The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 150 - Suspicions (2)



Huffing, the young mage shook his head.

"Whatever…" He muttered, resigned as he ignored the old magician's bellowing laughter.

Looking up, he noticed the moon's bright appearance within the night sky, surprisingly absent of white fluffy clouds as it showered him in its moonlit glow.

He admired the view for a few moments before his attention returned to his grandfather, who began speaking again.

"Ah, before I forget, there's something else that we must discuss."

Curious, Hadrian raised an eyebrow.

"What is?" He asked.

"Recently, I've been taking a closer look at your brain's scans. I noticed a brief spike to it before it disappeared." Zelretch mentioned idly, seemingly distracted as his attention was away from the camera.

Hadrian frowned, brows meeting as a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

"What does that mean then?" He inquired, lacking in experience when it comes to advance level of healing arts in magic.

"Hmm… from my point of view, something seemed to be making its entrance within your psyche, and this is not first time it happened." The old magician explained, glancing up to send a knowing look in Hadrian's way before looking away from the camera.

As for the latter, the young mage paused as he absorbed the news before speaking once more.

"Clarify, opa." Hadrian said in a calm tone that brooked no argument from anyone.

Instead of answering right away, the old magician took a few moments to fiddle something in his side, humming under his breath before turning to face the camera.

"Do you recall when your hair started changing color?" Zelretch began.

Hadrian blinked.

He glanced up at the bangs of his hair, vividly replacing the black color with blonde in his mind's eye.

Just like in his first life, Hadrian was born with black hair, one of the genetic qualities that he received from his mother.

However, after receiving Gilgamesh's abilities, his hair color slowly began to change into a bright blonde, eerily similar to the King of Heroes.

It was slow, but in a few months, his hair had eventually change color.

His family and retainers had been a bit surprised, but after his explanation regarding his encounter and then the battle with the golden armored king, they calmed down and became more accepting. Lucia, his mother, in particular, was quick to accept the slight change as she seemed to see his late father in him not only through behavior, but also in appearance.

Some of his friends were amused to see him with blonde hair.

Flat was especially ecstatic by the change of hair color, citing excitedly about having a new member in the blonde gang.

The change, however, was a slight concern for Hadrian and his family, considering as it was one of the side effects of accepting a significant portion of a Heroic Spirit's power.

And his benefactor, Gilgamesh, was no mere spirit.

The King of Heroes was among the highest and powerful servants in terms of rank, one that even Arturia had admitted to acknowledge, much to her reluctance and displeasure. The man might be a pain in the ass due to his arrogance and prideful personality, but his power and achievements were nothing to laugh at.

Hadrian didn't want to accept the man's parting gift, but he had no choice since it was literally forced upon him before the prideful man disappeared.

The change of his hair color became more prominent the more Hadrian called upon his benefactor's power as time passes by.

Eventually, his hair became blonde within a few months, something that both bothered him a bit but accepted in time.

Now, with his grandfather mentioning it again, there seemed to be something more to it.

Sighing, Hadrian nodded his head.

"Yes, I do. And let me guess, it has something to do with that golden king?" The young mage guessed.

The wry grin on his grandfather's aging countenance was enough confirmation.

"Indeed." The old magician said. "It's of no concern, but it seemed that his personality was also powerful enough to become a side effect upon your receiving his power."

"How is this of no concern if he is affecting my personality, opa?" Hadrian frowned, a bit confused.

"It's of no concern because you have the Moon Cell." Zelretch pointed out. "The artifact has been protecting your mind, body and soul quite jealously from anything that would heavily alter your whole self. It has been doing quite a great job in my opinion, given its recent actions in protecting you during your encounter with the Spider."

Quieting down, Hadrian accepted the explanation with a small huff.

"And besides, it doesn't seem to be too significant. They were more like echoes than outright portions of his personality in that great slab of power that you got from him." Zelretch said absentmindedly, his attention away from the camera. "Although, the guy's annoying, that's for sure."

"Then, I'm alright even as I keep on using his power?" Hadrian asked, wanting a clarification.

"Of course." The old magician nodded. "There's no problem in that road. Just be careful in using it, and try not to take out that thing that it is sleeping inside his vault."

Blinking, Hadrian took a few moments before it dawned on him.

"You mean Ea?"

"Yes, that thing." Zelretch confirmed with a serious expression. "That weapon is powerful, so using it carefully would be wise on your part. Your client, the one who asked you to take this mission, mind you, might be displeased if you try to use it just willy nilly. Therefore, you have to use it sparingly. Remember, we're there to get rid of a problem, not make another."

In a rare display of emotion, Hadrian rolled his eyes at his grandfather's advice.

"I'm aware, opa. I'm not one to cause a disaster just because I feel like it."

"Good, now, there's one last thing we need to talk about." Zelretch said.

"Which is?"

"Who are you going to send to sniff out the clues and follow the possible trails nearby?" The old magician said, implying to their plans regarding searching for Prelati's whereabouts and possible connections.

After some thought, Hadrian answered.

"Yan Qing."

"The assassin?" Zelretch asked, lifting one white brow.

"Yes." Hadrian nodded, continuing to explain his views to his grandfather. "He's perfectly suited for this since his presence concealment is one of his strong abilities. He's also not afraid to act in an immoral manner should there is a need for him to, unlike Charles and Astolfo. Perhaps even Kieran if he's up to it."

"Ah, the rogue servant. How is he coming around anyway?" Zelretch inquired, knowing the amber eyed retainer's crude personality.

"He seems to have adjusted in being contracted with me. He's rough around the edges, but he can be counted on when need to." Hadrian smiled faintly, recalling his interactions with the retainer.

The old magician bellowed a laugh.

"Rough wouldn't take it when it comes to him. He's more like a rusted metal of the lowest quality, one that refused to be melted and molded to the blacksmith's image."

"Strange comparison, but one I can't deny." Hadrian agreed, smiling wryly as he shook his head.

Once more, the old magician laughed before settling down after a whole minute.

"Speaking of servants, do you intend to summon more in the future?" Zelretch asked out of the blue.

It was a question that took his grandson by surprise, but at the same time, it was expected given the dangers of the mission.

"Is it safe for me to do so?" Hadrian asked back, recalling the requirements of the assignment.

His grandfather shrugged his shoulders lightly, looking nonplussed.

"After what you discovered, certain adjustments will need to be made. How many do you intend to summon?"

Taking a moment to consider his answer, Hadrian spoke.


"What class?" Zelretch asked next.

"A Caster and probably another Saber." Hadrian stated.

"Why those two, enkel?"

With a sigh, Hadrian used his right hand to brush his hair back, a nervous habit to settle his thoughts as he pore through them.

"I need a Caster class servant to assist me in creating a safe place to fall back on. The wards here around the Flamel estate may be powerful and complex, but I doubt it would be enough to prevent servants from getting inside. They would also be able to help me with my research. As for a Saber, it would not hurt to have another servant that can fight." Hadrian admitted.

For a few moments, Zelretch was silent as he observed his grandson before a smile fell on his lips.

"Worried for the Flamels' safety?" The old magician asked, seeing through the young mage's calm expression.

Chuckling, Hadrian nodded in defeat.

"Yes. Prelati has powerful servants in his ranks, few they might be. I'll need all the help I can get if we are going to clash eventually in time."

"Hm, that sounds reasonable enough." Zelretch smirked. "Very well, enkel. You may do as you wish. I'll relay your reasoning to our client on your behalf."

"Thank you, opa." Hadrian said, aware that he might be overstepping his bounds with his future intentions.

"Do not mind it. Now, that would be all for now. I'm sure you're tired from the rambunctious antics of your retainers throughout the day. Why don't we end it here for now and let you get some rest, yeah?" Zelretch suggested with a grin.

Smiling, the young mage nodded.

"Alright. Good night, opa."

With a bid of good night from his grandfather, Hadrian turned off the screen of the PT, pocketing the mystic code as he turned his attention to the night sky.

Although, he did cast an amused glance at his familiars, who had now fell asleep in front of him by the flat and wide railings of the balcony.

After rubbing their heads, the young mage stared up at the moon, seemingly at peace as he watched the clouds accompany the glowing object in the sky.

One thought came to mind, however, as he did so.

'The client knew I have Ea…? I wonder who they are…'

No response came, but a powerful breeze that suddenly passed through him did.

Oddly enough, he felt comforted by it even though there was no one there with him.

A gentle chiming noise came through his mind, signaling a notice being sent to him from the Moon Cell.

Calmly, Hadrian took in the content of the notice, despite its alarming words.

[... A powerful entity is currently watching you ...]



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