The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 8 - Morning Blues (1)



Deep within the far side of the lunar realm, there was a vast, empty platform with white marble flooring and numerous columns scattered around.

Within the center of the platform, there are two people currently locked in a battle.

On one side, there is a young man with short blonde hair and bright cyan eyes that are narrowed in concentration.

His long blonde lashes and his almond-shaped eyes that are narrowed in focus made his gaze appear intense and smoldering. He has a stunning face, with naught a hint of imperfections and so perfectly symmetrical that one can be captivated by merely gazing upon him.

He has a pale white skin that appears too soft to touch (similar to a newborn's), a lean and muscular physique that was fit for combat, and stands at the height of 5'5.

He was attired in a white dress shirt with white gold cuff links and long-sleeves that was rolled up to his elbows, a velvet blue tie, a black vest with gold vein-like patterns and a thin gold chain that extends from the front and to the right pocket, black pants, and dress shoes with no laces and thin straps with silver buckles.

Hanging loosely upon his shoulders is a black capelet that extends pass his waist. It has a few gold ornaments on the shoulders, and stylish lines drawn in molten gold on the front and back.

On the helix of his left ear was a silver earring with detailed carvings and a small diamond, but it remains out of sight as some strands of his hair keeps it hidden.

His hands was covered by a pair of black fingerless gloves, while adorning some of his fingers are four rings of different features: two are silver rings with similar inscriptions worn in the middle fingers on both hands, one was a black and gold ring with a crystal diamond in the center worn in his left index finger, and the last was a silver elegant ring with a small diamond worn in his right index finger.

In his left hand was a silver metallic construct that bears the shape of a gun. But, instead of one hole to fire a bullet, it has three needle-size holes at the end of its barrel.

While on the other side, there is a tall and dignified-looking young man who is older and mature-looking than the first.

He can be said to be the polar opposite of the other.

While the latter was gorgeous, the other man can be described as handsome.

He has blonde hair that was similar to the color of polished gold, and a pair of crimson eyes (red like blood) with sharp, vertical irises that are visibly not those of a human and gives off a mysterious radiance that can make people wither.

He has a pale skin tone that was a bit darker due to exposure to the sun, and has a perfect, golden proportioned body emanating majesty.

He stands at the height of 6'1, and wears a gold plated armor that only covers his lower body.

His upper body was on display, and red tattoos are shown across his torso and arms. Around his neck was a gold necklace and a pair of gold earrings hung on both of his ears.

The two of them had been locked into a constant conflict for several hours now.

It was a good thing that time doesn't seem to affect the world they are in, as it does with Earth to a great extent. Otherwise, the younger man's companions would have been concerned about his current whereabouts.

And that is something that he would prefer not to happen.

Feeling that the end of their battle is coming to a close, they both prepared themselves for the finale.

The older of the two was smirking, staring at the younger man with amus.e.m.e.nt and expectation in his crimson eyes.

Seeing this, he felt a bit annoyed before he set his face into a calm and focus expression.

He clicked his tongue, then raised one hand and brushed his hair back, sweeping it back to get it out of his face.

Some strands of his hair still fell over, but at least his vision has improved, and now he can focus on the task at hand.

With a plan in mind, he bend his knees a bit before he moved, leaving a blue afterimage of his form at his wake.

A second longer in that spot, he would have been impaled by the golden chains with ten spear-like protrusions that came out of the golden portals in every directions.

As he teleported away, more golden portals followed him as he goes further to the left of his enemy.

Explosions of various sizes began to fill the once quiet area as all kinds of weapons (ranging from spears, swords, and etc.) with great magical energy started to shoot out of the many golden portals that kept appearing in every direction at high speeds.

They followed their target as if on auto-lock while he teleported away to safety from each attack, including the chains with the sharp blades that still did not gave up on chasing after him.

If anything, he has a sneaky suspicion that the chains is sentient, as it only began to chase after him with more fervor and haste as the time goes by.

Dare he say it, he suspected that it might even be enjoying their game of 'cat and mouse'… like its owner.

Speaking of which, his enemy only seems more amused as he observed him disappear and reappear in different locations nearby, avoiding his assaults neatly with his magical ability.

If he was someone without the teleportation, he would (probably) have been dead and skewered thousands of times by the amount of magical weapons that kept coming at his way.

His foe was truly worthy of his title.

'Hmm… no kidding.' The younger man thought wryly. 'As expected of someone who had collected all of mankind's treasures. His weapons seems endless.'

While keeping an eye on the golden chains with deadly blades, he glanced at the crimson eyed man from time to time.

Once he noticed his enemy had begun to move to a certain spot, most likely to follow him so that he can set his next attacks at a better angle, it was time for him to put his own plan into motion.

'Now's my chance…' He thought, focused and determined.

After dodging three weapons that flew out of the portals, he suddenly stopped, then turned and watched as another set of golden portals appear several feet above him.

The chains with sharp blades came out and begun their fast descent towards him at high speeds, bundling into one to further increase its down force.

The crimson eyed man smirked triumphantly, feeling that victory was already in his hands.

But, it was quickly wiped off by the next scene that he witnessed.

The younger man raised the hand that held the silver gun-shaped construct and pointed it to the incoming chains.

He smiled, and then pulled the trigger.


Just as the blades on the front of the chains came near him, a magical aura of blue light covered the chains in a span of milliseconds before they suddenly vanish into a mix of white, gold and blue particles of light.

The chains was not the only one to disappear, even the golden portals were not spared from the unnatural act of magical phenomenon.

In the older man's point of view, his treasured chains and the golden portals that he summoned there just vanished into nothingness, as if it was insignificant.

That angered him, quite so.

"You…!" The older blonde muttered, feeling his blood boil by the sight.

Crimson eyes narrowed as he began to get serious.

His honed instincts spiked to dangerous levels, while his mind advised him to careful.

As far as his battle experience was telling him, his fun had come to an abrupt end the moment the younger man showed him one of his hidden cards.

He had checked his treasury for one of his greatest treasures, and found that the chains had decreased in length.

Fortunately, his treasured chains are still there, but he fears that if he used them again, it might only meet the same fate as before.

This had never happened to him before, not even in the past.

For the first time, he found someone that might possibly be the very nemesis to his own ability.

'To think that that brat would have a dangerous trump card and hid it until now. How bothersome...' The crimson eyed man thought, frowning.

As he thought about using the other great treasure within his treasury, only second to his divine chains, he was interrupted as the younger man began his counter assault.

As if by karma, the older blonde found himself surrounded with transparent weapons of all kinds, with the sharp ends of the blades pointed at his body.

The weapons looked ethereal. Beautiful and clear.

All of which are glowing with a heavenly white and blue aura as crystal particles hang around them.

Similar to the ones in his treasury, the crystalize weapons that surrounded him (via telekinesis) also appears to glow with great powers of their own.

By the intricate designs and the auras of their powers, the crimson eyed man found that they seem more suited to be in the hands of a ruler instead of a brat, who is now his foe.

It took him by surprise for a moment, but his experience as a warrior allowed him to adjust to the unexpected situation calmly.

The brat was quite cunning and opportunistic. He had to give him that.

He did not think that the brat would have such trump cards hidden, and actually be patient and resourceful enough to hide it until it was time to use them.

Before, the brat had been fighting him using only Magecraft. It was an impressive array of spells, but it was still Magecraft nonetheless.

Although, the brat has the mind and cunningness to make proper use of his spells in strategic ways and in the right moments.

The brat nearly caught him in several traps earlier, and it was only thanks to his experience in battle that he was able to avoid them all.

One by one, the crimson eyed man was assaulted in all directions.

Sometimes, even two at the same time.

He was not given the time to even think as he tried to avoid the phantom weapons with his own from the treasury.

Left, right, above and in all ways. Via telekinesis, the phantom weapons attacked him from all sides, targeting his blind spots especially.

The force behind each attack was making him use more of his strength to maintain his own defense, and it often made him grit his teeth in irritation when it happened.

He thought about using the divine chains to improve his defense further, but when he noticed that some of his weapons from the treasury had vanished after it came into contact with one of the brat's phantom weapons, he knew that he cannot take the risk.

No mere Magecraft can make a portion of his divine weapon vanish from existence, no matter how impressive it is, which can only mean one thing.

The brat empowers his spells with the magical energy of a True Magic, which makes all of his spells closer to that of a True Magic based on firepower and mystery.

'That brat…' The man snarled, displeased at his predicament. 'Truly a troublesome one…'

The same scene went on for a while, the crystal weapons of unknown origin attacking and with him defending himself from the endless onslaught.

He was given no respite, and it eventually became the cause for his defeat.

It was a small gap, but it was during the time of when he was deflecting five phantom weapons, that the brat began his next move.

Even though he was busy defending himself from the non-stop assault, his instincts were still helpful as it warned him of something dangerous approaching.

Blood red eyes widened as he felt the sense of death looming over him, quickly making him turn in the direction where he felt it from.

In a span of seconds, he summoned another portal and pulled out a weapon with his left hand, then raised it in front of him in defense.

Had he not been quick enough, he would have a sword get lodge deep into his midsection.

As he had suspected, the flashes of white, blue and gold sparks was the telltale signs of his enemy's sudden arrival.

He blocked the young man's sneak attack just in time the moment he turned around and held the sword in front of him.

A dual colored sword of white and gold, made of otherworldly energy, met a sword of peculiar structure with red circuit lines that runs along its cylindrical surface.

Sparks flew between them as they locked blades.

But, it was slowly and steadily coming into the younger man's favor.

The older blonde noticed this and wondered, frowning in confusion.

When he looked up, that was when he saw the younger man's peculiar eyes.

They were glowing with a vibrant blue light and the irises are dyed red like blood.

In addition, he started to hear cracking noises against the surface of his own blade, and he found that his body seemed to be getting heavier.

A quick look down, he saw a magic circle glowing beneath his feet, and he was right in the dead center of it.

Realization immediately dawned on him, and he cannot help but laugh.

Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes, smirked.

"You… you really are one troublesome brat."



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