The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 156 - First Phase



The first to come into view was Charles, who was in his usual all-black suit and velvet blue tie.

Following behind him was Yan Qing, who was also dressed in the same custom suit but with a slick yellow tie that was loosely knotted around his neck.

Once they were near his table, the two retainers stand in attention as they presented themselves before him.

"Master, I've brought Yan." Charles announced with a small grin, gesturing to the phantom assassin behind him.

Smiling, Hadrian gave the cheeky a nod of acknowledgement and gratitude.

"Thank you, Charles." He said to the servant, who simply nodded back before he walked around the table to take up his usual position beside the chair he was seated on.

Taking that as his turn, Yan Qing stepped forward, relaxed and casual in his posture.

"You asked for me, boss?" The phantom assassin asked, hands inside his pant pockets.

Hadrian gently closed the book and pushed it to the side, mindful not to disturb his sleeping familiars who are on their poofs situated on the table, before turning to the long haired retainer.

"I did. I wish to discuss something important with you." The young mage began, leaning back into his chair as he met the long-haired assassin's curious gaze.

"And that is?" Yan asked, shifting his weight from feet onto the other.

"Our plan to locate Prelati." Hadrian stated calmly.

The eyes of his retainers widened in surprise, narrowing a moment as they absorbed their master's words.

"So, we're finally going to start the search?" Charles said with a sigh.

"Bout damn time, if you ask me." Yan Qing commented, then turned to his master as he realized that his words might seem offensive. "Ah, no offense, boss."

Shaking his head slightly, Hadrian merely gave Yan a reassuring smile.

"None taken. Even I felt that we should have started it sooner. My only regret is that I cannot participate in the search actively yet due to the condition of my body." The young mage said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"No worries, master. We can handle the work. We're your servants, after all. You just stick to ordering us around and planning ahead. We'll take care of the small stuff." Charles reassured with a grin.

"I doubt the rogue servants under Prelati's purview are just 'small stuff', Charles. But nonetheless, I thank you for your vote of confidence." Hadrian said with a wry smile.

The cheeky retainer simply gave his master a wide grin and a peace sign.

"So, what's the plan?" Yan Qing asked as they all returned on topic.

"These next few weeks, I will be occupied with learning alchemy, potions and other subjects of magic with Nicolas Flamel. In addition to that, I still have to maintain my own routine in advancing my research with True Magic, along with the ones that Lady Lorelei and opa had advised me to undertake." Hadrian explained.

"Sounds like your schedule is seriously pack, boss." Yan Qing joked.

"Don't remind me." Hadrian grunted, ignoring the retainers' chuckling at the slightly weary expression that (no doubt) crossed his face at the comment.

Clearing his throat, the young mage continued.

"Now, while I go about with my business, I have a task for you and the others. Will you take it?"

The phantom assassin shrugged his shoulders, smirking.

"Sure, hit me with it." Yan Qing said.

Hadrian smiled, then turned his gaze downwards and pushed a white folder to Yan Qing.

"There are locations listed in those papers. I have procured photos to make it easier on you to locate them." Hadrian said as he watched the long-haired retainer flip through the papers.

"Where are these areas in?" Yan Qing asked, glancing up from the papers.

"Mostly around here. In France, to be specific." Hadrian elaborated at Yan Qing's questioning look.

Turning back to the folder in his hand, Yan Qing paused as he took in the contents printed on the papers.

"Wait, are these…?"

"Murder locations? Indeed, they are. They are eerily similar to the ones that occurred back home, so I wish for these areas of interest to be investigated immediately." Hadrian stated, exhaling through his nose.

Blinking, Yan Qing lowered the folder as he stared at his master with a bewildered expression.

"Wait, is this why you looked bothered yesterday?"

"Hn. It is." Hadrian confirmed with a wry smile. "Now, if you look closer at those photos, there are sigils and circles similar to the ones that we have seen in our world."

"Hmm… you're right." Yan said absentmindedly as he observed the images.

The phantom assassin then nodded to himself, closing the folder before turning his gaze to his master, who slowly stood up from his chair.

"So, is it just going to be me or can I bring someone with me to these sites?"

"For now, it can be just you." Hadrian answered, grabbing a small stack of books that he placed on the table before giving them to Charles, who was already prepared to carry it for him. "But, if you wish, you may bring Kieran along with you. However, I doubt he'll be ecstatic to accompany you to these areas."

The two retainers laughed at the deadpan expression on their master's face.

"No, I sincerely doubt he would." Charles chuckled, shaking his head.

"Haha, I'll probably need to pry his hands off the floor and drag him over there myself before he would willingly agree to go with me to these places." Yan agreed with a grin.

"The only places he would be willing to go are stores that sell video games and the gentlemen's club." Charles pointed out with a laugh.

"You mean titty bars? Yeah, that's like him alright!" Yan cackled, thoroughly amused.

The two retainers laughed out loud, disturbing Ryu and Fou from their naps as the fluffy pair jerked awake from the sudden noise.

Huffing in amus.e.m.e.nt, the young mage spoke again once the two retainers calmed down.

"That aside, your task is to scout these locations for any clues. Feel free to take photos of anything peculiar or out of the ordinary while you're at it. If you sense that you're in danger, retreat immediately and do not hesitate to call me or the others for backup. Am I clear on this?" Hadrian looked at Yan as he said this.

Catching the solemn glint in his master's eyes, Yan sobered as he nodded to his master's instructions.

"Got it, boss."

"Then, that will be all. I bid you luck and a safe return, Yan."

With that said, the young mage gently picked up his familiars in his arms and he swiftly exited the library with his two retainers in tow, eager to return to his room and continue his study.



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