The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 40 - Arrival (2)



There, walking towards them with utter nonchalance, was Scáthach, who was finally done with her surveillance. Arturia and, Rider were also following after her, watching the area with guarded expressions, something that Arash was not surprised to see.

Apart from Scáthach and Dia, the two retainers in question are the most diligent when it comes to scouting the surroundings for any signs of threats, which was a trait that Hadrian shares with them.

In his case, Arash and the others would be in the other category. They are the more carefree type of servants, and would only adopt serious stances when in battle.

'Well… most of the time, at least…' Arash mused as he recalled their past shenanigans.

The group of retainers then formed a loose circle as Scáthach held everyone's attention when she stepped closer to the center.

"This island was once like any other before." Scáthach began, flipping some of her strands over her shoulder. "There are telltale signs of its previous state, but after that alien life-form had landed here and turned this place into its home, most of it were gone and it has become inhabitable to all creatures but it. The Spider's presence on this isle must've caused everything here to change."

"Um…" Astolfo said with a confused smile.

"You're smiling, but you don't actually know what she means, eh?" Charles asked, expression flat.

"Nope. No idea. Hehe…" Astolfo said with a sheepish expression.

"Thought so."

"What she means, pinkie, is that the alien is the only one who can live here comfortably." Yan elaborated in a dry tone.

''Ohhh." Astolfo nodded, looking childlike as he held an index finger on his chin. "Well, that's not cool. He's literally hoarding this place then. What about the small animals? The birds? Squirrels?"

In response, Yan sighed at his fellow retainer's simple nature, face-palming with the others.

"I'm sure they're dead and long gone by now." Scáthach deadpan, then continued from where she left off. "Now, as I was saying, we should be careful in treading around this island. The vast magical energy of the Spider is the reason for this isle's current state, which makes this place in tuned to its senses. Our Master's advice beforehand might be justified in this case."

"Huh? But I thought that thing was in hibernation, so why the extra caution?" Charles asked.

"Just because it's in hibernation does not mean it will never wake up." Scáthach reminded him sternly. "Natural disasters might not disturb it from its sleep, but the same cannot be said with things that were caused by magical energy. Let's say… your Noble Phantasms, for one. It lives here, so it wouldn't surprising if it somehow awakens from all the ruckus we might possibly make later on."

"Hmm… valid point." Arturia agreed with a solemn nod. "What is your proposal in tackling this one, then?"

"Yeah, a fight would be inevitable at this point. Not with those bastards round here." Yan chimed in, arms crossed over his chest.

"I suggest we resort to physical means of combat. Less reliance on attacks of magical energy would do the trick. We can still use our weapons and spells, but the ones that rely on great amounts of magical energy will have to be forbidden for now. Arturia and Charles's Noble Phantasms, for example." Scáthach advised, glancing at the two retainers in question.

"Gotcha, sis!" Charles saluted, giving her a nod of confirmation, blissfully ignorant of the mild glare sent at his way.

"I shall keep that in mind. However, I might resort to using mine should the enemy prove themselves stronger than we expected." Arturia warned, a stern expression on her face.

"Noted, but let's hope it doesn't come to that. For our Master's sake, at least." Scáthach said, trying to be optimistic.

Although, having said that, there was a different voice inside her head that disagreed.

Scáthach did not paid it any mind though, considering as it was merely her love for battles that was rearing its ugly head once again.

As much as she would love to get the chance to fight the Spider, such an occurrence would bring trouble for her Master and that was the last thing that she wants to happen.

Therefore, she had to kill that urge and kept herself focused on the task at hand, which was to apprehend and interrogate the interlopers.

'Some other time, I suppose…' Scáthach mused, feeling slightly disappointed.



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