The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1002, Chapter 1002 of the Super Nign System of Tennis Prince

"Well ... Naruto, isn't you ..." 8th is shocked.

At this time, the five huge tail beasts jumped to the face of the mask, and he opened his mouth in front of the night.

They have a black ball in front of their mouths, getting more and more, including horrible power, is a tail beast jade!

"Kao! This is not fun!" Night wind is also eyebrows. Now it is just the body of the night, and there is no way to use the blood of the Undead.

bass! bass! Kakasi and Akai have come to the front of the night, and the nun.

"Changfeng, Naruto, Akai, you don't move! Let me use the Shenwei to solve them!" Caassi's written eye turned into the heart of the jade, and finally became a dart pattern.

"No, there are too many quantities! You are !" Akai urged, "In this case, use my eight doors ..."

"Stupid ... After doing this, you will be dead!" Carti replied.


"Not a wonderful, Naruto, but there are five tail beast jade, and it is so close!" Appeal.

"I understand! I am going to be!" The golden Chakra opened by the Naruto. He instantly jumped to the forefront.

At this time, the five tail å . ...

"It's good!" The night's wind is also a flashed to the side of the Naruto. The feet open, the whole person's body is doubled, and it is also shining with gold.

Bang! Naruto took a huge gold arm to pop up four tail beasts.

The night long of the side is a punch, and the biggest one of the biggest beast is directly bombarded.

For a while, the huge explosion sounded, five tail beasts were exploded at the same time, and the four tail beasts that were bounced by the Naruto were flying to the mountain behind the people, and all the four mountains were all swallowed.

The tail beast jade that was bombarded by the night, swallowing the nightly winds, and huge mushrooms rose.

The sky is shaken, the heavens and the earth are colorful, and everything around them is like the end of the day.

"Is this the power of the beast? The bordering of the long wind is ..." Kasi and Aku are watching.

"It's all bounced, and the boss is actually lived in front of the beast jade." Mask "is slightly surprised.

At this point, the body of the night's body is slowly gone from the flame of the sky, and the whole person is a golden, completely turned into a gold!

The lifetime of the night and the heart of the beast is broken into the body of the body, and it is still successful!

919 chapter, fighting the beast!

Under the quenching of the tail beast jade energy explosion, the body of the night-catching body has developed the highest level of low-level refining exercises in the super-monarchical shopping mall - gold!

Although it is just a kind of gold, it is also a gold body.

Under the gold, the body of the night-catching body is like the body of King Kong, can withstand super high intensity attack, even the tail beast jade can directly pick it.

At the attack, the body of the night-catching body has two dragon icons, defensive, the body of the night, there is a golden body, the attack and defense!

The strength of the night-catching body has risen, and it is already alone in the world.

Without Chakra, not to bear, only with the body of the body, the body of the night, the body is in the same way!

Hey ~ ▉ ▉ ,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.

At this time, both people shine with golden light, the models of the Naruto, and there were some changes.

"Get it, the nine lama!" Naruto loudly, and the body was once again out of Chakra, and the night's wind and Kakasi and the Akan three were shrouded.

It is the tail of the beast, which is different from other people's column, the nine-tail of the nine-tail of the Naruto is transparent, and you can see that the Naruto and the night growers are in the head of the nine tail, and the card Cassi and Aka are on the back of the neck of the nine tail.

!! ~ ▉ commands the nine tail will be held in the front four ends of the beast, and the heavy fell on the ground.

The night long wind is from the head of the nine tail, and the dragon icon is added, and a trick is swayed, and the seven tail will be killed in the air.

Bang! The seven tail heavy heavy fell in the wasteland, raising a burst of smoke.

"Oh ... did the Naruto have done it?" The Eight Tail Ghost is happy, and then turned to look at the end of the night, "said that it is back, this child is, even the other Horror! Not only is it to hold the tail beast and a seven tail! "

"Naruto, I will drag these tail beasts, you pull the black stick on them!" The night's wind turned back to the head of the nine tail.

"But ... this can be five tail beasts!" Naruto is worried that the night is alone, there is no way to drag five tail beasts.

"Let's talk about it, Naruto doesn't have much time, because it is the first time for the beast, so it is not perfect, this state Naruto can only last for five minutes!" Niu tail reminded.

"Is it five minutes?" Night long-lasting horns slightly, "it's enough!"

The golden light of the night, the whole body is surging, which is more flashes more than the previous, even pressed the brightness of the nine tail.

! When the night is on the right, the ground is turned on, the ground is cracking, and a big hole is taken out of the night.

And the body of the night, the body is like a golden light, generally rushed out.

The five tails have already turned over, and the body of the night's body is in the center of the five tail beasts.

The third generation of Lei Ying once once a single battle, only a tail beast, today, the body of the night is actually a fifth tail beast of the heart of the heart.

"This kid is as arrogant as before!" Nine ends have been watching the growth of night long winds in the Naruto, and the speed of the night's strength has also made the nine tail fear. "

He even felt a strong power than the six cactors in the night, and did not belong to the power of this world.

Roar! Five tails looked at the night's wind and rushed into the surrounding circle. It took a look at the sky, and the at the same time took a variety of good attempts to the night.

"It's good!" The night-long style handked the sharp corners of the five-Taxu king, and the big drink was actually lifted in the air.

"Is this really a boss of the boy?" Akai saw it stunned, "This is better than the power of the body!"

"Ah ..." Carti saw it in the side.

When the Naruto was rushed into the wrapper circle of five tail beasts, he was looking for a black stick on the tail beast.

! A loud noise, the night-long winds fell directly to the two-tailed and six tail rhelles.

The body of the three tail beasts hit together, and it was turned over to the ground and raised a larger smoke.

On the other side, the nunpeter of the tail is hocked, the seven tail of the flying, the situation falls on the back of the three santry, and calm the two tail beasts.

"Changfeng, I have found the black stick of these two tail beasts!" Naruto shouted.

······ Flowers ······ ·

"I am also OK here!" The night was shot, and a relaxed look.

"Hey! In this case, I only have painful killers!" The mask male voice is more cold, and the hands are all.

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