The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1000 of the Super Niton System of Tennis Prince

"Very good!" Kakasi drunk, and the thunderous thunder in his hand became a light column.

Kakasci is rushed to the column of four people.

And Akah is another six doors. The whole body covers the green Chakra. The body of the night-catching body is the body directly ups to two, the whole half is naked. [Dew], the muscles of the bulge Explosive power.

"Pilgrimage!" Akai continuously high-speed swing, and the night cost is also waving his fists, getting faster.

The sound of the box is like a dragon, when the incarnation of the night length outside the body is also a vain with two dragon icons in a circle.

··· ▉ ▉

Pink Chakra, which is covered, is directly scorched by night long and Akai's swing!

On the other side, Kaki is also a lot of tails that use the tail of the tail of the back of the column.

"There is no problem!" Carti asked.

"Ah!" Akai nodded.

"Easy, easy!" Night long style.

"Very good, hurry to support them!" Kasi said.

"Oh!" The two should have rushed out, rushed to the six-tail rhinoceros!

The Naruto is still very reluctant to hold the bite force of the four tail teeth, and the injured eight tail is using the octopus foot to hurt the four tails to help the Naruto to reduce the pressure.

"Let go of the sound, you die!" Twice.

"Nine tails, you should take a power to give people!" Eight tails asked the nine tails through the induction.

...? ... [..

"Eight tails, I am not you, I will not give you, three times five times to roll the tail!" Nine tails refused.

"Your guy, the Naruto is dead, you have to be controlled by the hi-horn sphere, is you willing?" Orabaya reminded.

At this time, the Naruto suddenly slipped at the foot, and fell into the mouth of the tail.

"Ah ..." Naruto was called, and the four tails closed the mouth and swallow the Naruto.

"Naruto ..." I hurriedly called.

"Well?" When the Narley opened his eyes again, he came to a strange space.

His top is a small body that is firmly trapped in a huge rock wall.

"Is there a person who is going to take my strength? Actually, you are here!" Four tails roaring.

"You are ... four tails?" Naruto glance.

"Don't teach me four tails, you have this son, I have a name. I am a beautiful monkey king of water curtain, and the six cactors have given grandson. I am the king of the fairy ... Sun Wukong!" Four tails Angry.

If you want to be on the venue, you will definitely, you will sneak around. "Just sidelines for you," Laughing is dead, Qi Tian Dasheng, The tail beast in the face of the plane can be combined! "

In the eyes of the night, even if the six cactors are in front of Qi Tian Sheng Sun Wukong, it is an ants that can be kneaded at any time.

It is still that, the four ends want to be a cottage version of Sun Dasheng is not qualified, after all, the face of the wild is much higher than that of the fire world.

917 chapter, the lock of the magic

"Hey ... what is your name comes?" Naruto did not listen to this gorilla.

"Hey! It is Sun Wukong!" Four tails roaring, "humanity is really idiot, even the name is unclear, it is not as good as monkeys, I don't want to give this guy!"

"Where is this? It is very like in the northern place!" Naruto is still looking forward, here is very similar to the space of nine tails in his body.

"Do you listen to me? Mixed!" The four tails were ignored, big anger, "Your kid is perfunctory, now I am ignore me!"

"Oh ... you are still here! Sorry!" The Narler touched the brain spoon.

"Well?" The four-tailed bienntrical, the expression obvious ease of expression, "Your kid is human, but it is quite frank, I am still the first time to apologize to the end of the beast. It seems that you are not coming My strength? "

I looked at the body of Naruto. "It turns out in your body, so I can come in here, it seems that the nine lama is still not bad for people 's tuition!"

"Nine Lama? Who is the nine lama?" Naruto asked.

"Your guy, even the nine-year name is not known as his column power, just like this, I am annoying!" I complained.

"Hey ... Is there a name in the nine tail?" Naruto was shocked, "It turned out, he called the nine lama!"

"In your human human eye, we only symbolize the power, so you don't know our name, I don't know. Take us, and deny our existence!" Four tails growled, venting for a long time Dissatisfaction.

The Naruto was silent. He recalls that he is a child who is being treated in the wood.

"That kind of mood, I can experience more, I used to be a prank before, and then be odor, I was annoying!" Naruto suddenly passed.

"Ah?" Four tails.

"As long as it can attract others' attention, how can it be a slight fighter, recall in the forest in the forest, and will be agreed and affirmed in the first time in the forest.

"But there will be differences, I have a dream, I have to become a hero!" Naruto flashed in the eyes, "I like this world, I don't want this world to say that I am not the guy who said I don't have." "

"Then how do you want to treat us?" Asked four tails.

"Of course, like uncle and eight tails!" Naruto laughed.


"Although it is unclear, just like friends !!" Naruto laughed behind his mind.

"Ah, hahaha!" The four end suddenly began to laugh. "You have such a human beings so sincerely say that you want to be friends with the tail!"

"But look at your expression, it seems really serious!" Four tails looked at the expression of Naruto.

"So I also want to help you, that ..."

"Let me die!" Take the tail, "But you have been eaten by me now, what should I do?"

"Yes! What should you do?" Naruto thinks that he has been swallowing his belly.

"Don't stop my method, as long as you unlock this lock chain, I will tell you!" Four tails.

"No problem, give it to me!" The Narler pushed the ignition of the putting of the head.

"Good! Since this, let me tell you!] Take the tail.

Outside the tail.

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