The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 164 - Assurance



While Nicolas seemed absorbed in his musings, Hadrian busied himself in settling his familiars on his shoulder and head, but just as he was done situating them in their respective spots, he heard the doors to the spacious room (that was temporarily turned into a private classroom but was actually an art room filled with various kinds of antique and art pieces) opened, admitting a smiling Charles inside the premise.

Noticing the cheeky retainer's entrance, Nicolas welcomed the knight with a smile.

"Oh, good day, Monsieur Charles. Come to kidnap your charge away?" The ancient alchemist greeted, multitasking as he moved to his desk and arrange his notes and books in a proper manner.

"Good morn to ya as well, Lord Flamel." Charles paused to give the man an elegant bow, bending slightly to his waist with his left hand up to a spot near his heart, before straightening himself up and continue his way over to his master's side as he spoke to Nicolas. "And yes, I'm here to fetch the young master for his next schedule."

The retainer said with a small grin before turning his amused gaze to meet Hadrian's deadpan ones.

"Good mor– Ooof!" Charles was about to say.

However, he was cut off by his liege, who interrupted his jolly greeting by passing the stack of books and notes into his arms.

"We have just seen each other literally two hours ago, so there's no need to greet again. Just take these and let us be off, Charles." Hadrian admonished gently with a sigh, moving pass the cheeky retainer who had just recovered his composure.

"Uh, right, master." Charles muttered, moving quickly to trail behind his charge.

Having finished his business, Nicolas also moved to join his new student and the three of them exited the makeshift classroom.

As they made their way out of the one of the mansion's corridor, the ancient had brought up a subject that caused Hadrian to pause momentarily.

"If I may ask, what is next on your schedule for today, lad?" Nicolas inquired, curious.

Hadrian stopped, causing the ancient alchemist and the cheeky retainer following closely to stop walking as well.

The cheeky knight and the alchemist watched as the young mage slowly turned his head to the latter with an unreadable façade on his face.

"Ah, that… is something that I have to discuss with you about." Hadrian said with an inaudible huff, pushing his black frame spectacles up on the bridge of his nose.

Curiosity aroused, Nicolas merely remained silent as he gestured for his new student to elaborate.

"The wards surrounding the estate, I wish to add some of my own." Hadrian answered, tone firm and solemn.

Caught off guard, Nicolas blinked a few times before he spoke up.

"Uh, why? Last time I checked, they are powerful and up to date as they can be." Nicolas said, looking a bit confused.

"Yes, they are, but only from your enemies, not mine." Hadrian admitted, resuming his walk again.

"What do you mean by that, lad?" Nicolas asked, his deep blue eyes narrowing slightly in thought.

The ageless wizard was not sensing anything ominous directed at him from the young lad, but there was something in his words that was a bit concerning for him.

Exhaling quietly through his nose, Hadrian turned to face the ancient alchemist with a solemn expression.

"Opa and I have serious concerns that Prelati is planning something dangerous, something that might affect the balance of this world in the future. By now, that imbecile must be ordering the kidnappings and sudden murders of many people around the world. My retainers and I are doing our best to search for that hurensohn (son of a bitch), all the while making contingency plans and preparing ourselves for what might become a bloody encounter. The bounded fields, or the wards in your world's terms, are simply counter measures that I wish to add to ensure the safety of everyone here." Hadrian explained.

Slowly, Nicolas nodded in assent, understanding the young mage's point of view.

"So, are you in disfavor to this intention of mine?" Hadrian inquired, his tone polite yet graceful at the same time.

Inside, Hadrian was torn.

On one hand, the ancient alchemist understood his point of view and seemed to have no issues in how he does things.

On the other hand, Hadrian would understand if his request to adjust the wards surrounding the Flamel mansion might fail and cause a disruption in the spell work that was done to the wards. He would have no complaints if the ancient alchemist denied him of this, and Hadrian would respect his decision, but only at a certain level.

Fortunately, Hadrian did not have to wait long as the ancient alchemist was quick to reassure him.

"Non, not at all. If you wish to strengthen the wards, then by all means, go do so. Penny and I had already given you permission to do what you think is best. Who am I to deny you of your request?" Nicolas said, letting out a small smile at his own play with words.

"Thank you…" Hadrian said in gratitude, smiling faintly.

"Right, now, once you are finished with your task, please do visit my office. There's something I wish to give you." Nicolas said with a mysterious smile.

With that said, the ancient alchemist turned on his heel and left the corridor, leaving the young mage and his retainer watching him disappear in a corner.

"Any idea what he wants to give you, master?" Charles asked in a whisper, stepping up beside his master.

"Truthfully, no. I have no idea. Spending one or two weeks with someone like Nicolas is exactly enough to know the man better. Since it's a surprise, I suppose I'll have to see what he and his wife has in store for me later on."

With a hand gesture, the master and retainer made their way to the first floor where most of his other retainers were hanging out in the family lounge area.

What he found there made the master and retainer duo to stop and stare.



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