The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 96 - Ill News (2)



Instead of deigning her a response, Lord El-Melloi II simply turned to Hadrian, waiting for the latter to state his purpose of visit.

"I heard from opa that you found something." Hadrian said, opting to be direct.

Lord El-Melloi II made a noise in his throat, which sounded as confirmation as the older mage leaned back into the couch and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Yes, that's correct." He confirmed, a slightly grim look fell over his face as he recalled certain memories in mind. "A few days ago, I visited one of my sources with these brats."

He pointed his thumb over his shoulder to where Flat, Svin and Caules where sitting, then he pulled out a new cigarette from his stash. He hanged it upon his lips and ignited it with a small fire that he conjured from the top of his fingertip via rune magecraft.

It was silent for a few moments in their side as Hadrian calmly watched his former mentor smoked, seemingly lost in thought.

"That source of mine was gathering some info that I asked for. By the time I visited then, he was dead." Lord El-Melloi II announced, the cigarette in between his index and middle fingers.

There was a slight gasp that was heard, but Hadrian didn't turn to see who it was.

Instead, he focused his attention upon the long-haired professor, brows furrowed in thought as his mind shifted through theories possibly related to the incident.

"What was his name? Your source." Hadrian inquired.

Internally, he had the automaton ready to search for the person.

"Blair Icecolle." Lord El-Melloi II answered.

Hadrian's bright cyan eyes widened briefly.

To his side, Reines spoke.

"Blair Icecolle? Wasn't he…?" Reines asked, trailing off as she looked at the solemn face of her step-brother.

"He was one of my first students." Lord El-Melloi II affirmed with a slight nod.

"Cause of death?" Hadrian asked quietly.

"Stabbed through the head with a very thin blade. It was right above and between his eyes too." Lord El-Melloi II said, gesturing to his forehead as an example.

With a name in mind, the automaton had searched through its records for the individual, collecting any information that occurred recently related to Blair Icecolle.

And just like before, the Moon Cell provided him where Blair was last located (which was in Siberia, Russia), his recent actions, but not who killed him.

In the scene where he was about to be killed, the automaton was unable to completely identify the appearance of Blair's murderer. All that could be seen in the recording was their blank silhouette.

It was a bit surreal, in all honesty. The experience was like watching a movie with the character drawn in a white blank slate with no defining features.

However, not all was lost.

Even if the important details were missing, there was still something that he can make out from the recording.

Such as the murderer's choice of weapon.

At first glance, it seemed to be a cane with a hidden sword. But, Hadrian noticed that the murderer liked to hold the object in a manner that a person would with an umbrella. The way the murderer had twirled the object in their hands after killing Blair Icecolle gave it away to him.

There was also another detail that Hadrian had caught onto.

The murderer appeared to be a female.

Having some experienced with the body language, Hadrian arrived to that assumption by observing the murderer's mannerisms. The way the murderer moved their hand over their shoulder, as if to flip their hair behind, and patted down their thighs, as if they were wearing a short skirt, were particular traits that females would usually do subconsciously.

The record only lasted for brief moments, seconds, but they were enough for Hadrian to gain some new information.

Noticing the contemplative expression on Hadrian's face, Lord El-Melloi II spoke out.

"What is it?" The professor asked, sensing that his former student realized something.

"I'll tell you later…" Hadrian said, giving the older mage a knowing look.

Hadrian was reluctant to share what he found, considering as their conversation was not exactly private.

As if approving of his former student's caution, Lord El-Melloi II nodded, not saying anything more.

Reines, who saw their interaction with mild distaste, was not happy that she was excluded from what might be a secret. Lord El-Melloi II knew this, and would no doubt be subjected to the young girl's 'gentle ministrations' (interrogation) later on, but the long-haired mage couldn't care less.

The princess might be his superior, but she was not the one that the high council ordered to handle the murder cases.

Anything related to the investigation was Lord El-Melloi II's priority, and Reines knew it.

Although, forcing him to tell her about it in secret was not above her. In fact, Lord El-Melloi II wouldn't put it past her to have Trimmau drag him into another room, cast a bounded field on the door and the room, hang him upside down and start interrogating him.

The professor hoped that the princess would not be too forceful with her questions.

Ignoring the dread in back of his mind, Lord El-Melloi II pulled out a large white folder that was on top of the stack of papers he had left on the table. He dropped it on the glass surface and then pushed it towards Hadrian, who quietly looked on before turning to his former mentor with a questioning glint in his eyes.

"What's this?" Hadrian asked, glancing at the older mage as he opened the folder.

"The thing I had Blair looking into." Lord El-Melloi II stated, gesturing to the folder. "Why don't you take a look at it?"

Using his index finger, Hadrian flipped through the papers and photos before looking back up.

"These are rituals." Hadrian stated, eyes narrowing into slits when he recognized some of the circles.

"Recognized them?" Lord El-Melloi II asked, puffing out a small cloud of smoke.

"Some. I've seen them a few days ago when the others and I visited the murder locations in Canada." Hadrian confirmed.

"Do you know what they are?" Lord El-Melloi II questioned.

"A little." Hadrian admitted, a pondering look in his eyes as he examined the photos and drawings. "I'm not exactly experienced with rituals. But, judging by the structures of these circles, it seems like these are rituals to draw out energy and store it, which is basic in alchemy. But, for what?"

"Yes, you're correct. It's basic in its structure, but that's a lie. An illusion to hide the process and purpose behind it." Lord El-Melloi II said.

"What is it for then?" Hadrian inquired, pondering of his former mentor's answer.

"Prana, Hadrian." Lord El-Melloi II smiled grimly at the collective shock on their faces. "These rituals are designed to draw out prana from people by force, be they magi or normal folk."



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