The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 138 - Preparation



Even though he was tired and his body was riddled with aches, painful enough to make him grimace every time he moves a muscle, Hadrian forced himself to walk and make the most of what he can do in a day. First though, his discussion with the Flamel couple would have to take priority.

With his retainers in tow, Hadrian stepped into the spacious study of Nicolas Flamel.

Said office was well furnished, exuding an aura of comfort, calmness and luxury.

It had many bookshelves, filled to the brim with tomes and average-sized books. A sofa and two chairs fit to seat up to five to seven visitors, a black chair with a polished wooden desk made from dark cherry oak, and a few small tables to display items of interest here and there.

The office has a high ceiling, designed with a few glass panes to bring natural light into the room. There are also two windows on either sides of the desk, of which was where Nicolas was sitting on.

His wife, Penerelle, was on a chair, cross-legged and sipping daintily on her tea.

Hadrian's quick observation of the room came to an end when the couple noticed his presence and greeted him.

"Ah, there you are, jeunne (lad). Come in, come in!" Nicolas said with a welcoming smile, gesturing for him to sit.

Behind him, Hadrian heard a familiar voice.

"Jeunne?" Kieran said, sounding confused.

"It means 'lad' or 'son' in French, ya incorrigible buffoon." Astolfo chirped in a low volume.

The happy tone and insult caused Charles, Yan Qing and Arash to chuckle and smirk at the amber eyed retainer's expense, who blinked as he slowly digested the words before it sunk to him that he was just insulted.

Let it be said that Kieran, while cunning and perceptive most of the time, was not exactly quick on the uptake to realizing that he was insulted by using nouns he was unfamiliar with.

"F.u.c.k ya, pinky!" Kieran cursed in a whisper, glaring at the knight in question.

Astolfo, in his case, merely grinned and flicked his tongue out in a childish manner, annoying the amber eyed retainer successfully.

Giving the two a warning glance to behave, Hadrian turned back to the Flamel couple and walked further into the room.

Nodding to them in thanks, he took a sit in the center of the sofa, leaving his retainers to do whatever they wish.

Arash and Charles opted to stand, while Astolfo, Yan Qing and Kieran took their seats on the other chairs.

King Hassan was also present, though he was in astral form. The old assassin was standing behind Hadrian, two steps away and to his right.

The door to the office opened before anything could be said, admitting Yuuri and Yuuki with Fou and Ryu on their shoulders as they pushed two trays filled with beverages and treats.

Their entrance did not go unnoticed to his retainers, who turned their gazes to the twin homunculi.

"Oh, it's the twins! Heya, two!" Astolfo greeted upon sighting them, grinning as he waved a hand.

"Good to see you two again!" Charles said with a genuine smile, a hand on his chest as he gave them a slight bow.

The two homunculi maids returned their greetings, then turned to Hadrian and curtsied in front of him, to which he acknowledge with a nod, before they settled to work.

Yuuri and Yuuki were maids of the Schweinorg house, and they knew what his retainers' likes.

Astolfo was particularly happy when he was given a slice of strawberry shortcake, excitedly heaping praises upon the twin homunculi for their thoughtfulness and how delicious it was after he ate the treat in two bites, much to everyone's amus.e.m.e.nt.

Once everyone was given a drink and treats (with Astolfo going for another round), the room had calmed down as the Flamel couple began to make small talk, speaking to his retainers mostly and gauging their personalities in different kinds of topics. Hadrian himself was mostly quiet, preferring to watch in silence as the ageless couple get to know his retainers.

Fortunately, the couple seemed to like his retainers, even Kieran who can be quite difficult to get used to due to his personality.

The couple has a way to make the people around them to feel comfortable, which Hadrian noticed as he watched them interact with his retainers.

Not that he was excluded from the couple's attention. Even Hadrian found himself accosted by the Flamel couple due to their fascination to his familiars, especially Penerelle who kept on staring at the fluffy familiars with a strange look on her face.

Said expression reminded Hadrian of how someone would find a small pet that they found utterly adorable, not that he could blame her since his familiars are really cute.

The small talk made way to the purpose of the meeting, eventually.

It started just as Hadrian was pinching Ryu's cheeks and giving Fou rubs under her chin alternatively.

"Now, may I know what your plans are during your stay here, Hadrian?" Nicolas asked politely after a sip on his espresso.

At Hadrian's questioning look, Penerelle explained.

"Zel was not exactly forthcoming with the details, but he did inform us that you are here on an important task. To search and find the instigator of the murder cases in your world, yes? Can you clarify this for us?" She said with a raised brow.

"By clarify, what do you mean?" Hadrian tilted his head with a small thoughtful frown.

"Première (First), who is this instigator that Zel was talking about?" Nicolas elaborated, frowning as he recalled certain memories in mind. "I tried asking him about it, but the man would just go off in curses and look really annoyed and murderous at the same time, which looked strange on him since the expression on his face made him look a bit deranged."

"Wasn't he always a bit like that, dear?" Penerelle smirked, amused by the image her husband made.

"Well, more than usual, I mean." Nicolas amended, lips quirking up as he too found himself amused.

Smiling faintly at their jest at his grandfather's expense, Hadrian's expression turned neutral as he considered his words, though it came out in a casual manner that didn't exactly fit the gravity of his words.

"Can't say I blame him, not when the reason I'm here is to find and kill Prelati."



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