicolas was still a student of Paracelsus. He met and, eventually, married Penerelle, who was not an ordinary human, but a common born witch instead, while his apprenticeship under Paracelsus was still ongoing. Just like in his world, Nicolas's apprenticeship ended abruptly when Paracelsus was found and detained by a group of mages belonging to an organization called the 'Consortium'.

Apparently, the Consortium was the alternate counterpart of the Mage's Association in this world.

The Consortium seemed to be more lenient and mindful of other races, but like the Mage's Association, they are very private and would only select members that have connection to their organization.

They are just as secluded and secretive as their alternate counterpart, only accepting mages of both genders with exceptional degrees and connections. Coincidentally, they happened to have a main branch and headquarters called the 'Astral Clock Tower', which also happened to be located at the British Museum in London, England.

Now, back to Nicolas Flamel's story…

When Paracelsus was detained and dragged to the deep dungeons of the Astral Clock Tower, he had left behind a group of students whom still followed his teachings and they had scattered across the world when they realized that there was nothing that they can do for their mentor, not unless they were willing to risk their lives to help him escape.

Even if they do, the fear of being captured and detained as 'prisoners' (specimens) for various studies (experimentation) was too dangerous for the students to handle.

And thus, they had all fled and moved on with their lives. Some had travelled around the globe as wandering wizards and witches, some had joined other wizarding organizations, while some had settled down and made a family or continued their mentor's research and lived their lives as hermits in isolated locations.

But, unknown to them, the most trusted student of Paracelsus was left with an inheritance from his mentor.

Said student was the Nicolas Flamel of this world.

The inheritance came in the form of a notebook. An unassuming, ordinary notebook full of research notes written by the most famous physician and alchemist in history, of which was left in the hands of one of Paracelsus's most trusted student, Nicolas Flamel. Needless to say, the day he received the notebook was the day the latter's life had changed.

Instead of Paracelsus, Nicolas Flamel became the known creator of the Philosopher's Stone in this world rather than the other way around.

It was a curious turn of events, one of which that even Hadrian didn't expect to happen.

The Flamel couple had enjoyed retelling their own life experiences earlier, and the automaton was more than happy to record their tales in great detail.



The gentle vibrations of the PT broke Hadrian out of his musing, causing him to open his eyes and become aware of his surroundings.

He was currently outside by the second floor veranda that overlooked the large pool behind the front building of the Flamel mansion.

The Flamel couple seemed to be fond of modern architecture as the structure of their home was a mixed of old and modern style.

The mansion was located on a higher platform, allowing him to have a clear view of the city below and of the moon above.

The thing that surprised and made Hadrian a bit happy was that the mansion has a private entrance to the beach, which was located below and seemed to be a part of the Flamel's private property.

Leaning against the railings of the veranda, Hadrian looked up at the clear night sky as he fished out the PT out of his pocket.

Without so much as a glance, he answered the call.

"Finally! You picked up, enkel! What took you so long!" The voice of his grandfather demanded.

"Oh, nothing. Just enjoying the view here, really." Hadrian said absentmindedly.

"View? What view?" The old magician asked, a bit suspicious.

"The sky." Hadrian said simply. "I'm in Nice, France. It's night right now."

"Ah, yes, I heard night time in that location is rather nice." Zelretch agreed idly, then snapped out of his thoughts as he continued. "Ah, but that's not important right now. How are you? Did you wake up fine? There's no problems, right? Have you met the Flamels yet? And the sisters, did you see them too? And your underwear, did it fit your body just fine?! I remember my first experience. It was a sad day –"

Despite being bombarded with questions, Hadrian took them all calmly, one by one before answering.

Although, he was somewhat disturbed by the last one, even going as far as to send it a brief glare at the mystic code before returning it against his ear.

"I'm fine. The process was a success and there's no issue whatsoever. I have met the Flamels, they are polite and accommodating hosts. I've also seen Yuuri and Yuuki. And as for my undergarments, that's none of your business, opa." Hadrian retorted in a deadpan tone.

Zelretch chuckled.

"Haha, well, at least you seem to be in fine form." The old magician teased, causing Hadrian to grunt in response.

"Hn. Speaking of which, you didn't warn me that I would be de-aged once I get here." The young mage accused lightly.

"It was a minor detail that I had forgotten to mention. Apologies, enkel." Zelretch laughed sheepishly.

"Well, don't do it again. I've had enough of this kind of surprises to last me a lifetime." Hadrian huffed.

"What are you talking about? This is your first time being transported into another world." Zelretch argued, somewhat confused.

"It's the first time, and it's already enough." Hadrian grounded out.

The loud laughter from the other side of the PT merely caused Hadrian exhale his irritation through his nose.

After a few moments, his grandfather seemed to be finished and their talk continued once more.

"Okay, jests aside, how are you really doing?" His grandfather asked, taking on a more calm and observant tone.

"I'm alright." Hadrian settled. "Although, this body needs exercise and food. Preferably ones rich in vitamins and nutrition. It's a bit weak for my taste."

"Hmm, you can ask Yuuri and Yuuki to provide you with a proper diet. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to feed you lots of food again. Oh, and I'll ask Nicolas to give you something to boost the body's immune system and strengthen muscle tissue. Guy knows his potions when it comes to the body." Zelretch suggested.

"That'll be much appreciated, thank you." Hadrian said genuinely. "Although, I do have a question for you."

"What is that?"

"Whose body is this?" Hadrian inquired.


Silence was all he heard from his grandfather's side, causing Hadrian to narrow his eyes at the old magician's strange response. Or rather, the lack of it.


The call was enough to snap the old magician to respond.

"Ah, yes, I'm here." Zelretch sighed, sounding resigned and a bit frustrated. "Apologies. The exhaustion is getting to me. As for your question, I'll be honest with you…"

Raising an eyebrow at the old magician's strange wording, Hadrian remained silent as his grandfather continued.

But, he would never expect what the answer would be and how it would affect his life from then on.

"The body you are using… is actually yours."




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