The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1092 of the Chapter 1092 of the Prince of Tennis

"Deliberately, you are absolutely deliberate! I protest!" Night long can't help to protest against superhen systems.

"Hey! Congratulations to the owner to get the dance air!" The system will not pay attention to the protest of night long wind.

"Ah ... it is a dance sky ... unhappy, Laozi is so uncomfortable!" The night is growing up.

"Whether to gamble!" The system prompts again.

"Gambling! Gamble!" Can't draw a good thing, and the night-catching and self-discovery has chosen a great gambling.

"Gambling begins!" The voice of the super god system just fell, and all the plaids on the disk began to flash.

A plaid on the final disc is lit, and the other secrets are dark.

"Hey! Congratulations to the master gambling success, you got the gas circle!" The shiny icon is a rounded bullfian disk, it is qi round!

"Good!" Although there is no thing that is too good, the gas is also good, the key is that the gambling is successful!

This makes the night-catching wind a lot of people today!

1022 chapter, subtle people value

"Whether to continue the draw, the number of lottery you have is 2 times!" The prompt of the superhen system sounded again.

"Continue to push! I will not trust the grand prize!" Go to the current position, the night-lived wind has not pumped what you want, he certainly won't be willing to be willing, and the success of gambling will also rise.

The three plaids on the disc are completely black, there is still a chance to fifteen plaids, and the cursor will start crazy again.

"Kao! This time I didn't see it!" The night grew is simply closed, and the cursor turned on the disc.

The cursor also seems to have a spirituality. I feel that there is no way to play the night, and I suddenly turned directly in the high speed, suddenly stopped in a lattice on the top of the disc.

"Hey! Congratulations to the owner's dragon! Is it gambling?" The suggestion of the superhen system sounded in the night growth.

"No! No! No!" The night is busy moving his head.

"Haha, finally smoked a good trick!" Night's mouth is slightly fighter, although there is no big prize, but Dragon Box is the best one of this lucky draw item.

"Will you continue the lottery 31, the remaining lottery number is 1!" The system's prompt sound, the night-catching wind has the last chance to draw the grand prize.

"Is it still not smoked?" The night's wind is hesitating. His character value today is really strange, it can be said that it is ups and downs, it is good to be bad.

"Forget it! Leave an alternate!" Night Changfeng finally selected the options, today his character value can only be described in the same word.

The night's feelings feel that the gambling success and pumping to Dragon Box should be the character value to reach [] peak, and will drop sharply.

From bad, come from bad, think carefully, night long wind today is such a subtle loop.

"The number of lottery remaining in this lottery is 1 time!" The disc disappeared in front of the night long-winding, and it returned to normal.

"This lucky prize is proficient in Qigong, the dance air, the gas is all, and the dragon boxing, whether it is received?" The superhen system asked.

"Wait!" Night windsting from the futon, ran to the air outside the house.

"Well, I will receive a lottery item!" The night grew is said to the superhen system.

bass! A golden light suddenly appeared in the void, and then shot the eyebrow of the night.

Suddenly, the night long style feels that he is integrated with the entire earth, and a force has poured from all parts of his body.

"Is this a feeling?" The night is very windy.

In the Dragon Ball World, the gas is the most fundamental amount of human beings. With the continuous practice, it will freely control the energy, and this energy will become stronger and stronger.

Gas in the Dragon Ball World can be said to be hidden in the body, among which is gas, voyage, courage, etc., gas can make the strength of the flesh. And W black

In fact, it is white, it is the world of Dragon Ball and Chakra, but it is much more than Chakra.

The difficulty of the same cultivation is also very embarrassed, people in the Dragon Ball World, there are few people on the earth.

The first step in cultivating gas is to have gas. Many people have no way to cultivate breath. This kind of person is always fixed, will not grow, simply, the combat power will not exceed ten Slag.

After all, it is difficult to have the flesh power to reach the nest of this kind of enchanting.

Just just, the night's wind did not deliberately cultivation, and I could feel the air in the air, which can't be used to describe it, it is bug!

In the history of the earth, the martial artists who have a stunned sky in the history cannot cultivate gas in the moment. They are young, after a long time, they can cultivate gas.

"This should be the merit work of Qigong's foundation, and it is strong!" Night long face is happy.

If those who are shocked on the earth, they have a feeling of gas in the moment, and it is estimated that it will be directly dropped.

"Oh, yes, there is!" The night's long-term style is not falling, and the whole person rose directly, flying away from the ground.

"This is the dance empty!" Night long style feels that he can move freely in the air, and its effect is much more convenient than before, "Sure enough, yes! Yes! Wushu at the earth is Baxi, can study this martial art! "

Night-catching winds can feel that the dance air is hardly consumed, because the night is just that there is a sense of gas, the body, there is not much gas, but it can still be flying in the air.

"It is worthy of martial arts, haha!" Night winds slowly fell on the ground.

Night winds have just landed, and the void is the two golden long flows that have been invested in the night of the night.

The two golden long flows have a text that is completely unknown, it looks like a hieroglyph.

When the two golden long flows were injected into the night long eyebrows, the night long immediately felt more than two exercises in their own brain, opened attribute lists, and the high-ranking skills of the night, there was more gas round. There are two dragon boxes.

However, these two tricks need a lot of gas, so night long winds have not been used yet.

"Well! It seems that the world needs Chakra, the dragon ball world, no gas is also difficult!" Night cost is not only 223 signs, "the present goal is to release the body before the task of superhen system, quickly cultivate the body The gas! "

Night-catching wind also took a look at his own combat power, and the combat power became 603 from 512, and it was rose one hundred, and it was a good strength to grow.

After all, the night's long wind is just just getting these tricks, not how to practice, even in the body.

This level of combat power is growing, the night grows is still very pleased, at least the lucky draw is not white!

The system evaluation of the attribute list has also changed, and it has become 'You already have a feeling, please quickly cultivate powerful gas, have a stronger opponent in front to wait for you! '

Even the superhen system is reminding the night long-term refining, there is a strong opponent, the night growing is also looking forward, after all, there should be no more people in the current earth and night-long war.

! ! Just when the night lengthy is ready to induce the energy cultivation between the heavens and the earth, the stomach of the night is starting to call back.

"It's so hungry!" Night long wind feels very hungry, "The death of the Sairanes ... MD, Laozi really turned into a piece of food!"

The night's long face is looking for a tearful expression, and the body will disappear in the original place.

The wilderness of the night is survived ... started ...

1023 chapter, first cultivation

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