The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 32 - Suspects (II)



Hadrian should really count how many weary sighs he had heard since he arrived here, including his own, seeing as it seemed to be one of the things that remained consistent throughout his day.

In hindsight, he thought about their words and couldn't help but agree.

Keeping watch over the Spider's movements can stress out anyone, perhaps even his grandfather, but to also watch out for intruders was similar to pouring oil over fire.

The pressure the people in the Watch must be high for them to be this tense, which makes Hadrian feel sympathy for them.

But, there were some things that he must know.

"Speaking of which, what is the Spider's condition?" Hadrian asked.

"Asleep." Edward smiled faintly. "It had been years since it had arrived here, but fortunately, it is still in hibernation."

"Do you have counter measures ready if it was the opposite case?" Arturia inquired, speaking for the first time since they arrived.

Edward blinked in surprise, as if realizing that Hadrian did not come alone. But, he got over it and regained his composure quickly.

"Ah yes, we do." Edward said calmly. "Although, it is really thanks to Lord Schweinorg that we do since he was the one who made it. He had built a device that runs on both magical and natural energy as its power source. He made use of the magical energy that the Spider emits, converting it into energy to power up the device that keeps the Spider asleep and the island sealed off from the world."

Recalling a certain memory in mind, Edward laughed, surprising most occupants in the room.

"Even if there's an earthquake, the island would remain undisturbed and the Spider will still be sleeping like a baby." Edward joked with a smile.

The air in the room lightened, causing some smiles to appear on his retainers' faces.

"Until this problem came along, that is." Hugo supplied with a lifeless chuckle.

That sobered up Edward, who coughed as his smile vanished.

"Yes, until this came." Edward sighed, almost slumping in his seat.

And just like that, the air returned to its solemn and slightly tensed air, causing Hadrian and his retainers to sweatdrop at the two magi's sudden switch in reaction.

"Well, you two sure are peaches and bright rays of sunshine." Kieran commented in a deadpan tone.

Instead of being offended, the two older magi merely chuckled, equally amused at his dry sense of humor.

"Back on topic, where is this device located?" Hadrian inquired politely.

"It's here hidden at the bottom of the headquarters." Edward answered. "It was once at the floating platform back when the Watch was still new, but Lord Schweinorg and my father had both decided to relocate the device in a place more secure and less obvious to be seen."

Hadrian tilted his head slightly, realizing something in his words.

"You weren't the first Chief Director of the Watch." Hadrian stated.

"No, I'm the second generation, and also the Head of my family." Edward said with a chuckle. "The first Chief Director would be my father, who also happened to be the founder of the Watch. He had made this organization at the behest of the High Council, but it was Lord Schweinorg who convinced him in the end. If not for Lord Schweinorg's support and generous finances, the Watch would have not be what it is today. My father knew Lord Schweinorg years ago, and when he passed away, I became the one to inherit his place here as the Chief Director."

Hadrian nodded in acknowledgement, finally getting a clear understanding of his grandfather's relation to the Chief Director.

Their conversation came to an abrupt halt when the phone in front of Edward Miles rang.

Putting the call on speaker so that everyone in the room can hear, Edward accepted the call.

"Yes, what is it?" The Chief Director asked.

"Sir, we have an emergency that needs your utmost attention." A male voice announced in an urgent tone. "Please come to the control bridge."

Edward looked at Hugo and Hadrian with furrowed brows, concern clear on his aging face before it was replaced by a calm and resolute expression.

"Very well, I'll be there." Edward said in a firm tone.

With a press, he ended the call and stood up from his seat, which was an action that everyone in the room had mirrored.

"What do you think that was?" Hugo asked.

"Honestly, I have no idea." Edward sighed. "But, I'm sure we'll find out once we get there. Please, everyone, follow me."

Without further ado, Hadrian and the rest was guided out of the meeting room as Edward led the way for them in the front.

As someone who had been in a life-and-death situations, Hadrian had become quite sensitive to sensing incoming danger.

Therefore, he can't help but think that something had gone amiss while the meeting was ongoing as he followed with the others and watched as Hugo and Edward talked to one another on their way to the control bridge.

Later on that day, Hadrian would look back on this moment and sigh out of weariness and disbelief at how his day had went.

'I really should keep a track record of how many times I heard that…'



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