The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 57 - Crystal Valley



Greeting their sights was the view of a low ground floor filled with tall pillars of crystals that jutted out from the ground in a haphazard manner, creating a beautiful yet foreboding scenery.

The entrance she and Arash were standing on was elevated by a wide yet short set of staircase, which provided them a good view of the new area.

As far as the eyes can see, all they can find were crystals almost as tall as the buildings in a modern city. The sizes of the crystals differ from one another though, along with their positions.

Some were leaning over one another, while others stood straight. The magical energies within them glow with different colors as well, varying from white, blue, green and more.

Leading down the staircase was a spacious pathway that leads upwards. It was truly a valley of crystals.

However, both their attention was directed to the odd crystal formation that can be seen in the far distance, which was in the center of the island.

It held a strange, spiral shape structure, twisting upwards to create a dome shape at the bottom.

Although, the thing that grabbed their attention the most was magical energy within the twisted pillars.

They were brighter than the ones that they have seen, including the others that were scattered around the clear vicinity. There were crimson lines inside of them, which were easily seen through from the outside, glowing an eerie blood-red color as if they were veins pumping up blood.

The strange structure was tall enough to be seen in the distance outside of the island, but they didn't get to because of the small hills and taller crystals that surrounded the vicinity.

The dense fog and the black clouds did not helped them get a clear look at it as well. The best that they can manage at that time was to follow the crimson light blinking in the center of the island.

Now that they had seen it properly, the crystallized structure seemed to be a tower of some sort, but Arturia and Arash have an odd feeling it was not meant to be climbed.

It was as if it was meant for something else…

"It's like a creepy beacon of red light. Blinking in and out like that, yeah?" Arash commented beside her with a strange expression.

"Hmm." Arturia agreed, gazing at the alien structure in the center with narrowed eyes.

"Would've been nice if the light was gold or something. At least it wouldn't be so eerie." The bowman bem.o.a.ned.

Soon after he said that, Arash began to scout the area with his Clairvoyance, using his current position to his advantage.

Arturia, on the other hand, busied herself with searching for the Blood Beads her master had requested of them to retrieve.

She and Arash had yet to see one along the way, but with the amount of crystal trees down below the ground, Arturia had a good sense that they would be able to find some here.

After a few moments of searching, she finally managed to find one. Several of them, in fact. They were on the ground level and a bit far from where they are standing.

"Arash, there are Blood Springs over there." Arturia informed him, pointing the location with her index finger.

"Yeah, I see them, but that's not important for now." Arash spoke lowly, causing her to face him with a confused expression.

Arturia saw the solemn look in the usually cheerful man's face, and she knew there was something amiss.

The bowman didn't turned to face her. Instead, his stern gaze stayed fixated to somewhere far away as his deep red bow materialized in a beautiful display of blue and gold particles in his left hand that he hid from behind his back.

The usually cheerful bowman not smiling and quietly summoning his main weapon, they were clear hints of him preparing for battle.

With narrowed eyes, Arturia followed his gaze and saw a small humanoid figure standing in the distance.

It was the intruder.

The black cloak they wore had blended in with the dark, lifeless ground, causing her to almost miss them if not for her companion's good eyesight.

"Then, let us go." Arturia stated, squaring her shoulders as she readied herself for conflict.

"Hm, let's." Arash agreed, nodding slightly.

Together, the two of them made their way down and ran towards the center where the cloaked figure seemed to be waiting for them.

The crimson lighting from the crystalized structure shadowed over their forms, looming over them in an intimidating manner, making them feel a bit tense as the knowledge of a certain alien hibernating within it was nearby.

Just there in front of them, and it did not eased their worries that their possible conflict with the intruder might just be the trigger to rouse it from its slumber.

The two of them didn't need to confirm it. The vast magical energy emitting from the spiral crystalized structure was enough of a hint for them to know the answer.

Concerned of a possibility, Arturia suggested an idea as they moved along the spacious pathway.

"Once it begins, we will need to draw the enemy away from that place." Arturia stated, knowing that her ally would know what she meant was 'it'.

"Like usual, then?" Arash asked in a nonchalant tone.

"Yes." The former King of Knights affirmed.

"Welp… here goes nothing." Arash muttered beside her, smiling grimly.

In less than thirty seconds, the two servants arrived to the center.

Both held onto their main weapons, Arash with his bow and Arturia with her wind covered sword.

They stepped closer to the intruder, whose back was turned to them as they slowly came to a stop until they were ten feet away.

The distance might give a human trouble to get to the enemy, but not for servants like them. No, ten feet was enough for them to cross in a blink of an eye with their speed.

As soon as they did, a deep, smooth voice of a man broke the silence.

"Quite a spectacular sight, isn't it?"

The two retainers exchanged looks of mild surprise, realizing that it was the figure in front of them who spoke before they turned their gazes back to the intruder.

As if oblivious to their exchange, the black cloaked man continued on as if he was speaking his thoughts aloud.

From the angle of his head, the two retainers can tell that the intruder was looking at the spiral crystalized structure in what seemed to be admiration and curiosity, given the tone in his voice.

"No one has come near the Spider's nest, given its danger and risks. Perhaps with the exception of the Kaleidoscope wielder, no other beings had ever entered and come this far into this island. Is this not a cause for celebration? We are the ones that step foot unto this dead island. Do you not think so?" The intruder queried in a nonchalant tone, as if he was simply talking about the weather.

When no response came, the cloaked figure chuckled as he turned around to face them.

The two retainers were glaring at him, bodies tense and ready to engage in combat.

But, they were waiting for the intruder to make his move, and their foe was well aware of it as he simply continued on as if he didn't noticed the stern glares sent in his direction.

Then, upon realization, the intruder took a step back, causing the two retainers to shift where they were standing.

"Oh, where are my manners? My name is Archer." The intruder introduced himself, giving a gallant bow. "A pleasure to meet the both of you on this fine afternoon."

Having enough of horseplay, Arash took the initiative by releasing an arrow from his crimson bow.



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