The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 37 - Preparations (I)



After issuing his orders, Hadrian watched as the seven retainers set off to go after the intruders that were on the island.

From what he had gathered by the bits of their conversation as they left the control room, it seemed that each party had their own plans on how to get to the island, which they all proposed to do it but have yet to decide on one.

It was a trivial matter that Hadrian would leave up to them, but he also hoped that they won't take too long and quarrel about it.

With a sigh, Hadrian turned to the two retainers that remained behind, Dia and Kieran.

The two were opposites of each other in posture and attitude.

Dia's stance was rigid, back straight and standing tall, heeding attention to whatever orders that Hadrian was about to issue, while Kieran was more casual and relax in his stance, one of his hands was on his hip with the right holding the mystic weapon beside him and he leaned most of his weight on one foot than the other.

"Okay you two, you're task for today is to ensure the security and guard the headquarters. Use lethal force if necessary, just don't go too far." Hadrian informed them.

"Guard the headquarters? Boss, I thought that the intruders are on that island?" Kieran asked, blinking in surprise.

"That may be, but we still have to remain on guard nevertheless. Standing by on that island might just be their ploy to lure most of our forces over there and infiltrate this place." Hadrian explained.

"Like bait and dupe then?" Kieran guessed, his curiosity sated when he saw him nod in confirmation.

"Hmm, that is true." Hugo agreed, overhearing the trio's conversation from his nearby position. "Given their strange movements and timing, it just might be the case."

"Indeed, but I suppose that we'll know the answer in time." Edward added with a nod.

"Speaking of which, can you have some of the monitors follow my retainers, Mr. Miles?" Hadrian asked.

"Not that I doubt you, but what for?" Edward blinked.

"To observe their confrontations." Hadrian stated calmly. "I need to have eyes on them to see who we are about to face."

After a moment of musing, the Chief Director of the Watch nodded.

"Very well, I'll have some of my men follow your people's movements." Edward announced, then turned to Anna. "Anna, if you would please."

"It shall be done." The bespectacled woman nodded, stepping away from her position beside the Chief Director to do what was asked of her.

After seeing the woman begin to work and arrange his request, Hadrian turned back to Dia and Kieran, who gave him their utmost attention when they saw the serious expression on his face.

"For the meantime, you two are on standby unless there is an emergency, so prepare yourselves to move at my orders." Hadrian advised.

"Yes, milord." Dia nodded.

"Gotcha, Boss." Kieran gave him a lazy salute.

Hadrian was about to move forward when an idea came to mind, causing him to halt and slowly turn to the two retainers behind him, who both looked at him curiously.

"On second thought, you two, come with me for a moment." Hadrian said mysteriously.

Dia and Kieran exchange glances at one another, clueless as to what their master was planning.



At the platform of the Watch, a rather strange argument has taken place.

"I still say that we should take the speedboat to get there, guys." Yan Qing argued, looking disgruntled.

"I have no issue with that method of transportation." Arturia began calmly. "However, I believe that I can arrive there faster by foot. All of you can take the boat if that is what you prefer."

"How the f.u.c.k are you goin' get there by foot?" Yan asked, skeptical.

"I have my ways." Arturia simply said, meeting his eyes head-on, which only seemed to irritate the long-haired man.

"Same here, I can just take my Griffon and get there faster!" Astolfo chirped in, grinning with his hands behind his head.

"Not you too, pinky." Yan groaned.

"… I can also do that with Bellaphron." Rider quietly added.

"Lady, you aren't helping." Yan deadpanned, rubbing his temples to ease his headache.

For several minutes, Yan Qing had been trying to convince the two retainers (Arturia and Astolfo) that taking the speedboat would be better and faster for all of them to arrive on the island in time.

The intruders don't seem to have any intention of going anywhere after they arrived on the island, so Yan felt that it would be a better, safer, option for them to get to the island by using the speedboat.

But, the two stubborn idiots laid down their own plans of transportation and the argument began from there as disagreements came from each side.

Now, while their reasons were valid and perhaps even better than his own option, Yan's concern was that they might get ambushed if they were to arrive on the island one by one.

Also, Yan recalled that their Master had specifically told them to not cause too much ruckus while on the island, and knowing his fellow retainers' personalities, Yan was justifiably concerned that things might get blown out of proportions since Arturia and Astolfo were not the type of people to back down if their opponents were strong, what with their knightly prides and all.

Which just means shit in Yan's opinion.

To make matters worse for him, the three servants in question are speed-demons.

Arturia, Rider and Astolfo were quite known to be fans of thrilling rides in their group, of which Yan had the absolute displeasure of knowing at the wrong moment in the past when they were still getting to know one another.

And now, their craving for speed has just appeared at the wrong time as well.

Curiously enough, the three retainers, Charles, Arash and Scáthach, were off to the side and had been outside of the argument between him and the others.

On one hand, Charles was standing nearby, watching the spectacle before him with a smile of amus.e.m.e.nt, the cheeky retainer that he is.

On the other hand, Arash and Scáthach were standing a bit far from them, conversing on a subject that they seemed to be quite invested in as they inspected the speedboat that Yan had proposed for all of them to use.

Yan sincerely hoped that the two would back him up on his option and helped him convince the others from proceeding with their reckless plans.

'I think I'm starting to get gray hairs because of these three…' The long-haired servant grunted in his mind.

Yan also found it ironic that he, of all people in their group, was acting as the voice of reason at this time when it should be someone else, like say Arturia, Charles, Scáthach, or Arash.

Unfortunately in his case, one does not seemed to be thinking properly at the moment, the other seemed to be more content in watching the argument by the sidelines, and the last two were occupied with something else.

'Just great… The obstinate nature of certain servants revealing itself at its best…' Yan sighed.

Fortunately, a certain Servant of the Bow stepped in with his usual cheerful smile and aura, gathering everyone's undivided attention by clapping his hands loudly, twice.

"Okay, guys, that's enough argument for the day." Arash began. "Calm your horses, all of you. There's no need for us to waste time like this, not when our Master is counting on us to capture those intruders on the island. Besides, Scáthach and I have already prepared a plan of our own to get there faster." Here, Arash's eyes glinted with mischief as he grinned. "Much faster."

"… Eh?" was the sound that escaped Astolfo's mouth.

The rest of the retainers (sans Scáthach) looked at the tall brown-skinned man with confusion in their eyes.

Deep down, they also felt something strange when they saw Arash's smile, something strange and almost ominous, and it was only to Yan's regret that they were all too late to realize what the two retainers had in mind, much to his frustration.



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