The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 175 - That Feeling...



After dinner, Hadrian saw Yan Qing, Kieran, Arash off to do his bidding.

Kieran though looked reluctant to follow, but was eventually forced to move as Yan and Arash dragged him outside and into a newly bought black sleek wrangler.

The Flamel's estate was located in an isolated location near Paris, hidden from both the normal and wizarding folk alike via wards, of course. But miles outside of their private territory, there was an open road that leads to the city, which can be reached within a two-hour drive via cars. Due to this, Hadrian bought himself and his retainers a few vehicles as a way to blend in with the normal folk.

Fortunately, the Flamel's has a garage where Nicolas also parked his own vehicles, which made it easier on Hadrian to decide where to station the vehicles he purchased recently.

After seeing the Yan Qing, Arash, and Kieran drive off down the road, Hadrian made his way to Nicolas's office with Charles and Astolfo in tow, thanking Yuuri and Yuuki for their hard work and bidding them a good evening when they crossed paths.

King Hassan followed closely behind, but disappeared somewhere along the way.

Through the contract, Hadrian can feel the ancient assassin's presence above him, particularly on the roof, directly below where the ageless alchemist's office.

Knowing the ancient assassin's personality, he probably had enough of being around people and prefers his isolation now. Although, given his current location and even though he had enough mingling with others, it is possible that King Hassan wanted to be nearby, to stand guard and watch over him, especially since three of his retainers were gone for now.

The ancient assassin might be stoic and stern, powerful and certainly fearsome, but underneath, he was also kind and protective to those that he take a liking too.

At least, that was what Hadrian liked to think, given the old assassin's treatment towards him so far.

For his retainers though, especially Kieran, who knows what King Hassan thought of them.

His musings came to a halt when Charles and Astolfo opened the door for him to enter, which he did, but not before giving the two a nod of thanks, to which they grinned in turn.

Upon sighting him, Nicolas and Penerelle smiled as they watched him approach the small seating lounge they were currently occupying.

"Ah, there you are, lad!" The ancient alchemist said by way of greeting. "I was wondering where you and your aides went after dinner."

The smile slowly disappeared on Penerelle's face as she glanced between Hadrian and his retainers.

"I only see these two behind you. Where are the others?" The ageless woman asked, one delicate hand on her cheek.

A round of chuckles settled between the three as Hadrian answered with a smile.

"One is currently outside, relaxing but vigilant somewhere near the estate. The other three are out and on a task that I've asked of them." Hadrian explained as he took a seat on a single chair after gaining permission from the ancient couple.

Charles remained standing at his right side, while Astolfo took a seat on the arm of Hadrian's chair, who merely glanced at his actions before turning his attention back to the Flamels.

"So, what is the reason that you've called for me?" Hadrian asked, gently laying his familiars on the glass coffee table to eat some treats that had been prepared by the twin homunculi.

The Flamels glanced at each other, communicating with their eyes, smiling a few moments later before turning back to him.

"We spoke to Zel earlier, and he has provided us new information regarding our 'little problem'." Nicolas announced, causing three pair of eyebrows to rise in surprise.

"It was a quick talk, lasting no more than thirty minutes or so. He seemed hurried for some reason, muttering something about checking on his research." Penerelle added, thoughtful.

"I see." Hadrian said, then asked. "What did he tell you?"

"News regarding Voldemort's horcrux." Nicolas stated, taking a sip on his tea before continuing. "He has confirmed that there is more than one."

"How many are there?" Charles asked, brows furrowed in thought.

With a grim smile, Nicolas answered.

"Seven, and they are all in one location."

"Where?" Astolfo asked before his master and comrade could, frowning.

"United Kingdom. Fortunately, they are all in one country. Just hidden in different locations." Penerelle said with a sigh.

Noticing the slight weariness on their faces, Hadrian knew something was strange.

"If that is so, then what's the issue?" The young mage asked, wondering what bothered the usually pleasant couple.

Scratching his head, Nicolas answered for his wife, who looked a bit irritated as she took a dainty bite out of her white macaron.

The slightly miffed expression she wore as she tore her macarons into two in a somewhat vicious manner caused Charles and Astolfo to stare at her, while their master looked to Nicolas in full attention.

"The issue is that two of them are in a school, whose Headmaster is someone I am most displeased with for a year now." Nicolas explained, sounding annoyed as he mentioned 'headmaster'.

"What happened?" Hadrian asked quietly, looking faintly amused as he sensed a story behind it.

The ancient alchemist was almost as eccentric as his grandfather. Therefore, to see him like this was somewhat amusing to Hadrian.

It was a side of Nicolas that he had yet to see, which was refreshing for Hadrian to witness.

At his question, the ancient alchemist seemed ready to breathe fire as he began to rant.

"Albus Dumbledore, that reckless ignoramus, had my stone stolen by a weak wizard possessed by that dark lord! That's what!" Nicolas exploded, slamming his fisted hand against the arm of his chair out of anger as he continued. "What is even more irksome was that foolish student of mine had decided to hide the stone in a school! A SCHOOL!? An area filled with rowdy and snot-nosed children! Instead of placing it in a secure location where it won't be easily taken, that insufferable man had the gall to leave my stone at a castle with measly wards and pathetic counter measures in place! It's like he was not even trying! That cochon (dog)!"

Hadrian, Charles, and Astolfo stared at the heaving alchemist with blinking eyes, baffled at the unexpected reaction.

Sighing, Penerelle turned to Hadrian with a sheepish smile as she rubbed her husband's back in a soothing manner.

"Forgive Nicky, he has been quite incensed ever since he lend Albus one of his Philosopher's stones two years ago." The brunette explained with an apologetic smile, then she frowned as she continued. "In my husband's defense, he was told that the stone would be used for research. I believe we've told you before, but the stone that was in Albus's possession had been destroyed."

"It's just one stone, but every Philospher's stone is difficult to make. I poured my heart and soul into making each of them, and that long-bearded fool thinks a mere half-hearted apology and laughing off the matter would do. Who does he think he is!" Nicolas grunted, looking rightly annoyed.

"Hmm… given the details you've said just now, perhaps he wanted the stone for something different." The young mage mused aloud, brows knitting in deep thought.

His words caught the ancient couple's immediate attention.

"What do you mean?" Nicolas asked sharply, blue eyes narrowing.

In turn, Hadrian lifted an eyebrow, a bit surprised that the couple hadn't realized what Albus was truly after.

"He lied to you." The young mage stated in a calm but firm tone, much to the Flamels' surprise. "Think of it this way, if he borrowed the stone just for research, then there's no way he would leave it in a room with weak protections and unattended. No, if he truly cared about maintaining a friendly relation with you two, then he would place it in a highly secure location and return it safely just as he was expected to. This is the Philosopher's stone we are talking about, and I'm sure that he knows the great value of such an artifact."

"Then why do you say that his intentions for it were different?" Penerelle asked, curious as to where he was going with this.

"His actions and what happened to the stone contradicts the excuse that he gave to you." Hadrian pointed out calmly, crossing his arms over his c.h.e.s.t as he leaned back in his seat. "With these two alone, it's enough for me to realize that he lied. Now, you say that he hid it inside the school? May I know where he hid it exactly and what are the protections that he made to secure the stone?"

Calming himself down, Nicolas breathed through his nose, straightening his posture before he speak.

"Albus told me that he hid the stone in a special underground chamber. As for its protections, there were seven enchantments and creatures in place, all of which had been provided by the Professors of the school, Hogwarts." The ancient alchemist explained, seemingly regained his calm disposition the more he spoke.

Amused, Hadrian can't help but laugh, earning a frown of disapproval from the ancient alchemist.

But, it was suitably ignored as the young mage began to speak again.

"Now that is rich. No wonder that's how the stone ended up." Hadrian mused aloud, smiling as he shook his head.

"Elaborate please." Penerelle said, frowning as she wonder what theory he came up with.

"I stand by what I said, that man might be your friend, but he's quite the schemer." Hadrian huffed, turning to the Flamel couple with a vague smile. "It's clear to me that he used your stone as a bait to lure out that wizard possess by Voldemort. And if Voldemort is truly a threat as many of them think, then do not expect him to be stopped by enchantments and magical creatures. Even someone of his caliber can become dangerous once desperate, even more so once they are near at death's door."

His brief explanation caused the ancient couple's eyes to widen in surprise, shock, then it turned to anger and annoyance as they both realized the truth in his words.

After a few minutes of them cursing in different languages, some that Hadrian had never even heard before, Nicolas and Penerelle regained their composure, albeit looking miffed and rigid.

"So he used it as a bait. Damn him…" Nicolas cursed, hands turning into fists as he glared at nothing in particular.

"I do recall having advised you to be cautious with that bearded fool, husband." Penerelle said with a weary sigh. "Now, it seems he caught you this time."

"Hmph, just this once, but there won't be a next time." Nicolas promised with a determined frown.

"Pardon me, but can you tell me how the stone was destroyed?" Hadrian asked.

"Albus said one of his students had accidentally broke it when he tried to get away from Quirrell, the nutty wizard who let himself be possessed by Voldemort willingly." Nicolas said, groaning at the stupidity of people as he rubbed his face in exasperation.

"And who is this student?"

With a small smile, Penerelle answered the question.

"It was Hayden Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived."



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