The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 63 - Troubles of a Love Spot Knight (1)



After reviewing their strategy, Dia left Kieran inside the building on top of the floating platform.

In consideration to Kieran's capabilities, their Master (Hadrian) proposed a simple, easy plan for them to follow. Since Dia was more powerful than Kieran (in most aspects), he would be the one to face their enemies outside while the latter himself would remain inside to serve as a last line of defense in the case some stragglers manage to get pass Dia.

The only way to gain access below the underwater headquarters was to use the elevator. Thus, Kieran was the one assigned to guard the entrance.

The amber eyed servant didn't know what to feel about that at first, but he went along with their Master's plan after a few complaints.

Their young master informed them that the incoming intruders were humans, highly trained in combat and modern weaponry but mortals nonetheless.

Two servants would be enough to handle a group of humans, even if one of them was neither powerful nor skilled based on the normal standards of Heroic Spirits.

A loud sneeze echoed from the building, causing Dia to pause for a moment before he continued his trek to the exit.

As he did so, he mused over his parting words to Kieran.

"Let the past rest, huh…" Dia muttered, a thoughtful look on his face. "Easier said than done."

Even though he said such a thing to Kieran, Dia felt that he should be the one to follow his own advice thoroughly.

Originally, it was his liege who gave him the advice after knowing his true name.

His Master was familiar with myths and legends, particular stories with heroes in it.

The young magus even admitted it was a habit that he developed during the grail war, which the retainers understood.

Diligently gathering information on the enemy was half of the reason why he won the brutal event.

Thus, it was no surprise when his master had easily discern his true identity.

Despite his young age, Hadrian was perceptive enough to tell that Dia often thought of his past, subtly inviting the Fianna knight to share his burden with him in times of privacy whenever it was only the two of them.

It was something that Dia was honestly touched by, considering as he rarely had such genuine moments of man-to-man talk in the past.

He had some with his previous lord, but after certain things occurred, it was no longer possible to return to such moments.

Even if it was, the events that followed between him and his previous lord will never be erased. His sin was deemed too grievous for his previous liege to merely accept and forgive, this Dia knew.

Thus, rekindling his bond with him was naught but wishful thinking on Dia's part.

It was why, when he felt a link from his place in the Throne of Heroes, Dia wished to serve his new master as a true knight.

When Dia informed him of his wish, Hadrian didn't bat an eye and merely took in his words with utter calmness, which truly surprised Dia.

Most people would have laugh at his desire to serve a new lord as an honorable knight, considering as people of the modern age often look down on chivalry, but not his current master. No, instead, he took his words with a solemn aura that was rarely seen in young men like him.

Clearly, the young mage was a different breed from the rest that Dia had seen in most people.

With Hadrian as his new liege and his acceptance to his strange wish, Dia felt that the world had given him a break.

He remembered some of the previous masters he had served in the past, and even he could be honest with himself by admitting that his current master was one of a kind, a unique cut above from the rest. His young liege was similar to his previous lord in some ways, but highly different in most. He may be young, but he was calm, wise, just, intelligent and highly charismatic.

His previous lord can be quite arrogant at times and, sometimes, inconsiderate, but not his current master.

His current master was different, literally the opposite of his previous lord. And most importantly, his current master is a king, as in a literal sense. Not only was he a king ruling an otherworldly kingdom hidden inside the moon, but has the character, heart and presence of a great one as well.

Such qualities simply made Dia feel honored to be one of his retainers.

It was one of the reasons why Dia felt to return his master's kindness and consideration to his well-being by serving him as a knight the best he could.

Although, there were some moments when Dia felt his knightly ways can be a bother.

Such times when he was up against people who does not care for an honorable battle.

His master had already educated him that there are such people that exists in the modern age, and the ones who are about to trespass into the Watch were such people, which brought a small dilemma inside him.

While he understood to insist on an honorable battle with the intruders was foolhardy on his part, Dia still felt that he should uphold his pride as a knight.

'But what happens if my enemies don't want to?' His mind asked.

Dia's forehead wrinkled as he frowned, a bit distressed by the train of thought before he shook his head as he felt frustration bubble up from his chest.

It was bad enough that he was feeling contrite over a simple manner, but it was worse for him to feel distressed when he was about to enter into combat.

If the others were here, they would most likely scold him for being distracted, while some – particularly Astolfo and Charles – would tease him and tell him to loosen up.

Dia smiled wryly at the thought of his fellow retainers.

Great allies they were, but they can be bothersome when they want to be sometimes.

The unnaturally cold air hit him in the face as he stepped outside of the building, making him pause his walk as he felt the small hairs on his body rise up right after the impact.

Inwardly, Dia felt glad that the formal black suits he and the other wore were equipped with weather proof magecraft.

Otherwise, the freezing cold air would have turn any of them into a living popsicle in minutes just by standing outside of the floating platform. The cold air within the bounded field that surrounds the island and the Watch was simply that cold.

He remembered that their attires were called 'Formal Wears', which were clothes embedded with magecraft.

Dia and his fellow servants had decided to wore their black suits since their liege had warn them of entering into possible combat, which was an assumption that turned out to be quite right.

The precast spells embedded upon the suits were simple but made of high-quality: weather-proof, reinforcement (to resist physical and magical attacks), and presence concealment (to avoid magic detection).

The suits can still be destroyed with magic, but only by stronger spells. 'Presence Concealment', on the other hand, was usually a class skill that belong to the Assassin type of servants.

However, his liege lord had managed to discover an ingenious method in how to transfer the class skill into a Formal Wear.

Dia doesn't know how the young mage had done it, considering as he was a knight, not a mage. And knowing mages, they have their secrets.

But, he did recall him saying that his master had managed to do so with the automaton's help.

Nevertheless, Dia and the others found his achievement to be noteworthy, especially for someone at his age. His master had truly earned the title 'Crown Prince' by his talent and knowledge of the intricacies of magecraft on his own effort, even if he was humble about it.

The young mage might have the advantage of being born in a prestigious magical house, but it was clear he was gifted.

There were a great many geniuses from different houses, but his master was undeniably an exception among the rest.

Speaking of which, Dia felt the familiar sensation open in his mind, signifying that the mental connection he has with his young lord was being opened.

'Dia, ready yourself. Your company has arrived.' He heard his liege's voice.

After relaying what he wanted to say, the mind link was cut and his thoughts was his own again.

The wavy haired knight closed his eyes briefly, taking a deep breath of the crisp, cold air before exhaling it from his lungs. Idly, as he opened his eyes and watched his breath turned into a visible large puff of mist, Dia silently marveled at the fact that he was once again in the living.

Being a Heroic Spirit was a bit jarring to him at first, but after he was given a new body to use (courtesy of his master's grandfather), doing the simple things in life had never been so amazing for him. It took some time to get used to eating, bathing, and sleeping, but it was routine he and the others had easily fell under as the time passed.



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