The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 143 - Brooches & Pins



After a quick shower, a change of clothes and a fresh meal, Hadrian found himself sitting on a chair in Nicolas's office.

Within the room was the Flamel couple, who are seated in one sofa and next to each other.

On one side to Hadrian's right were the homunculi maids, standing near the wall a few feet behind them with their hands in front and their eyes closed.

One might assume that they were sleeping on their feet due to their calm and steady breathing, but in the eyes of an experienced observer, they would know that they are wide awake, simply waiting and observing the procedure of the talk in silence.

Professional maids they are, Yuuri and Yuuki.

Behind Hadrian's left was Charles, who stood vigilantly behind the two-seater sofa that Hadrian was on.

The cheeky knight was dressed in his usual black suit, one that was personally commissioned for him and the other retainers a few days after he was summoned by his master.

It was similar to the ones they had worn in his world, both in style and materials. Along with the custom suit, he has a velvet blue tie worn around his neck, a handkerchief of similar color and an enamel pin displayed on the lapel of his suit that was near his heart, showing his association and allegiance to his master's family.

The enamel pin's design was the coat of arms of the Schweinorg family, consisting of a diamond shaped jewel with two swords crossed over it. It was made of platinum, but decorated with tiny gold metals. It was a pin worn by all the retainers and close associates of the Schweinorg family, including the ones who work for his mother and grandfather.

As for Hadrian himself, he was wearing the same clothes he had worn back then: a white shirt, black jacket, pants and shoes. It was the same set of clothes that he had found in the Gate of Babylon, which were coincidentally customized to fit his current figure. He was also wearing his usual set of accessories, such as the watch his mother had given him, the earrings, bracelet and rings.

On the collar of his jacket was a small jewel brooch, one of which was different yet similar to the design that was on Charles's enamel pin. The brooch was made of platinum, rare and highest grade in purity, accompanied by a few sets of white gold chains and a small pendant, which was in the form of a small, but highest quality of pure diamond.

On top of the jewel was a crown, made of pure silver and embezzled with tiny diamond stones, which was to signify Hadrian's status in the Schweinorg family as its sole heir.

Just like his, the enamel pins that the retainers wore have meaning. The swords on their enamel pins signify their roles as his protectors. His chosen retainers, that is.

Most people would not understand the significance of such objects, only deeming them as fancy accessories and whatnot. However, in the eyes of the locals in the moonlit world, they were items that held value, subtle tell-tale signs that informs other magi of their positions in one of the most important families in their society.

In a way, it was similar as to how the normal folk would view the party members in their government. Except, without the reverence and fear that magi would view Hadrian and anyone close to him.

While he had worn the item out of habit, Hadrian wondered if it would still hold significance to the magi in this world.

He had been notified by his grandfather that their family's emblem held importance in this world's society, mostly in magical but also in their ordinary counterparts. The difference was that their emblem was being used by a different family name, of which was one of his grandfather's schemes to cover their family's tracks from enemies the likes of Prelati.

With a sigh, Hadrian shook his head slightly before he focused on setting up the PT II, the lighter and tablet version of his mystic code, PT.

Like his mystic code, the PT II was capable of accessing the internet without external support from any modern sources such as wi-fi or direct internet broadband. What made it a marvel was its capability to be supported by the automaton. The PT II and its older sibling were one of Hadrian's great assistants when it comes to research and scouring information.

It has other capabilities worth noting, but that was a story best told for another time.

At the moment, he was using the mystic code to connect to his grandfather's Scroll, a mystic code with a few set of abilities similar to the PT siblings, so that he would be included in the discussion that was about to begin between him and the Flame couple. The ancient pair watched his actions with a curious and excited glint in their eyes.

Despite having witnessed mankind's progress with modern technology, it seemed that they are wholly interested in his world's progress with technology and magic.

Fortunately, they were mostly silent and patient, content in simply observing him fiddle with the magical device. They also occasionally engaged Charles and the twin homunculi maids into a pleasant small talk as he worked, discussing about how was their stay in their estate had been so far and among other things, all of which were replied in a polite and equally positive manner.

Once the PT II was set, Hadrian pressed a finger on the screen and the vision of his grandfather appeared, surprising the Flamel couple from their seats.

"Oh! Finally, this damn thing has connected!" The familiar voice of his grandfather was heard throughout the office.

"About time, opa." Hadrian drawled, looking a bit exasperated. "What were you doing that it took you to connect that long?"

"Dunno. I was merely pressing this and that, and everything just went tits up." Zelretch said with a sigh.

"I thought you have already familiarized yourself in using the scroll?" Hadrian lightly accused in monotone.

"In my spare time, yes, but you know how few breaks I get these days, enkel. Not to mention, I'm also responsible in monitoring your condition here while you're in there, remember?" Zelretch returned with a carefree smile that was not compatible to his words.

"Fair enough." Hadrian huffed, relenting.

"Good, now is that the Flamels I see over your shoulder?" Zelretch asked, lifting his head as if it would help him in seeing the pair a bit more clearly despite the difficulty of such a task.

Hadrian chuckled, maneuvering the mystic code's short stand a bit to where the Flamels where seated so that his grandfather can see them.

"Yes, they are." The young mage confirmed.

"Bonjour, Zelretch." Penerelle greeted with a smile and a nod.

The Flamel matriarch's response was almost solemn, calm and befitting of someone of her noble station.

Her husband though, had no reservations as the man in question greeted his friend with a wide grin and a wave of his hand.

"Bonjour, Zel!" Nicolas greeted enthusiastically.

"Ah, Nicky! How goes everything, my friend?" The Wizard Marshall asked, his trademark grin present.

"Great, actually. Your grandson here is everything who you said he is." Nicolas chuckled.

"Hm, remarkable, isn't he? He may be brooding and reserve at times, but that's just him being shy in my opinion." Zelretch whispered conspicuously.

A round of chuckle and giggles was heard around the room as Hadrian flushed slightly at his grandfather's teasing.

"Opa." The young mage warned, ignoring the heat on his cheeks and the cheeky grin a certain knight had sent in the corner of his eyes.

The old magician seemed to have not heard him as he simply continued speaking.

"Just take care of my enkel, and he'll take care of you. He acts tough and mature, but he's really a big softie. He even has 'dere' mo–"

"Opa!" Hadrian warned again, cutting the old magician with a glare and by raising his voice a little.

"What? It's true."

In response, the young mage blew out a sigh of frustration.

The other occupants in the room were now laughing at his expense, amused with their usual interaction.

Fortunately, his other retainers were outside, content in doing their own stuff.

Normally, his retainers would not break their usual protocol in accompanying him to wherever he went. However, since he was within safe territory, they went off to their own business. It might also because that he and the others made an agreement to gather later on after his meeting with the Flamels and his grandfather was over with.

Charles, being the dutiful knight he was, didn't leave his side since morning, despite Hadrian's insistence for him to take a break.

If the others had been here, Hadrian's embarrassment would have been more than what he was feeling now.

The young mage was under no delusions that this moment would not make its way to the ears of the others.

Noticing the glint of mischief in Charles's blue eyes, Hadrian had no doubt he would tell the others about it.

Suddenly, the urge to disconnect the video call and give his retainer a good whack on the head seems more appealing to him as the moments goes by.



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