The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 152 - Vague Answers (2)



Aware that letting the man question him further would them get nowhere, Hadrian took the initiative to open the conversation, if not to change the topic and direct the man's attention on him instead of King Hassan.

The existence of Heroic Spirits, and any subjects related to it, was still something that his grandfather had purposely avoided in mentioning.

That was simply a can of worms Hadrian would always be unwilling to open, unless there was a legitimate need for him to relay such dangerous information to them.

"Now, what brought you here, Mr. Flamel?" Hadrian asked, tilting his head when the mentally-old-but-young-in-appearance wizard almost spitted out the coffee he was drinking.

"I told you before, lass, call me by name or nickname. Mr. Flamel is too formal. You're the grandson of my friend, that makes you family to Penerelle and I already." Nicolas admonished lightly.

Hadrian laughed, a bit embarrassed as he looked to the side.

It was a reaction that Yan and Charles shared even as they stood on either of his sides from behind where he was seated, though theirs was done out of amus.e.m.e.nt and at his expense.

Regaining his composure, Hadrian coughed into his hand before speaking.

"So…" The young mage trailed off, looking to Nicolas with a questioning look.

"Ah, oui, I'm here about my promise to you. Do you still wish to along with it?" The ancient alchemist asked, observing his face as he waited for him to answer.

The ageless man was referring to the part about teaching him the method of brewing potions in this world, alchemy and whatnot.

Hadrian blinked, tilting his head.

"Of course. Why not?" The young mage returned calmly, raising one brow in the process.

Nicolas chuckled sheepishly, idly scratching the side of his beard with an index finger.

"After the things I heard from Zel yesterday, I feel a bit awkward in making true to my offer." He admitted, much to Hadrian's surprise.

"Sir Flamel –"

"Nicolas, lass. Or Nicky, if you prefer." The alchemist cut him off, tone firm.

Hadrian blinked a few times, then shake his head with a chuckle.

"Nicolas…" The young mage paused, glancing the other way for a brief moment as he spoke the name out loud.

It felt strange, seeing as he was not used being familiar to anyone so quickly before, but Hadrian shook it off with a shrug.

Ignoring the pleased smile on the alchemist's face, Hadrian continued.

"Despite what opa had said, I still wish to learn from you directly." The young mage said before taking a quick sip on his tea.

"Why? I don't get it. Zel has told us you're a quick learner. I'm sure you could learn from the books and tomes that we have in the library, so I don't see the difference in having you learn from me. I bet it'd be better for you learn on your own, given your outstanding marks in your magical institution. You can just ask me questions if there's something you don't understand." Nicolas pointed out, gesturing a thumb over his shoulder.

"Yes, there is that." Hadrian conceded with a slight nod. "However, the fact is, I need to see how a wizard in this world does magic."

"What do you mean?" Nicolas asked, curious as to where he was going with this.

"If I am to take part in what you are planning with Voldemort, then I must know how an average wizard does magic in order for me to blend in with the masses." Sensing that his words might be offensive to the ageless man, Hadrian continued. "For lack of a better way to say it, you have a amassed a significant wealth of knowledge and is also greatly talented in certain areas of magic, but actual magical power, as you mentioned before, is something you and your wife lack."

Sighing, Nicolas can only nod his head in agreement, finding no argument in his words.

"Oui, that is true. You would immediately garner unwanted attention once you get into the spotlight of events. Talent is one thing, but power is very difficult to come by in this world." The alchemist mused aloud, glancing briefly at the skies though his view was impeded by the firm threads of black umbrellas shielding them from the sun.

Smiling, Hadrian nodded his head.

"Exactly, displaying both would simply turn many heads at my way, which is the least thing that we would want before we could even begin your plans."

"Then, how do you plan to avoid this?" Nicolas asked as he turned back to him.

In turn, Hadrian smiled.

"Oh, that, you can leave to me. Just show me how things are done, and I'll take it from there."

The bemused expression on Nicolas's face was almost enough to make up Hadrian's day at that moment.



After speaking with Nicolas more regarding the subjects he would be learning from him by the morrow, Hadrian had bid the man a brief goodbye as he made a promise to his retainers to accompany them in touring the non-magical parts of Paris, much to the alchemist's amus.e.m.e.nt.

Once they made their way out of the Flamel chateau and Place Cachée, Hadrian and co went to the non-magical streets of Paris.

Astolfo led the group, while Hadrian and the rest of his retainers followed after.

Despite the many chores that Yuuki had (viciously) heaped upon him, the pink haired knight maintained his cheerful and bubbly demeanor as he guided them around.

Apparently, Astolfo picked up a tour guide of Paris, which was something he was using as they go around from place to another.

It was an entertaining tour, one that admittedly took Hadrian's mind off of his recent problem.

His retainers had also taken notice of his relaxed posture, returning to their mindful but casual behaviors from before.

Truthfully, it was a fortunate respite for Hadrian.

He did not even notice that his body had been a bit tensed all morning, despite having completed his exercise routine. The tenseness in his sore muscles added to the pain of his morning training, much to his quiet displeasure.

He supposed the mere knowledge that someone, or something, powerful watching him from somewhere in his world had caught him on guard more than he initially thought.

Fortunately, his retainers had decided to grab something to eat, and so they all went to the café they had dined in yesterday.

The owner and his small staff had greeted them warmly before they all went upstairs to sit at their usual table.

Except for Charles and Yan Qing, who were left behind to make their orders.

Now, as Hadrian relaxed in his seat, feeding his two familiars with the appetizers while he and the others waited for their main meals, the young mage felt a pair of eyes upon him.

[… Someone is staring at you …]

Curiously enough, the notice did not held the same content as yesterday, other than simply telling him that someone was looking at him.

Interestingly, Hadrian sensed that the source was nearby, and when he turned his head to the right, a pair of bright blue eyes met his own green ones.



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