The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 71 - The Unexpected (1)






Sparks flew as Arturia used her wind covered sword to deflect the bullets that came in her way, courtesy of the enemy Servant, Archer.

"HAH!" The King of Knights shouted.

After deflecting the sprays of bullets, she willed for the wind to gather around her invisible sword and swung the weapon with both hands at the enemy servant's way.

Strong gusts of wind came with the intention to hammer down at the insolent intruder, surrounding said intruder from three sides. The heavy pressure behind them pulverized the crystal trees nearby in to dust, creating small whirlwinds nearby as they rushed towards Archer, who simply smirked before using his speed to get away.

His escape would have been clean if not for Arash, who fired off a series number of arrows in his way.

"Tch!" Archer grunted as he used the white coffin to protect himself from the projectiles.

Since his evasion was hindered, he was forced to guard himself from Arturia's attack as well.

He was pushed back nearly twenty feet away when the King of Knight's wind based attack met the coffin, and his feet nearly got buried in the dirt as he mustered the strength in his lower body and legs to endure the assault.

After sensing the force had dwindled, Archer lowered the coffin and quickly went on the move.

The two servants quickly gave chase, equally determined not to let him get too far away.

Even though he had only fought the two servants for a few minutes, Archer can easily deduce that the knight and bowman were an unrelenting duo when it comes to a fight.

By unrelenting, he meant that the two seemed to truly intend on taking him down, even if he was on death's door. The attacks they used against were direct yet tricky, though the trickiest attacks only came from the bowman.

The beautiful woman with the invisible sword was always the one who would subtly challenge him in a direct confrontation.

Of course, Archer had no intention to fight her mano-o-mano. Just by strength alone, she had him beat by a mile wide.

It was why he often tries to distance himself from her to avoid being engaged in a close combat. The brown skinned bowman, however, seemed to have a different opinion about this.

Every single time Archer had managed to distance himself from the relentless woman, the brown skinned archer would engaged him in a long-range battle to buy some time for the swordswoman to get close to him.

It was a tactic that often led Archer to gritting his teeth in annoyance, simply due to how successful it was in catching him off guard.

As vexing it was for him to admit it, the criminal mastermind found himself in a troublesome pickle.

He had already tried to disrupt their seamless teamwork and tactic by firing off missiles and bombs at them, but unfortunately, he was not the only one with tricks hidden under his sleeve.

The moment he changed his attack pattern, the two did so as well… by showing him their own skills.

The swordswoman used her wind trick, sword skills and that blasted magical burst of energy from her body. The criminal mastermind experienced a nasty shock of surprise when his 'special' bullet didn't even penetrated through her defenses earlier.

After that particular moment, Archer had sworn off from firing any more of his special bullets against the determined swordswoman, especially when it would just be a futile effort on his part since her magical protections were too strong for the bullets to go against.

When it comes to the blonde swordswoman, Archer's luck often plays against him.

The tan skinned bowman on the other hand, showed him his level of commitment in using underhanded tactics and his magic trick of creating arrows instantly.

The arrows might be simple, but the tanned bowman was quick to make them and just as fast to release them like Archer would pull the trigger on a gun.

The force behind the projectiles the former had employed was also noteworthy.

Often times, there were moments when Archer's bullets and small missiles would get hit by his enemy counterpart, just as soon as Archer had deployed them.

It speaks of the other archer's skills with the bow and his great eyesight.

While their abilities alone might seemed unimpressive, it was their smooth cooperation with one another that gave Archer the most trouble. He was only one man against two foes, after all.

It reminded Archer of how a certain detective and his doctor friend would work together to thwart his plans in the past.

'Good grief, I'm really old here…' Archer sighed to himself, resigned.

Shaking himself off from his sentimental lapse, the criminal mastermind quickly zoned back in the battle.

In all honesty, he wanted to converse with the two servants regarding something, but after his 'trick' earlier in the forest before they came to the crystal valley, the servant duo seemed to have no desire to talk to him. They made small talk earlier in the first minute of the battle, mostly taunts and sniping at each other, but no one talked after that.

Idly, Archer wondered if he had gone too far with the traps he had set up in the forest.

He had been bored of waiting for them earlier, so he set up a series of 'fun' surprise for the two, which he left in the forest. He could not help it, not after he had been turned and infected with something disgusting right after he was summoned.

His summoning was not even natural, but at least he still remained as himself at the core, albeit one with darker thoughts then before.

His allegiance might be to that vilesome woman and is forced to be loyal under the power of a Command Seal, but his mind and personality was still mostly the same.

Anyways, Archer still desire to talk to the duo regarding something important, so he tried.


After he evades the swordswoman's attack first.

Once he was safely out of harm's way, Archer was about to call out to them when a sudden chill went down his spine and he felt a brief flash of pain on his neck.

He blinked once and was met with the startled looks upon the servant duo's faces. His sight slowly faded into darkness when he tried to blink for the second time.

Everything had gone dark after that, and Archer knew no more.



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