The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 14 - Clues (3)



"Okay, now that everyone is here, we can talk about the plans for today." Hadrian announced.

He crossed his legs and leaned back into the couch, making himself comfortable as he waved his right hand before using it to support his head.

Through an amazing display of holographic magic, Hadrian made a detailed map of the city via the Moon Cell that he settled upon the coffee table.

Every location in the city, the name of the shops, building, streets and more are on clear display, including the movements of locals currently walking about in present time.

With the Moon Cell, magically conjuring a real-time holographic map of the city with a wave of his hand was easy as breathing for Hadrian.

It was one of the tricks that he uncovered by chance after the Moon Cell had fused itself with his soul. His 'private trips' on the moon several months ago were paying off.

However, most of the names disappeared as he discarded them and only a few were left on display.

The ones in particular are the specific locations related to the murder cases.

"As you all know, our scheduled meeting with the source is still tomorrow. But, today, we have another important matter to attend, and that is to look into these locations that the High Council has asked of me to double-check. Since these areas are too far apart for me to look into, I have decided to split the group into three. First, Rider and Scáthach will both go together and cover this area. Arash, Dia, and Yan will go here. And Arturia, Charles, Astolfo and Kieran will go with me in here."

As he spoke, Hadrian made sure to point out the locations of interest to each group, and the sections they are assigned to investigate.

The Master looked up from the hologram and to his retainers, who were paying his words with their undivided attention.

All of his retainers are wearing solemn expressions, which made Hadrian relieved that they were taking the situation seriously.

Although, he raised an eyebrow at Astolfo, who was staring at the holographic map with an unusual intensity in his purple eyes.

Said pink-haired retainer was wearing a pink shirt with short-sleeves that seems a bit large for his size and tucked in at the front, black hot-pants with a brown belt with a bronze buckle, gray socks, and a pair of pink and white high-top shoes with purple laces. He is also wearing a silver wristwatch, a purple necklace with a gold pendant, and a pink cap that is turned backwards.

Astolfo's overall outfit was really girlish, and it was (probably) the source of Charles's disappointment by the despondent look on the latter's comely face.

But, it is the unusually serious expression on Astolfo's face that surprised Hadrian, seeing as he rarely takes anything seriously in his entire life.

While taken aback inside, Hadrian did not let it show on his calm façade. He simply nodded to himself and continued on.

"Now, as for our goal in this plan, it would be to find anything that was overlooked by the other groups that investigated these areas before."

Some of his retainers perked up from his statement, but it was Charles who asked the question that was in their minds.

"What do you mean by that, Master?" Charles inquired curiously.

Turning his head slightly to the right, Hadrian answered him.

"It is exactly what I said." Hadrian returned his gaze upon the map. "The ones that tried to investigate these locations came up with results that the High Council viewed… unsatisfactory."

His lips thinned as he crossed his arms over his chest, brows knitting slightly in thought.

"Lehrer Melloi was supposed to be the one to come here, but since he was occupied with another task, the case was handed over to me instead. Even though I was his student only for a year, they have deemed my skills enough to act as a proper substitute for him."

Hadrian smiled faintly.

Even to this day, he found the idea of how the High Council sees him and their expectations uncomfortable.

"Since the meeting is still tomorrow, consider this one as a side-mission that we might as well finish today. All of you have your own methods with investigating, so I'm sure you guys will do just fine. If, however, you encountered something and you're unsure in how to handle it, then don't hesitate to ask the others of their opinion."

Hadrian blinked as he remembered something important.

"Oh, and don't let any humans see you entering these areas. Even though they have been cleaned, the government have restricted the public entrance to any of them for the time being. So, enter the areas in your astral forms and use a bound field around the perimeter if you must."

Yan scratched his head, looking a bit confused.

"Eh, Master, why the extra caution? Won't our astral forms be enough?" Yan Qing asked.

"It's enough, but sometimes, not everything will go the way you expect it to." Hadrian answered. "I learned my lesson in the war, so who knows what might happen once we venture into these areas. A fight might even break out and I don't wish the humans to be involved if it does happen."

By this admission, most of the retainers perked up in attention, making Hadrian sigh when he saw the hint of excitement in their eyes at the possibility of a battle.

Noticing his odd statement, Dia made a decision to ask his liege.

"Um, my lord, why do you expect a fight to break out if this is just a simple re-checking of the areas?"

Hadrian hummed in thought.

"Like I said, you never really know what might happen." Hadrian smiled disarmingly, making him more alluring to look at.

Charles and his retainers, who were a bit naïve, didn't noticed the hidden meaning behind his words.

But, some of the more observant ones understood, causing them to exchange brief knowing glances at one another.

"Before we set off…" Hadrian trailed off, taking something out of his jacket's right pocket before he turned to one of his retainers. "Here, Arash, catch."

He tossed a small device to a surprised-looking Arash, who snatched the item with one hand.

Together, Arash and the others looked at the object in his open palm.

The item was small and thin, about two inches in height and one centimeters in width. It has a cylindrical form made out of aluminum metal, and a button on one end.

When Arash turned it over on one side, there was a small bar in a bright green color located beneath the button.

Ever the curious one in the group, Charles asked.

"Master, what's that?"

"It's the new device I made a week ago. It's magical, of course, and I call it the 'Finis'." Hadrian announced with a grin.

Noticing the looks of curiosity and wonder, Hadrian explained.

"True to its name, that tiny metal can automatically deploy a powerful bounded field that can cover two football fields in 5 seconds. It will quickly prevent any humans from entering as long as the field is active, so you won't need to worry about needless casualties."

"I see..." Scáthach mused aloud, one finger on her chin before she asked. "But what if there are some that can enter the bounded field? What then?"

"Then, those are Magi." Hadrian answered with a small smile, as if he was expected the question.

"The 'Finis' has a sensory ability that can discern a normal human from a Magus, depending on its calculations on the quantity of magic circuits that they have. In case you are not aware, there is a difference between the magic circuits of the two. A human's circuits is weak, almost minuscule in number and greatly lacking in quality. In other words, it is almost non-existent, but it's there anyways since it is a part of their souls. This fact applies to all living things. Otherwise, Servants in the past grail wars wouldn't think of using humans as an alternative source of magical energy."

Hadrian smiled faintly at the stoic and uncomfortable looks on the retainers' faces, but he pushed on regardless.

"Whereas the magic circuits of an average Magus, it is more clear and vibrant in color. If I were to make a comparison, it would be the same as holding two light bulbs with different brightness. The first is more dimly lit, while the other is several times brighter. Following me so far?"

Amused, Hadrian smiled when Charles and the others nodded before he continued.

"I designed the 'Finis' to only prevent ordinary humans from entering the bounded field, not the Magi. Therefore, anyone who can enter the Bounded Field is seen as a Magus or more. So, make no mistake, if you happen to encounter one later, try to confirm if they are friendly or an enemy first. If it's the first, ask for their identity, their affiliation and their division. If they are not, then don't hesitate to do what is necessary and find out their reason for being there by force if you must."

"Got it, Boss." Yan Qing said with a smirk and a jaunty wave.

"Understood." Dia said with a slight nod of his head.

"Gotcha, Master." Charles and Arash said in unison, grinning.

Similarly, the others also voiced their agreement either with words or a nod.

Satisfied, Hadrian moved on with his explanation.

"Now, if you do happen to encounter a normal human inside the bounded field by chance, then use the 'Neurolyzer' of the 'Finis'. Arash, swipe your thumb on the flat surface of the other end."

Right after he said it, Arash did as he instructed and the device extended a little, showing a large lens on the front and a button directly behind it.

The retainers turned back to Hadrian, who quickly explained the hidden feature of his new invention.

"The 'Neurolyzer' effect can make a person forget what they had seen in a single flash. Right now, since it is still in its experimental phase, I had set the time to only a few hours, which is perfect for our excursion today. So, just make sure the target's gaze is meeting the lens pointedly and press on the button once. Remember, only press on the button once, not twice. Otherwise, you'll cause the target to have a rare case of brain damage if you do it by accident. Also, don't look directly as the flash turns on, or you might be affected by it as well."

"Okay, just one press and don't look. Got it, Master." Arash affirmed with a nod, taking his warning to heart.

As for the rest, they stared at their Master in wonder and amazement.

Arturia in particular, looked upon Hadrian with soft fondness in her emerald eyes and a gentle smile.

"To create something like this. Boss, you sure are amazing." Yan commented, looking impressed.

"Indeed." Scáthach added, eyes closed and smiling in satisfaction. "What you have made can save a lot of humans from being killed by most Magi."

"Honestly, I was just tired of hypnotizing or erasing the memories of the witnesses to avoid a casualty, so I made that thing instead." Hadrian said calmly, deflecting the compliments with ease.

And it was true.

In the past, if there were normal humans that saw him doing Magecraft, Hadrian would be forced to resort to either hypnotize or erase the witness's memory of the recent incident.

With his wealth of experience and knowledge in magic, both options were not exactly difficult to do.

But sometimes, he would have a group of witnesses and will go through the trouble of doing either choices one by one, which can take quite some time in his opinion.

In his belief, killing a witness of Magecraft should only be the last resort, which he was fortunate to have never done before in this life.

Eventually, Hadrian made a quick decision to make the 'Finis', and the rest was history.

"Regardless, Master, it remains an impressive feat even amongst the Magi." Rider smiled at him.

Hearing a rare compliment from the usually stoic Rider, Hadrian was a bit caught off guard and he felt his cheeks redden a little.

In a second, Hadrian recovered from his embarrassment and was about to speak again when Charles beat him to it.

"Neurolyzer. Hm, I've heard of that before…" Charles said aloud, then turned to his liege with a cheeky smile.

Sensing a sort of déjà vu, Hadrian schooled his face into a stoic and kingly demeanor as he looked at Charles.

"Master, isn't that from a movie?" Charles asked in a teasing tone. "About people who are dressed in black."

Amused by the revelation, the retainers turned to observe Hadrian with smiles on their faces.

In his case, Hadrian stilled and looked away to the window, as if suddenly finding it interesting.

"… No?" Hadrian said casually after a moment of silence.

'So obvious…' was all the retainers thought.

Fortunately for him, they remained quiet and looked upon him fondly, as if used to his behavior.

Feeling a bit awkward by their amused stares, Hadrian coughed into his hand and composed himself after making a promise to punish Charles later on.

"Anyways, it would be best for us to get moving while it is still early." Hadrian stated calmly, his regal demeanor returning.

With a wave of his hand, the holographic map of the city vanished into particles of light before fading completely.

But, before Hadrian could rise from the sofa, Astolfo surprised him when he spoke in a solemn tone with an equally serious expression.

"Master, might I request something of you?" Astolfo asked, taking nearly everyone by surprise.

Blinking, Hadrian can only give his consent with a nod as he wondered what caused the usually carefree servant to be so serious.

"What is it, pinky?" Kieran asked with a raised brow.

Contrary to what they were expecting, Astolfo pulled out a magazine from behind his pocket and showed him one of its pages.

As he did so, Astolfo's solemn expression quickly turned into that of a child begging for his parent to buy him something he wants badly.

"Can we please go to this coffee shop? I heard they put cute artsy stuff on their food there!" Astolfo begged, purple eyes glistening with little tears for effect.


The silence could not be more pronounced as the other retainers stared at the pink-haired servant with deadpan expressions.

To his credit, Astolfo remained unmoved and only focused on his master's response, who looked torn with indecision.

Recognizing the intense focus in his eyes, Hadrian knew he has to give him an answer.

Otherwise, the pink-haired retainer would be sulking all throughout their 'trip' in the city if his harmless request was denied.

"You want to… make a detour?" Hadrian asked unsurely.


"Is it close to where we are going?"

"Yes! I checked the map you displayed here earlier."

'So that's why he was so focused earlier…' Hadrian mused wryly.

"… Okay."

"Yahooo!" Astolfo whooped in excitement.

Hadrian sighed, smiling wearily as he and the others watched an elated Astolfo fist-pump in the air, who looked quite pleased with himself.



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