The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 66 - The Black Hero (2)



Briefly, Kieran closed his eyes and smiled as he felt the mind link closed.

It seemed his master was also not a fan of a certain somebody, which worked just fine in Kieran's favor. It had been a while since he was let loose, so he was looking forward to kill something to lessen the pent up stress he kept bottled up throughout the few months.

It had been one case after another, which was more of investigation than less real action.

Sparring with his fellow retainers doesn't really count as a fight, considering as he was always on the losing side. Getting serious against them would only spell his death, which had left him with no other option but to find someone to fight outside of his circle of companions.

To think that one would fall right into his lap was something he considered good fortune.

Also, while he was still terrified of dying, he felt a sadistic pleasure rise up in his chest since his opponents are humans.

"I hear and obey." He muttered under his breath.

When he opened his eyes, the enemy front line of intruders (except one) flinched in unison the moment they met his gaze.

But, Kieran knows that that was not the reason why they seemed wary of him now.

No, it was the combination of the small black tendrils of malignant aura and the eerie smile full of malice that was on his lips that made his audience become instantly cautious of him.

That, and due to the black marks that slowly and steadily began to appear on his face and other visible parts of his body.

Discerning the wariness in their body language, Kieran was pleased as it simply meant that his enemies are still human at their core.

If there was anything that he was good at, it was to kill humans.

And humans are his favorite targets to play around with whenever he was feeling the urge to kill something.

"Heh… sorry, but I'mma fraid that ain't gonna happen." Kieran chuckled, taking one step forward as he shook his head slightly. "Boss ain't much interested in gracing you bastards with his presence. As a matter o' fact, you lot will have to make do with little ol' me."

Right after he said it, Kieran lifted his left hand and snapped his fingers.

The sound echoed throughout the room, causing the intruders to jolt in surprise before they straightened their postures and aimed their guns at him again.

But, with their fingers on the triggers, preparing to fire. The old mage in front of them, however, seemed unperturbed as he simply looked at Kieran with a frown.

No doubt, the old bastard sensed the activation of a bounded field around the room. It was what his Master created earlier before, though Kieran did not expect that it would be used to trap the intruders inside with him instead of keeping them out. Now with a powerful bounded field in place, none of the intruders would be able to leave without his say so.

The old mage opened his mouth to speak, seemingly intent to continue to converse with him.

Unfortunately for him, Kieran was no longer in the talking mood.

In a blink of an eye, the amber eyed retainer crossed the distance and appeared in front of the old mage with a small smile bearing ominous intentions.



Surprise was clear on the old man's face before he found himself impaled in the heart with a strange bladed weapon that was suddenly in Kieran's left hand. The old magus started to fall to the ground, face-first, after Kieran pulled out the strange-looking knife in a rough fashion.

When the body of his first victim hit the floor, that moment was when the other intruders snapped out of their shock.




Shouts of curses were directed at him as the intruders with guns began to fire without care.

Kieran made himself scarce and was already several meters away from them. The amber eyed servant chuckled as he watched the intruders hit their own, causing friendly fire in their midst for a few moments before they realized that he was no longer where he was standing before. His fun was brief as some of them were quick to notice his new location, making him go on the move.

He ran a couple of steps forward and swiped at a man with his strange knife, feeling good at the sight of his second victim bleeding profusely due to the large cut on his throat.

Sensing a few guns aimed at him from behind, Kieran used his speed as a servant to dodge the sprays of bullets, all the while firing back at them with the modified gun in his right hand. A vicious grin made its way on his lips when he saw and heard the pained cries of the ones his bullets had hit.

Feeling emboldened by the success of his kill, the amber eyed retainer turned, searching for another victim, and ran at a lone intruder, who was a bit far from the rest.

The soldier clad in black let out a gasp of surprise at his sudden appearance before a strange-looking knife stabbed him at the head, penetrating easily through the hard exterior of the helmet. When the retainer confirmed that his recent victim was dead, Kieran kicked the body away from him and reached around his back with his left hand as he turned around.

He fling his arm in one quick motion and threw a grenade at the feet of a small group of soldiers, who were running directly at him but came to a sudden halt when something landed in front of them.

Kieran chuckled and pointed his index finger at them.


"Boom!" He exclaimed at the same time the grenade exploded and obliterated the intruders into small, uneven chunks.

After watching the bloody fireworks, Kieran went to work (kill) on the others.

When they realized that confronting him directly was suicidal, the rest of the black clad soldiers resorted to tricks and cohesive teamwork. Unfortunately, it was more of a spur on the moment strategy instead of a plan that was well thought out. Also, the fact that he was still a servant and they are humans made all the difference in the battle.

As a result, the remaining soldiers had put up a valiant effort in taking him down, but couldn't managed to in the end.

Needless to say, the amber eyed servant was having the time of his life by playing (killing) the soldiers left and right to his heart's content.

Kieran had been surprised by their impressive stamina and regenerative properties, but with the application of his unique magical energy (which nature was as dark as the root of true evil itself), their advantages was rendered inert and he was able to pull off his killing spree without much trouble. He can still feel the excruciating pain that comes with using his power, but it was not as bad as before.

Although, he had to wonder why their magical essence felt familiar to him for some reason. He was not exactly sure earlier, but after fighting them up close, he was damn certain now.

A concerning issue better left off pondered for later, he supposed.

Ten minutes of killing spree later, the amber servant was finished with pouring out his stress on the poor soldiers.

He stopped for a moment to admire the scenery before him, holstering his weapons beside him as he looked around with a refreshing smile.

Unlike before, the spacious hallway now looked damaged. The furniture placed here and there were destroyed, along with some of the light bulbs and chandeliers. Most of the walls were riddled with bullet holes, no thanks to the intruders' firearms who fired at him out of panic. Broken glass riddled most parts of the carpeted floor.

Oh, including the blood, guts and severed body parts of his victims too.

"Still… I think I rushed this a bit." Kieran frowned, mildly disappointed when it dawned on him he doesn't have anyone to kill anymore.


Kieran blinked when he heard a sound nearby, causing him to slowly turn around and direct his gaze to a white couch with bullet holes in it.

Using his magical sensory, he found a soldier hiding behind the furniture, along with several others scattered around the room. Some were playing dead, some were hiding behind a pillar and so on. He smiled to himself, realizing with mild relief that he still had a few toys to entertain himself with.

Stalking over to one of the areas he marked where the survivors are located, Kieran whistled a jaunty tune as crossed the room, stepping over the dead body of the old mage without a care.

Once he was behind the couch, the amber eyed servant grinned widely and struck out with his free left hand, like a snake descending upon its prey, shocking the hell out of the soldier hiding behind it as he grabbed him by the back of his neck and lifted him up with one hand.

With one hand, he vaulted the soldier over his head and slammed him against the ground, making his next victim gasped from the pain.

Kieran dropped on one knee, hitting the soldier's stomach in the process as he used his weight to keep his prey out of breath and down on the floor.

"Thought you could hide, ain't ya?" He asked with a chuckle, staring with bloodshot eyes in the face of a terrified-looking soldier that he was choking.

Seeing the feeble attempts of his prey to escape his grip, Kieran simply laughed when the soldier tried to reach for his gun, only for him to be denied as Kieran threw it away.

The horror in the soldier's eyes increased when the black marks upon the amber eyed retainer's body writhed, as if it was alive and thriving the longer the retainer use his dark power.

As for his soon-to-be-killer, he simply raised a brow and laughed at the terrified look on his next victim.

"Funny how you humans are scared of a small portion of this energy��� when it's bastards like you that made it in the first place."



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