The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 35 - Resolve (I)



Not before long, Hadrian and the rest arrived in a hall with a set of stairs and a sealed twin doors that was at the top.

They followed Edward and his a few of his staff up the stairs, then waited as Edward used his authority to open the doors. They were ushered inside and found themselves in a spacious room with a lot of technical equipment in sight and large glass windows on every side.

The room was about the size half of a basketball court, and most space were occupied with advance machinery. There were screens everywhere and a lot of employees at work as well.

In the center of the room, there was a seat that was raised slightly from the ground, facing towards the large windows and overlooking the staff doing their own roles.

Hadrian and the others followed Edward into the room until the older magus walked up to the chair in the center and sat on it.

His secretary, Ana, followed him and stood by on his right.

After glancing at one another, Hadrian, his retainers and Hugo stood a few feet away from the two, observing the scene before them.

'What's this waves of fear? Something grave must've happened…' Hadrian mused, bright cyan eyes narrowed.

"Keanan, give me an update!" Edward said loudly.

One of the staff, who was rapidly speaking to another member, jolted up and looked behind him, sighing in relief when he saw the Chief Director had arrived.

The employee in question was a man in his early twenties. He was an average-looking man with short dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. Like the rest of the members of the Watch, he was dressed in a black uniform with the emblem of the organization on both of his shoulders, and around his neck was his ID. Signs of exhaustion was clear on his face, as with all of the employees in the room.

"Thank the Root that you're here, Sir." Keanan gave him a salute as soon as he came near, then he stood in attention as he gave out his report. "We have a serious situation!"

"Well, out with it then, boy." Edward urged, frowning slightly.

"The nest has been breached." Keanan announced with a grim expression.

'I suppose that's why…' Hadrian deadpan.

The news made many eyes go wide in surprise and shock, but some were quick to regain their composure and face the situation with a calm and steady mind, despite the dangerous situation.

"What? Who, and how?" Edward demanded, aghast and in disbelief.

"We do not know yet, sir, but we suspect that there might either have an inside man in our ranks or found some way to enter the fog safely without our detection." Keanan answered, sweating a little under the pressure of his boss's angry and demanding gaze. "We also have yet to discover the identity of these intruders, but we do know that there are four of them."

When no one spoke for a few moments as they processed the information, Hadrian had decided to cut in and ask his own questions.

"And where are they now?" Hadrian inquired in a polite tone.

Keanan blinked, as if recognizing who had spoken and was surprised by his presence, but he snapped himself out of his daze.

"Uh, they're on a boat and on the way to the island." Keanan answered.

Feeling the fear of the people in the room grow, the young heir to the Schweinorg house made his decision right then and there.

Breathing through his nose once, Hadrian closed his eyes for a moment.

'Moon Cell.' He began.

Hadrian didn't need to say the words. He knew that the automaton would immediately understand what he wants, even without thinking about it, which was one of the benefits of having the Moon Cell Automaton fused with his soul. Sensing what he desire was enough for the Moon Cell to take action and abide to his wishes.

[… Initiating …]

[… 'Moonlit Eye' activated…]

'Moonlit Eye' was the Automaton's observational ability, of which he discovered a few months ago when he was still learning how to use the Moon Cell effectively and efficiently in terms of combat.

It enables Hadrian to 'view' the target's location with the Automaton doing most of the work to seek and find them all over the world.

When he told his retainers about it, most of them looked quite impressed, while some had given him strange looks, staring at him as if he was a monster in disguise.

Hadrian can't blame the latter group, having the Moon Cell in his possession does make him overpowered in the eyes of others.

But, Hadrian could care less of their views, even that of his retainers, and he would often shrug it off like dirt off of his shoulders.



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