The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 61 - To Live By One's Expectations (1)



"Can't believe I'm about to do this…" Kieran groaned, clearly reluctant.

"Stop with the complaints, Kieran." Dia scolded. "We have our orders."

"Ugh… fiiiiine." The amber eyed servant sighed, then muttered. "You're such a straight ass to authority, Dia."

Dia paid his muttering no attention.

Instead, he kept his attention to the front as he walked one step ahead of him.

That suited Kieran just fine.

One might think that the knight of the lance was giving the tan skinned servant the cold shoulder, but in truth, Diarmuid was simply in his combat-ready state.

The prideful knight was normally calm and relaxed to hang around with in most circ.u.mstances, but when ordered by their Master, a solemn expression would be present on his face.

The same one that he was wearing from the moment they exited the control room.

A few minutes later, the pair stopped in front of the see-through doors of an elevator.

The two male servants stared at it for a few seconds before Dia turned his head to look at Kieran, who wore a strained expression, as if he ate sour lemon.

"Come on, you." Dia frowned, gesturing for the other servant to get in.

"Yeah, yeah…" Kieran scowled, scratching the back of his head.

The amber eyed servant moved inside, plopping his arse down on one of the cushioned seats within the moving compartment.

The elevator was not an ordinary one. It was too large and furnished to be compared to the elevators seen in modern buildings. The surroundings walls were also made of see-through fiber glass, which was reinforced with magecraft. But, like most elevators, it was equipped with speakers as a soothing classical music played in the background.

The doors closed with a soft chime once Dia went inside and pressed on a button.

Kieran huffed to himself, ignoring the bronze eyed knight who stood near him with his arms over his chest.

Seeing the sea animals play around through the glass without care, Kieran envied their blissful ignorance of the dangers in the world.

Realizing that negativity had taken hold of his mind once again, he took a deep breath to calm his nerves. The classical music playing in the room had helped him relaxed somewhat, distracting him from his doubts.

'Might as well check my equipment…' Kieran mused.

He patted the side of his left rib where his weapon was holstered.

He reached in with his right hand and grabbed it by the handle, feeling the familiar weight settle in his hand as he took it out. Inspecting the gun in his hand, Kieran was reminded of the moment when he received it from his Master.

The gun was based on a .500 magnum, but heavily modified. It has a black chrome and gold color scheme. The firearm's design was a mix of old-world craftsmanship and modern technology.

It has a black rubber grip, a long round frame, adjustable rear and front sight, muzzle brake and a cylindrical barrel that can hold up to seven rounds capacity.

The customized firearm may appear ordinary in the eyes of most people, but in reality, it was heavily modified with magecraft.

'Dooley', the name of his firearm, had been equipped with a solid set of spells, such as a few old runes inscribed by the old man (Zelretch), some reinforcement spell (to maintain the gun's durability), a bit of time manipulation (to replenish ammo without the need to reload), and ammo alteration (to change the effects of the projectiles).

The ammo was not exactly actual 'bullets', as in the metallic kind, but a magical energy in the form of one. The firearm was equipped with the option for Kieran to choose to fire the 'bullets' in a straight, classic fashion or to shoot with a bullet spread effect.

The gun was well-thought out, seeing as his master and the old man casted a recall spell, so that it will return to him always in case he lost it.

It was a good thing that it had such a useful function, considering as Kieran had lost the gun once when his usual (severe) bad luck reared its ugly head and dropped it in the pit of shit by accident.

That was one of the times Kieran truly had an appreciation for the benefits of magecraft, despite the intricacies that came with it.

While his master had cleaned the gun for him, Kieran had to (unfortunately) endure the bouts of laughter from his fellow retainers that time, much to his annoyance.

His firearm was also a sibling to the one that Hadrian made long before they met. Said weapon was a lot more destructive in power and was actually the original model for Dooley.

Although, the firearm was often kept in storage as his master rarely uses it, seeing as he already had two mystic codes that were more in tuned to his magecraft.

Looking at the firearm in his hand, Kieran remembered the day he received the weapon in question.

Back then, Kieran had informed Hadrian that he was weak, even by normal standards of most servants.

The day after he made the contract with Hadrian, the latter gave him a weapon (which was the gun) and advised him to take shooting lessons, including close combat techniques to raise his chances in a fight. And Kieran did so, with great reluctance and doubt in himself.

He was not exactly the type to improve himself in combat, preferring to remain the way he is, despite his weaknesses.

However, after a few months of diligent training, Kieran was glad that he agreed to it after he found out that trouble always seemed to follow his Master everywhere he went. No, rather, it was more like trouble would come in the form of assignments and his Master would accept to resolve them.

As the heir to Schweinorg house, Hadrian bears a great responsibility to evaluate situations that can possibly affect the world and mankind.

It was a duty that his Master's grandfather, Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, shouldered on his own the moment he achieved the impossible (acquiring the Kaleidoscope, that is).

As one of the retainers, Kieran and the others were duty-bound to accompany their Master on his 'missions'.

…which just royally sucked in his opinion.

Of course, the young Master would never force them into anything he and the others don't want to do. Hadrian had always been courteous of their feelings, despite how cheesy it may sound.

Yes, the young mage has three command seals that he can use at his disposal anytime, but due to his noble character, he would never resort to such a trick.

If Kieran and the others doesn't want to follow his orders, the young Master would respect their wishes, but then comes the unexpected downside.



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